Page 11 - Boca Exposure - June '24
P. 11

Boca Exposure, Page 11
       Dining Out: Maggie McFly Is Soaring To The Past ...

       Not The Future!

      By Alan Serinsky of Bocaire                        Maggie McFly’s                                    to be too grand. So, my question for Maggie is, “What
      Country  Club.  Hungry Al’s                        Town Center Mall                                  makes your flight pattern any better?”
      love  for  food  started  very                     6000 Glades Rd.                                      The answer was easily discovered on my visit to this
      young. Never satisfied with                        Boca Raton, FL                                    new restaurant located in Boca’s Town Center Mall.
      his Mom’s dishes, he started                       (561) 418-6688                                    What I found was a beautifully re-designed environment
      to cook his way through her                                    that now offers a Greek diner-size menu that makes
      “Betty Crocker Cookbook.”                                                                            Cheesecake Factory look like a food truck stop. It’s hard
      During the years to follow he                         Food  For Thought: I sometimes wonder why      to believe that a menu with over 200 items (not including
      spent many hours working in                        restaurants find themselves in need to reinvent the wheel.   brunch or dessert) can possibly execute perfection in both
      restaurants, both as server and cook, attending cooking   Especially those that aren’t turning very well. I’m sure   its preparation and quality.
      classes and traveling the world in an effort to expand   you all remember the restaurant chain, Bennigans. That      The jury is out as to whether Maggie McFly’s will
      his palette. As a professional writer, Hungry Al offers his   one certainly didn’t have the luck of the Irish. Neither   survive the high demands of Boca Raton diners. Could
      perspective on current food trends and guides you through   does TGI Fridays, which has recently closed over 24 of   this be just one more mall eatery paying excessive rent
      your local restaurant options.                     its locations and also attempted to eliminate TGI from   hoping that shoppers’ traffic will give enough wing lift
                                                         its brand name. It didn’t work! Then let’s not forget the   to fly into the future?
                                                         Grand Lux Café in Town Center, which turned out not      First Impressions: Maggie had taken the old Da Vinci
                                                                                                           of Boca/Rex Baron location and gave it another makeover.
                                                                                                           As you enter from the mall you will be greeted with a
                                                                                                           huge sized oval bar that occupies its center blueprint. You
                                               Our 38
                                                                                                           shouldn’t have a problem finding a bar stool here. There’s
                                   Ann                   ual                                               a good number of dining booths, high tops and, of course,
                                                                                                           plenty of outdoor seating. Unfortunately, parking is tight
                                                                                                           on this side of the mall so be prepared to park and walk
                                                                                                           or pay the price for valet. I was surprised not to find any
                   Summer Sale                                                                             décor related to the name Maggie McFly or the movie.
                   Summer Sale
                                                                                                           But maybe they learned their lesson from TGI Fridays!
                                                                                                             Prime Your Tastebuds: The selection in this category

                                                                                                           of the menu is vast and would take numerous visits to
                                                                                                           tackle even half of it. Tonight, we all agreed on the
                                                                                                           Spinach & Artichoke Dip ($15.95). Unfortunately, this
                                                                                                           staple appetizer was void of any flavor whatsoever. The
                                                                                                           consistency of the dip was more like soup and even the
                                                                                                           cheese didn’t offer any help in the thickening efforts.
                                                                                                           It was also hard to detect any artichokes at all and the
                                                                                                           spinach was like a scavenger hunt. They did smartly
                                                                                                           include a variety of dipping options such as homemade
                                                                                                           potato chips, tortilla chips and garlic bread.
                                                                                                              Straight From The Kitchen: Thankfully, tonight we
                                                                                                           all tried something different as an entrée. This certainly
                                                                                                           helped us in our evaluation of both the preparation and
                                                                                                           quality that Maggie had to offer.
                                                                                                              Hungry C was first to board with her selection of
                                                                                                           Costoletta Chicken ($22.95).  This plate was simply
                                                                                                           an ample portion of chicken breast dusted with Panko
                                                                                                           parmesan  crumbs,  joined  by Asiago  mashed  potatoes,
                                                                                                           creamy lemon sauce and asparagus garnish. Sounds good.
                                                                                                           Not! Though the chicken was tender, there was basically
                                                                                                           not a dribble of seasoning, the mashed potatoes were
                                                                                                           flavorless and over-creamed, and the sauce showed no
                                                                                                           signs of defining the word “lemony.”
                                                                                                              Hungry J was leaning Mexican and decided on
                                                                                                           Maggie’s  Sizzling  Fajitas  ($22.95).  Lacking  any  signs
                                                                                                           of “sizzling,” this dish comprised of a combination of

                                                                                                           point of no return. Here again the chefs behind the stoves

                                                                                                           chicken, beef and shrimp was totally overcooked to the
                                                                                                           forgot to reach for the seasoning to give it authentic native
                                                                      Lenses on 1  Pair
                                                                                                             Hungry D decided to give the sandwich selection a go.

                                                                                                           ($15.45) was fresh cod fried in a lager batter served with

                                                                                                           Her choice of the Deadwords Bridge Lager Fish Sandwich
                                                                                                           house-made coleslaw. Awkwardly, the potato bun didn’t
                                                                     Lenses on 2  Pair
                                                                                                           hold up and completely deconstructed itself after one

                                                                                                           bite. The fish was fine and the coleslaw was excellent,
                *Except Cartier & Maui Jim                                                                 but when you want a sandwich ... you want a sandwich!

                                                                                                             As for Hungry Al, I went with another chicken entrée
                     Rx or Non-Rx                                  Lenses on 3  or More                    with a pasta side. The Romano Chicken ($22.95) was
                                                                                                           basically no different from the Costoletta Chicken or the
                         Expires 08/21/24                               Expires 08/21/24                   Parmigiano Chicken. Only difference was the side and
                                                                                                           sauce. Again, my chicken lacked any redeeming taste
         KNOWN FOR OUR SELECTION • REMEMBERED FOR OUR SERVICE                                              whatsoever. As for the underlining fettuccine with creamy
                                                                                                           marinara sauce, it too was tasteless and the pasta was well
                                                                                                           past al dente.
                                                                                                              From The Dessert Tray: Obviously, we didn’t risk
                                                                                                           another disappointment and opted out of any desserts. But
                                     Never                                                                 if you do cross the finish line on your visit to Maggie’s,
                                     Boring                                                                there is a selection of Cheesecakes ($15.95), and a few
                                                                                                           Cupcakes ($7.95) to sweeten your evening.
                                                                                                              Check Please: All I can say about Maggie McFly’s is “this
                                                                                                           is heavy” (movie catchphrase). This “Back-to-the-Future”
                                                                                                           idea is a concept maybe for a mall crowd, but for those who
                                                                                                           want a serious dinner rather than a casual lunch, you might
                                                                                                           want to direct your DeLorean in another direction. For all the
                                                                                                           movie buffs, you might recall Doc’s last line in Back to The
                                                                                                           Future III, “Nope, already been there.” I can say the same
                                                                                                           with Maggie McFly...can’t do another Cheesecake Factory.
                                                                                                           Sadly, the Hungry Squad had to clip a few of Maggie’s
          THE SHOPS AT BOCA CENTER ON MILITARY TRAIL | 561-394-5551 | GROVEOPTICIANS.COM                   wings and taxi her out with
                                                                                                           only two golden flying cars
                                                                                                           for this one.
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