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A Seabreeze Publication

            Woodfield Hunt & C.C., Fieldbrook Estates, Boca Grove, Polo Club, Newport Bay Club, Seasons of Boca

        VOL. 24 NO. 6                                                                                  JUNE 2024

      Boca Helping Hands 2024 MONOPOLY  And Casino Night

      A Marvelous Success

         Supporters of Boca Helping Hands (BHH) passed go
      at the sold-out 2024 MONOPOLY  and Casino Night on
      April 13 at The Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club, Boca
      Raton. Guests enjoyed casino gaming, music and dancing,
      auctions, an interactive art installation, cocktails, dinner,
      and, of course, the crowning of 2024’s MONOPOLY
      champion, Keith Nassetta. This year’s gala was a Technicolor
      spectacular, transporting guests to a Las Vegas casino with
      ostrich feather centerpieces, red accents, and sparkle that
      brought the event to life.
         The success of the 2024 MONOPOLY and Casino Night
      was largely due to the hard work of a spectacular event
      committee led by Cochairs Reagan Heidelberg and Gloria
                                                        BHH Board Member Peter and Committee Member Susan   BHH Board President Gary Peters, MONOPOLY Champion
       Boca Helping Hands on page 2                     Brockway                                           Keith Nassetta, BHH Executive Director Greg Hazle
      Boca Historical Society Presents Summer Photography Exhibit

         The Boca Raton
      Historical Society has
      announced a special
      summer exhibit,
      “Dual Perspectives:
      The Photography of
      Courtenay Gilbert and
      Peter Lorber,” to run
      from July 3 through Sept.
      27 at The Schmidt Boca  La Tendera by Gilbert
      Raton History Museum,
      71 North Federal Highway.
         Two photographers, two perspectives.
         Peter Lorber and Courtenay Gilbert are two Boca Raton-
      based, world-renowned photographers who have been   Primera Luz by Lorber
      collaborating for more than 25 years. Through their lenses they
      have captured breathtaking locations in the United States and   their individual perspectives and photographic styles. Their   photo-worthy moments, capture them and present them to
      around the world. Their photography expeditions have taken   photography provides a glimpse into their artistic vision and   the audience in their unique styles. It’s a fascinating example
      them to various countries, including the Czech Republic,   creative process, which is a treat for photography enthusiasts.  of how two photographers can see the same thing differently
      Cuba, Iceland and several U.S. national parks. What makes      This exhibit will showcase their work and provide an   and create something truly remarkable.
      their work unique is that, despite being in the same location,   opportunity to explore the different ways in which they
      their captured images are distinct in their own way, reflecting   interpret their surroundings. It highlights how they select   Boca Historical Society on page 5
      Boca Raton Plans For The City’s

      2025 Centennial Year Celebrations!

          On May 24, 1925, Boca Raton was officially    staff assigned to plan for a year-long schedule of events   preparations to date and potential program partners being
       designated as a city.                            throughout 2025 to celebrate the extraordinary strides that   considered, including ideas that involve highly creative
          Just over a month ago, on April 24, Mayor Scott   have made Boca Raton one of the most beautiful, culturally   direct participation by Boca Raton residents.
       Singer and City Council heard a presentation from city   desirable, economically and financially successful cities in      With all the excitement that will be happening right
                                                                                the nation.                here, you may want to re-think your usual annual schedule
                                                                                   Such staff included     and stay in town all next year, instead of heading north
                                                                                 Anne Marie Connolly,      or elsewhere.
                                                                                 C o m m u n i c a t i o n s &      While the schedule and specific nature of events have
                                                                                 Marketing Manager,        not yet been made, announcements will be forthcoming
                                                                                 and Amy  D inos cio,      as they are finalized and timed appropriately.
                                                                                 Amphitheater and             Watch our pages for all such announcements…now
                                                                                 Community Events          and throughout all of 2025.
                                                                                   The  presentation
                                                                                 included Centennial
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