Page 16 - Boca Club News - June '24
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Page 16, Boca Club News
      Essays on Life: You Can’t Judge a Book by Its Cover

      By Sonia E. Ravech                                length hair which was partially tucked under a New York   good girl,” he said as he tipped the bottle forward. He turned
         Sonia is a native of Massachusetts             Yankees baseball cap.                              and retrieved a tissue from a box on the front desk and gently
      and a resident of Broken Sound for                   People frowned and stared as he entered the Boca Raton   wiped the spittle from her mouth.
      more than 30 years. She is the                    Community Hospital emergency room pushing an elderly      He continued to hover over her. “Grandma, you can’t keep
      mother of four, grandmother of                    woman in a wheelchair. She wore a flowered nightgown   doing this. Grandpa says you won’t eat or drink anything.
      seven and great-grandmother of                    covered by a frayed pink cotton robe. Tattered slippers   You have to eat or else the doctor will admit you into the
      four. She has been the facilitator of             enveloped her feet. Her eyes were shut, her mouth hung   hospital and feed you through a tube. You don’t want them
      the Broken Sound Memoir Writers’                  slack. She appeared to be sleeping. He pushed the wheelchair   to do that again, do you?” The woman opened her eyes and
      Workshop for the past seven years.                into the corner, abutting the chair in which I was seated, and   stared vacantly into space.
         His arms and neck were embellished with tattoos. A   bent down to whisper in the woman’s ear. “I’ll be right back,      He pulled the brush from his pocket and gently stroked
      silver cross dangled from his left ear lobe, a stud pierced   Grandma. I have to check you in.” She opened her clouded   the silver strands away from her forehead, “Do you want
      his nose. He wore a black tee shirt emblazoned across the   eyes and gazed blankly into his face.    anything, Grandma? Do you want some more water?” She
      front with the image of a skeleton wielding a sword.     He returned a short time later. “How are you feeling,   weakly shook her head.
         His baggy jeans hung low on his hips exposing green   Grandma?” The woman was unresponsive. “Are you thirsty?”      When I heard my name called, I arose and walked towards
      and blue plaid boxers. His feet were encased in a pair of   He walked to the vending machine and bought a bottle of water.   the double doors. I glanced back and saw the young man take
      leather biker boots. A pack of Marlboro cigarettes bulged   “Here, Grandma, take a drink,” he whispered. He unscrewed the   the empty seat I had vacated next to his Grandma. He held
      from his left rear pocket. Stuffed into the pocket on the   cap, cupped his hand under her chin and tilted her head back.  her bony hand in his, stroking it gently. As I looked at the
      right was a long-handled, square-shaped brush which he      “Swallow, Grandma, you’ve got to swallow so you won’t   pair, I realized I no longer noticed his tattoos, his earring or
      periodically pulled out and used to stroke his shoulder   be thirsty.” He pressed the water bottle to her lips. “That’s a   his baggy pants.
      Film Review: “Phantom of the Open”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                it would be fun to sign up for the next year’s British Open.     But the best is yet to come! And while I don’t want to
                                                           This British film, which was released in the U.S. in 2022   give away too many spoilers here, perhaps it will suffice to
      Country Club Golfers                              and may still be streaming now on Netflix, is based on the   note that, in his very failure to perform at a championship
      Will Love                                         unlikely but true and heartwarming story of Maurice Flitcroft’s   level the spectators lining the course applauded him at
      This Film!                                        path to a world golfing record and international fame!  every hole and golfers around the world came to love
                                                           Completely naïve about such matters, Flitcroft applied to   Maurice Flitcroft as an average guy– “one of their own.”
         In 1975, Tom Watson                            enter the 1976 competition but had no answer when asked, for   An American country club set up a golf tournament and
      won the British Open                              example, the name of the private club to which he belonged…  trophy in his name…and, as we learn later in the film,
      Golf Championship. One                            or his handicap, a word that confusedly meant something   after practicing his skills and much improved playing he
      of the millions of people                         entirely different to him. He overcame such problems by   entered a half-dozen more British Opens under different
      who was watching                                  returning with a set of documents he had prepared with   names and using various disguises!
      television in England                             the help of his sweet and devoted wife, Jean (portrayed by      What a kick to have him in your foursome. For now,
      that day and happened to                          Sally Hawkins)—completely false but so impressive that the   meet him on film. (Mark Rylance in the role of Flitcroft
      see the adulation pouring                         tournament officials considered him qualified!     deserved every award possible for his performance.)
      onto the winner was a                                The difficult to believe fact that Flitcroft was accepted            *****
      man, Maurice Flitcroft, who had never played a hole of golf   into the 1976 British Open—then showed his lack of skill      The Boca Raton Public Library has this film available
      in his entire life.                               by topping, slicing, hooking his way through 18 holes to   on DVD for cardholders.
         But Maurice Flitcroft, a father of three grown sons who was   a record-breaking score of 121, the highest in the event’s
      getting on in years and tired of his job as a construction crane   history—makes it important for you to remember that this
      operator, liked what he had just seen on TV and decided that   is based on a true story!

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