Page 14 - Boca Exposure - June '24
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Exposure
      Boca Public Library Speaker On Introduction To Pride Authors

         Join author and journalist                      winning writer Julie Marie Wade, whose 2023 essay collection   or forthcoming lit-mag publications include RFD, Pleiades,
      Gregg Shapiro for an                               Otherwise has been named as a Lambda Literary Award   Orange Blossom Review, San Pedro River Review, BarBar,
      engaging introduction to                           finalist; Black, gay poet Jubi Arriola Headley whose 2024   Otherwise Engaged, The Penn Review, Gargoyle, The Post
      notable authors and their                          poetry collection Bound was just published; and Rick Karlin,   Grad Journal, confetti, SoFloPoJo, and BP Review, in addition
      works in contemporary                              author of the forthcoming Last Call South Florida, a history   to the anthology Chameleon Chimera, an Anthology of South
      LGBTQ+ literature. He will                         of LGBTQ+ bars from West Palm Beach to Key West.   Florida Poets (Purple Ink Press, 2024). Shapiro lives in South
      feature South Florida writers                         Introduction to Pride Authors from South Florida with   Florida with his husband Rick, and their dog Coco.
      such as Caridad Moro-                              Gregg Shapiro is a free event on Thursday, June 20, from 6      Shapiro states, “There’s no better time than Pride month
      Gronlier, the newly named                          p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Downtown Library, located at 400   to familiarize yourself with the rich literary history of the
      Poet Laureate of Miami-                            NW 2nd Avenue.. The Thursday Night Speakers program is   LGBTQ+ community, including the work of authors based
      Dade and the author of the                         sponsored by the Friends of the Library.          right here in South Florida. As an entertainment journalist
      award-winning 2021 poetry                             Gregg Shapiro is the author of nine books, including   and creative writer, I am uniquely positioned to speak from
      collection Tortillera; award- Gregg Shapiro        Refrain in Light and an anchor on Queer News Tonight. Recent   both sides of the literary aisle.”
      Boca Helping Hands Asks For Help

      From The Community For Summer Food Donations

          With snowbirds heading north and kids wrapping up   for food. This is an opportunity                               Most needed items include beans,
       the school year, Boca Helping Hands (BHH) is facing a   for the community to donate                                 canned fruit, canned vegetables,
       scarcity of food donations and food drives. Boca Helping   food, or even organize a food                            cereal  boxes, granola bars,  canned
       Hands said the community can help by organizing   drive with their neighborhood,                                    soup,  crackers,  canned fish, jelly,
       food drives on their own to help with the summer food   office, church, or other group.”                            boxed or canned milk, pasta, peanut
       shortage.                                            People can drop off food                                       butter, canned poultry, powdered
           “Each summer we face a food shortage, with so many   collected from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30                           juice, and rice.
       of our usual food donors leaving the area during these   p.m. Monday through Friday                                   Call (561) 417-0913 or visit
       months,” said Greg Hazle, executive director of Boca   at Boca Helping Hands’ main                         for more
       Helping Hands. “Children are not getting meals at schools   location, 1500 N.W. First Court,                        information.
       over the summer and our local families have a greater need   Boca Raton.
      Film Review: Phantom Of The Open

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                    But the best is yet to come! And while I don’t want to give   improved playing he entered a half-dozen more British Opens
                                                         away too many spoilers here, perhaps it will suffice to note   under different names and using various disguises!
      Country Club Golfers                               that, in his very failure to perform at a championship level the      What a kick to have him in your foursome. For now, meet
      Will Love                                          spectators lining the course applauded him at every hole and   him on film. (Mark Rylance in the role of Flitcroft deserved
      This Film!                                         golfers around the world came to love Maurice Flitcroft as an   every award possible for his performance.)
                                                         average guy – “one of their own.” An American country club             *****
         In 1975, Tom Watson                             set up a golf tournament and trophy in his name … and, as      The Boca Raton Public Library has this film available on
      won the British Open                               we learn later in the film, after practicing his skills and much   DVD for cardholders.
      Golf Championship. One
      of the millions of people
      who  was  watching
      television in England
      that day and happened to
      see the adulation pouring
      onto the winner was a
      man, Maurice Flitcroft,
      who had never played a
      hole of golf in his entire
         But Flitcroft, a father
      of three grown sons who
      was getting on in years and tired of his job as a construction
      crane operator, liked what he had just seen on TV and decided
      that it would be fun to sign up for the next year’s British Open.
         This British film, which was released in the United States
      in 2022 and may still be streaming now on Netflix, is based
      on the unlikely but true and heartwarming story of Flitcroft’s
      path to a world golfing record and international fame!              Dermatology
         Completely naïve about such matters, Flitcroft applied
      to enter the 1976 competition but had no answer when
      asked, for example, the name of the private club to which    IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD
      he belonged … or his handicap, a word that confusedly
      meant something entirely different to him. He overcame
      such problems by returning with a set of documents he
      had prepared with the help of his sweet and devoted wife,
      Jean (portrayed by Sally Hawkins)—completely false but
      so impressive that the tournament officials considered him
         The difficult to believe fact that Flitcroft was accepted
      into the 1976 British Open—then showed his lack of skill
      by topping, slicing, hooking his way through 18 holes to   TWO BOCA
      a record-breaking score of 121, the highest in the event’s   LOCATIONS
      history—makes it important for you to remember that this is
      based on a true story!                                                  
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