Page 14 - Boca Club News - June '24
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Page 14, Boca Club News
      Grape Expectations: Testing My “Taste Buds”

      at the American Fine Wine Competition

      By  Ed  Wolfarth,  who  recently                     Outstanding Winners in THE Rosé Competition 2024!   or grape varieties. Through blind tastings, these wines are
      moved to South Florida after                      The prestigious competition, which encompasses both THE   evaluated solely on their merits, uncovering hidden gems
      retiring with his wife, Vicki, as                 Rosé Competition and The Invitational (held in January),   that may originate from unexpected sources like a can or
      Professor of Sports Sciences &                    has crowned the 2023 JOLO Pink from JOLO Winery &   from states such as Iowa, Michigan, or Texas. THE Rosé
      Physical Education at both Queens                 Vineyards, located in Pilot Mountain, North Carolina, as   Competition truly celebrates the diverse and delightful
      College and Hofstra University.                   the champion ($32). Described by the judges as exhibiting   spectrum that rosé wines have to offer.
      He is a nationally ranked senior                  notes of white peach, melon, and citrus on the nose, with pink      Celebrating Excellence and Philanthropy in the World of
      tennis player and long-time USPTA                 grapefruit flavors on the palate and a delightful finish, this   Wine: Highlights from THE Rosé Competition 2024.
      Elite Teaching Professional. Ed has               wine is celebrated for its crisp and elegant profile. Notably,      Esteemed Writer and AFWC Judge, Fred Bollaci,
      written many educational and tennis articles in the past.   JOLO Winery & Vineyards has secured the Best of Show title   eloquently underscores the profound impact of esteemed
      Over the past few years, Ed has turned his hobby of wine   in the “Dry/Still” category for the second consecutive year–a   wine competitions such as THE Rosé Competition and The
      collecting into a way of continuing his passion for writing,   remarkable achievement deserving of hearty congratulations!  Invitational. “These distinguished events serve as gateways
      and has written on the subject for publications. As a self-     In the Sparkling Rosé category, the prestigious Best of   for discerning consumers to immerse themselves in a diverse
      proclaimed “wine snob,” he has collaborated on many   Show title was bestowed upon V. Sattui Prestige Cuvée from   array of wines spanning various price points, including
      wine lists for private clubs and a few restaurants. Ed can   North Coast, priced at $50. The judges were captivated by its   selections from boutique wineries nestled in both renowned
      be reached at                  exquisite intensity, showcasing vibrant strawberry and floral   and lesser-known wine regions. This symbiotic relationship
         This past month I was invited down to Miami for   notes on the nose, and a sophisticated profile that culminates   not only enriches wineries and consumers but also extends
      the annual Rose tasting put on by the AFWC; that’s the   in a long, gratifying finish.               support to charitable causes championed by the AFWC.”
      American Fine Wine Competition. This  prestigious      Moving to the Sparkling Sweet Rosé category, the highest      Reflecting on the 2024 AFWC Rosé Competition,
      organization awards Gold, Silver and Bronze medals to   accolade was secured by Iowa’s non-vintage Tassel Ridge,   Judge Taylor Gang articulates a sentiment of delight and
      deserving producers across the country. As a past judge   Rockets Glare Rosé! The unexpected victory of an Iowa   enrichment. “The event provided a platform for participants
      I was delighted to be invited again and looked forward   wine adds an element of surprise and excitement to THE   to savor an eclectic spectrum of rosé styles, ranging from
      to testing my “taste buds” along with other professionals   Rosé Competition. The judges were enchanted by its hints of   traditional to avant-garde, sourced from both conventional
      including winemakers, restaurant owners and sommeliers.  creamed sherry and dried berries, likening it to a delightful   and unconventional wine regions.” Judge Gang commends
         The diversity of opinions, and yet on another level the   dessert in a glass.                     “the meticulous organization of the competition by AFWC
      agreement on many wines, was quite thought-provoking.      This year, the event “Fifty Shades of Pink” followed THE   and the unwavering dedication of its volunteers, ensuring a
      Blind tastings are devoid of preconceived notions, devoid   Rosé Competition 2024 and was held on April 21st also at   seamless and gratifying experience for all involved.”
      of price, and truly says what’s in the bottle!    FIU Chaplin School. The event benefited both End Childhood      Judge and esteemed Wine writer, Ed Wolfarth, underscores
         Below is the full press release put out by the American   Hunger and the Joel Feigenheimer Endowment Fund. The   “the essence of blind tastings in unearthing the true essence
      Fine Wine Competition. It describes what occurred at the   event featured scores of magnificent award-winning Rosé   of a wine, devoid of any preconceived biases related to price
      event. Enjoy! I did.                              wines plus fine red and white wines from AFWC’s The   or producers.” Wolfarth emphasizes that “the essence of
         South Florida–May 14th, 2024. The American Fine   Invitational. Since its inception, AFWC has donated more   exceptional wine lies in the harmonious blend of artistry and
      Wine Competition’s THE Rosé Competition 2024, which   than $1,250,000 to charity.                    scientific precision, transcending mere marketing strategies.”
      benefits multiple charities, is thrilled to unveil the outcomes      Certified Sommelier and AFWC Judge, Zack Foley,      A full list of results can be found at: https://www.
      of its eleventh annual event, hosted along with FIU Chaplin   expressed his enthusiasm for judging THE Rosé Competition,
      School of Hospitality & Tourism Management in North   highlighting the enlightening experience it provides in      Congratulations to these exceptional Rosé wines and all
      Miami, Florida on Saturday, April 20th, 2024.     showcasing exceptional wines from lesser-known regions   the winners.
      Get Fresh! Tips from The Produce Maven…

      Gorgeous, Sweet, Luscious Cherries.

      Irving Swedko and his wife,                       a light, sweet delicate taste…and the tangy Montmorency      When it comes to choosing cherries freshness is key. Opt
      Beverly, are members of Broken                    red sour cherries are perfect for pies and preserves.  for plump, firm cherries—they’re fresher and tastier. Soft
      Sound Club. He hails from Ottawa,                    Depending on where you live, cherries will likely start   cherries, on the other hand, might be on their way out. To keep
      the capital of Canada, where he                   to appear on the shelves around late May or early June,   cherries at their peak store them in the refrigerator where they
      spent more than 50 years in the                   and can stick around as late as mid-August. But the very   will stay crisp and delicious for five to seven days. And if you
      produce business that included                    best time to bring a basket full is during their peak in July,   can’t finish them all fast enough…no problem! Cherries freeze
      taking a small fruit and vegetable                right in the heart of summer.                      beautifully, preserving their flavor for a treat later.
      retail store and expanding it
      to include wholesale, food service and importing, bringing  Second Helpings: A Favorite
      across the city and into other areas
      trucks of fresh produce from across the U.S. directly into
      produce-related, from how to select the perfect melon to  Recipe from the Past Pages of
      Ottawa. His experience made him an expert on all things

      the best way to store fruits and veggies. After retiring,
      been enjoying life at Broken Sound for 20 seasons. He is  Boca Club News…Oven Baked
      Irving and his wife Beverly became snowbirds and have
      the proud father of three daughters and looks forward to
         On May 18th, 1980, Mount Saint Helens erupted  Parmesan-Dijon Chicken Wings
      family time with his seven grandchildren.

      spewing a column of ashes that lasted for nine hours and
      was 15 miles high. This earthquake deposited ashes in 11      If you think store-bought crispy chicken wings are      Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium-low heat.
      states and some Canadian provinces. Hundreds of square   a treat, wait till you bite into one of these, with a tangy   Remove from heat; add mustard and whisk to blend. Brush
      miles were reduced to wasteland, resulting in 75 deaths.   blend of parmesan cheese and Dijon mustard. Talk about   wings generously with butter mixture, then roll in breadcrumb
         The  damage  caused by  this  natural  disaster  was   lip-smackin’ good!                         mixture, coating wings evenly and completely.
      equivalent to 3.4 billion in today’s dollars and 40% of   Serves 6 people –                             Arrange chicken on prepared baking sheets.
      Washington’s cherry crop was lost. In some cases  the   4 wings per person                              Bake wings until golden brown and cooked through, about
      volcanic ashes were good for the soil, helping to retain   Ingredients:                              30 minutes; serve hot.
      moisture.                                         3 cups Panko bread crumbs
         More than a juicy and delicious summertime treat,   1 cup grated parmesan cheese
      cherries are versatile and packed with health benefits.  5 Tbsp chopped Italian parsley
         Washington, Oregon and California are top cherry-  4 Tbsp onion powder
      producing states in the U.S., employing around 20,000   1 Tbsp paprika
      people during peak season. Cherries pack a powerful   1 Tbsp dried oregano
      nutritional punch.  With a low glycemic index and a   2 Tbsp kosher salt
      host of vitamins and antioxidants—including vitamin   1 ½ Tbsp. black pepper
      C, potassium, melatonin, phenols, quercetin and   1 ½ cups butter
      anthocyanins—cherries are hailed as a superfood that   ½ cup Dijon mustard
      can help reduce blood pressure, manage sugar levels and   2 dozen chicken wings
      even promote better sleep.                        Directions:
         If you’re looking for variety in your fruit, look no      Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter
      further than the beautiful little cherry. There are over   2 large rimmed baking sheets.
      1,200 types of cherries globally, each with its own unique   Combine breadcrumbs, parmesan
      flavor profile and uses. Among the most famous are Lapin   cheese, parsley, onion powder,
      dark cherries, known for their deep sweetness. Rainier   paprika, oregano, salt and pepper
      cherries, with their golden hue and delicate red blush, have   in a large bowl; mix well.
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