Page 11 - Boca Club News - June '24
P. 11

Boca Club News, Page 11

         From The Professionals’ Desks
         From The Professionals’

      Healthy Answers–A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “An Order of Pork Fried Rice with Extra MSG... Please!”

      By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.                 sprinter trying to get away. Not too long ago, I had an   like canned soup: “yeast extract” in the ingredients might
      Dale is a motivational speaker who                adverse reaction after eating a salad containing clementine   actually mean MSG. This subtlety is frequently missed by
      has spent many years as a Certified               extract. That night I broke out in a very itchy rash all over   consumers, and it’s not just in savory foods–even cookies
      Life Coach and has written numerous               my body. Obviously, I’ve chalked them off my list of chosen   and chips can contain it. Take a taco spice blend, for
      articles and e-books relating to self-            fruits.                                            example: the label might show “spices,” “garlic powder”
      improvement and ways to build a                      What makes this topic so relevant is my recent encounter   and “hydrolyzed vegetable protein,” which is a fancy way of
      high-performance team. She is the                 with a friend who told me that she is highly allergic to MSG.   saying MSG. But, like salt and pepper, its job is to enhance
      author of the book, “Small Steps...               Her reaction occurred after eating at a Chinese restaurant   every bite making it fuller and more satisfying.
      Big Changes: The Personal Stories                 and she vows never to go back.                        If MSG is so popular an ingredient used to enhance
      of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of experience      For  years,  monosodium  glutamate, a food additive   flavor in the many foods we eat, why were Chinese
      in physical fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled   known as MSG, has been branded as an unhealthy   restaurants blamed?
      her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-related areas.   processed ingredient mainly found in Chinese food. To      The debate began in 1968 when an unknown
      The following introduces a new approach to Ms. Brown’s   this day, the myth around MSG, commonly referred to as   person wrote a letter to the  New England Journal of
      series of columns devoted to many topics that deal with   “Chinese restaurant syndrome,” is ingrained in America’s   Medicine, complaining of numbness after eating at
      the mind/body connection and the importance of living a   consciousness. Many people stay away from any foods   Chinese restaurants.  The idea spread quickly and in
      healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be reached   containing MSG because they consider it to be harmful,   1969 a scientific paper identified MSG as the cause of
      at                   but chances are you’ve eaten it more than you know in the   the syndrome, warning that it caused such symptoms as
         Do you ever get paranoid about being allergic to   foods you eat all the time.                    headaches, sweating, numbness and burning.
      something? My husband is allergic to wasp stings and if      MSG is often disguised as “hydrolyzed protein,”
      he ever comes in the vicinity of one he’s like an Olympic   “autolyzed yeast,” or “flavoring.” Take an average item   Healthy Answers on page 12

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