Page 10 - Boca Club News - June '24
P. 10

Page 10, Boca Club News
      Memo from County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon:

      How We Stay Busy…and Hurricane Preparedness Tips!

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional                 leads the state in total agriculture sales and Belle Glade is a   drivers previously resided are  New York, New Jersey,
      Tax Collector serving Palm Beach                  top supplier of vegetables, fruits, and sugar cane.   California, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts.
      County. You can reach her office                     With the motto “Her soil is her fortune,” the city celebrates   • For the 2023 tax year, the top Palm Beach County
      by Email: ClientAdvocate@                         its agricultural heritage every year with its Annual Black   taxpayer was FPL, paying $133,632,115.20 in property tax. Phone: (561)                 Gold Jubilee. Earning its name from the city’s rich soil or      Get Your Hurricane Guide. June 1st marks the start of
      355-4271.                                         “Black Gold,” the jubilee is a celebration of the soil’s ability   another Hurricane Season. Hurricanes are part of the reality
         Last month, I had the pleasure                 to produce bountiful harvests.                     of living near the coast and major hurricanes are becoming
      of attending several community                       We look forward every year to interacting with our   more and more prevalent. However, the key to navigating
      events as I do throughout the year.               western community clients and answering questions about   hurricane season is to be prepared and have a plan. This year,
      Frequently, other elected officials are also in attendance as   the services we provide. Thank you to everyone who came   to help you prepare, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
      we are all committed to the residents of Palm Beach County.   by to visit our booth and ask our team questions.  Administration had declared May 5th-11th as National
      At many of these events, we discuss the importance of the      Fun Facts About the TCO! You already know that when   Hurricane Preparedness week; visit
      upcoming election in November and how crucial it is that   you need to pay your property taxes, renew your driver   for more information.
      everyone eligible to vote does so. The change in Florida Law   license or renew your vehicle registration, you turn to the Tax      Preparing Before Hurricane Season. Take advantage of
      now requires voters to re-request mail ballots after every   Collector’s Office. But did you know these fun facts about   the Home Hardening Sales Tax Exemption. The exemption
      general election cycle. So, if you have requested mail ballots   our agency?                         is for the purchase of impact-resistant doors, windows,
      in the past and have not yet re-requested mail ballots for   • On average, we service more than 3,000 clients each day   and garage doors, going on now until June 30th. For more
      the 2024 elections I urge you to do so to ensure you receive   in our six service centers. Wait times have gone down by   information, visit
      your ballot and vote. You can visit the Palm Beach County   more than 36 minutes since before the COVID pandemic.     Hurricane Guide. Do you know where the closest
      Supervisor of Elections website at www.votepalmbeach.  • Last year, our Client Care & Research Center answered   grocery store to you that is powered by a generator is located?
      gov/voters/vote-by-mail to check the status of your mail   237,868 phone calls and received 45,246 email inquiries.  Or the closest gas station with emergency power transfer
      ballot request or to request a ballot be mailed to you for the   • Each month, we electronically distribute more than   switches? These are important things you should know
      upcoming elections and let your voice be heard!   40,000 satisfaction surveys to clients who visit our service   when preparing for hurricane season. Even relatively minor
         And this month I want to wish all our fathers a very Happy   centers in person or contact our office by phone. 83.5%   hurricanes can leave you without power and water for a few
      Father’s Day!                                     of survey respondents rated our service as “Exceptional”   days. Make sure you are prepared by having enough food,
         Celebrating Belle Glade’s Agricultural Heritage. When   or “Very Good.”                           water, and medical supplies for your family members and
      you think of Palm Beach County the first thing that may   • Typically, 65% of property owners pay their property   your pets. For a comprehensive list of supplies, visit pbctax.
      come to mind is beaches; with our 47 miles of coastline, it’s   taxes during the month of November.  com/hurricane-guide-request/ to view and request a copy of
      easy to see why. But did you know that Palm Beach County   • The top five states from where newly licensed Florida   our pocket-size hurricane guide.
         Happenings Outside Boca
         Happenings Outside Boca

      Three Hit Musicals Headline Lauderhill’s 2025 Season

         W i t h Bri ght l i ne                             “The 2024 ‘Broadway at LPAC’ Season had the best      The Lauderhill Performing Arts Center has hosted
      train travel making it                             attendance since the inception of the series,” says Lauderhill   hundreds of theatrical events and productions since it opened
      even more pleasurable                              City Manager Desorae Giles-Smith. “‘A Chorus Line’,   its doors in January 2016 and has grown its audiences to
      for Boca residents to                              ‘Memphis’ and ‘Hello Dolly!’ proved to be the perfect   include theatre patrons from not only Broward County, but
      extend their range of live                         trifecta of shows for our audience. Lauderhill is looking   from Miami/Dade and Palm Beach counties as well.
      theater opportunities, this                        forward to another spectacular season in 2025!”      The Lauderhill Performing Arts Center is located at 3800
      announcement will come as                             The ACM  Theatricals creative team for all three   NW 11th Place (33311), adjacent to Central Broward Park
      good news: The “Broadway                           musicals will once again include South Florida’s theatrical   and Broward County Stadium on the northeast corner of
      at Lauderhill Performing                           duo of Artistic Director Michael Ursua and Choreographer   Sunrise Boulevard and State Road 7. For more information
      Arts Center Series” will                           Alex Jorth.                                       about LPAC visit or call the box
      kick off their 2025 lineup                            Arts Center Management is a multi-faceted theatre   office at (954) 777-2055.
      with three musicals: “9 to                         management, consulting and production company whose      For more information about ACM Theatricals, Producer
      5”, “Legally Blonde” and                           focus is to help theatres and theatre companies improve their   Kevin Barrett, or the Broadway at LPAC Series, please
      Rodgers and Hammerstein’s                          programming and operations. The company was founded   contact Kevin Barrett at / 954-
      “South Pacific”. Subscriptions are now on sale and single   by ACM President and CEO Kevin Barrett in 2014.  234-5982.
      tickets will go on sale September 1st.
         Subscriptions to the Broadway at LPAC Series are
      available for as low as $99 for all three shows. Patrons may
      contact the LPAC Box Office at (954) 777-2055 for more
         The 2025 Broadway at LPAC Series:
         “9 to 5”. January 16th–February 2nd, 2025. Music and
      Lyrics by Dolly Parton. Book by Patricia Resnick. Based
      on the Twentieth Century Fox Film.
         “Legally Blonde”. February 27th–March 16th. Book
      by Heather Hach. Music and Lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe,
      Nell Benjamin. Based on the novel by Amanda Brown and
      the Metro-Goldwyn Mayer motion picture.
         Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “South Pacific”. April
      10th – 27th. Music by Richard Rodgers. Lyrics by Oscar
      Hammerstein II. Book by Oscar Hammerstein II and Joshua
      Logan. Adapted from the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel,
      “Tales of the South Pacific,” by James A. Michener.
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