Page 3 - Boca Club News - June '24
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Boca Club News, Page 3
      Junior League of Boca Raton Launches

      “Pop-Up Shop” for Families in Need

         The Junior League of Boca Raton has launched a new   provided  surveys  ensuring  personalized  attention  to   to provide the same unique shopping experience to other
      initiative, “the Essentials Closet,” addressing an urgent   clothing sizes and special requests to create the unique   at-risk youth.
      need in the community. Through meticulous planning and   experience for those it served.                About the Junior League of Boca Raton. Throughout the
      sourcing of items specifically curated, the Junior League      Forty-five families were able to “shop” the Essentials   year, Junior League of Boca Raton members will contribute
      debuted its innovative pop-up shop at Place of Hope in   Closet at the Leighan and David Rinker Campus in Boca,   more than 35,000 volunteer hours and provide more than
      Boca Raton in April.                              picking out a plethora of items to meet their specific needs.   $250,000 to support the mission of training volunteers,
         More than 1,000 essentials were sourced through the   Additionally, Place of Hope transported several families   developing the potential of women and improving the South
      organization’s fundraising efforts, transforming Place of   from their Palm Beach Gardens campus, Joann’s Cottage, a   Florida community through impact areas: child welfare
      Hope into a trendy, custom boutique. The pop-up was   family-style maternity home for at-risk women.  and nonprofit support. To learn more about the League,
      stocked with women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, as      The Essentials Closet will expand over the next year as   contact the office at (561) 620-2553 or visit www.JLBR.
      well as undergarments, skincare and home decor. Tailoring   additional shopping opportunities are created. The Junior   org. Connect on or
      its offerings to Place of Hope residents, the initiative   League of Boca Raton will partner with other nonprofits
          Boca Happenings
          Boca Happenings

      Boca Historical Society Presents Summer Photography Exhibit

         The Boca Raton Historical Society has announced
      a special summer exhibit, “Dual Perspectives:
      The Photography of Courtenay Gilbert and Peter
      Lorber,” to run from July 3rd through September
      27th at The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum,
      71 North Federal Highway.
         Two photographers, two perspectives.
         Peter Lorber and Courtenay Gilbert are two
      Boca Raton-based, world-renowned photographers
      who have been collaborating for more than 25
      years.  Through their lenses they have captured
      breathtaking locations in the United States and  La Tendera by Gilbert        Primera Luz by Lorber
      around the world. Their photography expeditions
      have taken them to various countries, including the Czech   created his beautiful scenic images using a Fujifilm 617   darkroom days, Gilbert has become a Photoshop and
      Republic, Cuba, Iceland and several U.S. national parks.   camera, Kodak Cirkut camera, Roundshot 360° rotational   printing expert. With her unparalleled creative vision and
      What makes their work unique is that, despite being in   cameras and many more.                      passion for innovation, Gilbert has established herself
      the same location, their captured images are distinct in      Lorber’s work has appeared in multiple publications,   as an ambitious artist and will continue to inspire all for
      their own way, reflecting their individual perspectives   exhibits, and has been on display throughout the world.   years to come.
      and photographic styles. Their photography provides a   He is also a sought-after lecturer and judge on the      For more information, visit
      glimpse into their artistic vision and creative process,   photography circuit.                         About The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum:
      which is a treat for photography enthusiasts.        Courtenay Gilbert is Vice President of Operations and   The Schmidt Boca Raton History Museum is the home
         This exhibit will showcase their work and provide an   Master of Creativity at Custom Photo and Framing, where   of the Boca Raton Historical Society, whose mission is
      opportunity to explore the different ways in which they   she has worked for 30 years. Her career as a photographer   to collect, preserve and present information and artifacts
      interpret their surroundings. It highlights how they select   began at the age of ten when she first stepped foot in a   relevant to the past and evolving history of Boca Raton,
      photo-worthy moments, capture them and present them   darkroom. Since then, she graduated from the School of   and to maintain a visible role in the education and the
      to the audience in their unique styles. It’s a fascinating   Visual Arts with a concentration in fashion and fine art   advocacy of historic preservation in the community. Now
      example of how two photographers can see the same thing   photography. After honing her photography and makeup   open to the public Wednesday through Saturday, 10 a.m.
      differently and create something truly remarkable.  artist skills in New York City, she packed her camera and   to 4 p.m., the museum is in the historic Town Hall at 71
         Peter Lorber is Founder, CEO and Master of     moved to South Florida in 1991.                    N. Federal Highway (33432). For more information, call
      Photography at Custom Photo and Framing in Boca      Individually and in partnership with Peter Lorber,   (561) 395-6766 or visit
      Raton. Lorber has built his reputation as a leading world-  her fine art photography has been published, sold and
      renowned panoramic photographer. Over the years he has   exhibited across the world. Adapting from her youthful      Editor ............................................................................  Nils  A. Shapiro

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                                                                                                            Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
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