Page 8 - Boca Club News - June '24
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Page 8, Boca Club News


      Mayor’s Update:

      More About the State of Our City

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor of                 full year, and it continues to be a game changer. Boca  generation of Boca Raton. Our partnership with our school
      Boca Raton and was re-elected                     Raton is a mainstay destination, and our residents have a  district remains strong and innovative, and our three new
      in 2023. A South Florida native,                  connection to this major transportation network. Our city  public schools have helped us be a beacon for families.
      attorney and small business owner,                has won multiple awards in recent months for our increased     As a result, we are young and getting younger. Of all of
      Scott and his wife Bella live in Broken           mobility and enhanced networks of pathways for bicyclists  Palm Beach County’s many hospitals last year, ranking first
      Sound with their two children.                    and pedestrians. And just last night the City Council  in the number of babies delivered was our own Boca Raton
         Hello neighbors, in this issue I               approved a pilot program on on-demand mobility to and  Regional Hospital. The old stereotypes from generations ago
      highlight some more attributes and                from downtown.                                    are outdated, as we can see in our schools and parks.
      achievements from the recent State                   Furthermore, we’ve strengthened our connections with     We attract philanthropy and investment. Boca Regional
      of the City Address.                              residents and visitors through initiatives like the Public  has nearly completed their 390 Million-Dollar capital
         Boca Raton is beautiful by design, known for our high  Art Boca program and events like our Night Market series.  campaign. The owners of The Boca Raton will soon pass
      expectations for the Boca Raton look. This year the City  Through ongoing public input sessions we’ll continue to  that same threshold of investment into their magnificent
      Council wisely updated guidelines to avoid repetitive  foster meaningful engagement and collaboration with our  properties.
      designs and foster the creativity and innovation that  residents.                                      All of these endeavors reflect our relentless dedication
      prompted our city in the first place.                A great city needs strong infrastructure, and we have it.  to advancing Boca Raton’s prosperity and livability for all
         We safeguard our natural environment. After years of  Through our Innovative Sustainable Infrastructure Program  of us who call it home.
      reclamation, this month we’ll reopen Lake Wyman and  we use top-flight technology to enhance our roads and     So I am elated to tell you tonight that the state of our city
      Rutherford Parks with expanded boardwalks and restored  pipelines. We are adding $850 Million in improvements  is stronger than ever. Still, we must and we will grow even
      canoe trails – the latest of five waterfront parks we have  over 15 years, without increasing our tax rates and with  stronger, to reach that ideal of what our city can be. I will
      opened or rebuilt in the past four years. We are committed  water rates 80% lower than some peer cities.  share more information about how in next month’s column.
      to sustainability, as shown by record-breaking sea turtle     We support education. Florida Atlantic University saw     If you can’t wait, you can view the entire State of the
      nesting, continued beach restorations and enhancements,  a record increase in applicants after last year’s Final Four  City at You may also want to stay in touch
      and green initiatives.                            run, and they and Lynn University are building nearly a  on social media at @scottsingerusa. As always, please reach
         We focus on connections. Our downtown Brightline  thousand more dormitory rooms. We will continue to partner  out by email to with any thoughts or
      station saw far greater ridership than expected in its first  with them to keep the talent they are producing for the next  requests. Honored to serve you!
      Council Corner: Summer in Paradise

      By Fran Nachlas, Boca Raton City                     With your Hurricane Preparedness Plan in place, you  opportunity to explore the new Observation Pier, canoe
      Council Member/CRA Vice-Chair                     can now take some time to enjoy the events the city has  and kayak launch and trails, and the new walking trail!
         The month of June marks a                      planned for the Summer! The Summer in the City series  Find more information here:
      special time in Boca Raton. Kids and              promises a line-up of free concerts on most Fridays  facilities/facility/details/jamesarutherfordpark-37
      grandkids are finishing the school                throughout the Summer. Join us at the Mizner Park     Looking to escape the heat with an indoor activity?
      year or celebrating a graduation,                 Amphitheater for a night of fun and music presented by  Visit the Spanish River Library or Downtown Library,
      the Summer vacation you’ve been                   the City of Boca Raton and sponsored by American Social.  The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum and The Boca
      looking forward to is now around the              The month of June lineup includes: June 21st - Rock of  Raton Museum of Art. There are so many wonderful
      corner and you’re ready for a break               Abba, and June 28th - China Grove. For more information  exhibits and programs at all of these sites, so be sure to
      from all of the events you’ve attended all year.   visit  check them out.
         It’s time to slow down, take a breath and enjoy all that     The Recreator is the official programming guide     Thank you for allowing me to serve our wonderful city
      your city has to offer during these warmer months. First  for Boca Raton, and in it you can find all the classes,  and all of our residents as your City Council Member. As
      things first though, as Hurricane Season began June 1st, and  programs, events and registration information for Summer  always, please reach out to me at
      the city is here to help you prepare. It’s crucial to ensure  2024. It also provides all of the Parks and facilities contact  or (561) 221-7902 to continue the conversation about this
      the safety and well-being of yourself, your loved ones and  information  in one  place! Access The  Recreator  here:  or any other ideas you have to make Boca Raton an even
      your property and, as the saying goes, “the best defense is a   better place. Hope to see all of you at the city’s events this
      good offense.” Boca Raton is committed to your protection,     One of my favorite places to visit this summer will  Summer, at the beach or on a bike ride on our beautiful
      and we want to provide you with essential information and  definitely be the newly renovated James A. Rutherford  El Rio Trail. Have an amazing Summer and stay safe!
      resources to help you stay prepared. Here are some tips and  Park, which officially re-opened on April 27th. Take the
      important information, and you can access your City of Boca
      Raton Hurricane Guide here:
         Stock up on hurricane supplies. Sales tax-free week runs           NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
      through June 9th and August 26th-September 8th.
         Know your Evacuation Zone and have a plan. It’s
      important to know whether you live in an evacuation zone,
      and if you’re unsure you can access that information here:          Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
         Test your generator, supplies and shutters to ensure that             Board Certified in
      they’re working and that you have all the parts needed.
         If you haven’t yet done so, be sure to trim your trees and            Internal Medicine
      clean out your garage. The city will be providing additional      with Added Qualifications in
      pickup days for vegetation and bulk items during the month
      of June. Stay connected to the city for more information.                 Geriatrics (2002).
         View the city’s website for all the different ways to stay
      connected before, during and after a storm. Additional Storm       Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
      Preparation Information, Storm Watch Updates and Utility
      Restoration Information is available here:  https://www.                Voted a “Best Doctor”
                                                                                    by his peers.

                                                                             Call to request a complimentary meeting

          Vicky Marie, cNa/HHa                                                                with Dr. Reznick.

          Certified Nurses Assistant / Home Health Aid
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