Page 19 - Boca Club News - June '24
P. 19

Boca Club News, Page 19

                                      A Free Opportunity
                  CHArITABLE DonATIonS
                         For Animal Lovers ...

                                      BEInG ACCEPTED
            Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats Every Day at No Cost to You ...
                            in Less Than a Minute ...with just “Click”

            Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like most of us, those TV announcements
          bring tears to your eyes with photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in small cages, hoping
          somehow to be brought into loving homes – when you wish over and over again that
          you could somehow bring joy into their lives, here is an act of loving kindness that
          will cost you absolutely nothing ... and take less than a minute a day.
                  DonATE Your GEnTLY uSED ITEMS
            Visit the website: and click on the words “Click here
          to feed a dog or cat.” A “button” will appear on your screen, and all you have to do
          is click on it once. Each time a person clicks on that button, the website’s sponsors
          provide bowls of food, free, to feed 6 dogs and cats.
            That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day, you can see to it that 6 animals                Southern Exposure Technologies
                      Call us now for a free piCkup
          are fed. The folks who run the website never bother you with tons of promotional                      Computer Install/Setup/Repair
          e-mails. You can, if you wish, click on a link that sends a daily reminder to you. I                           (561) 315-0144
          did that; the reminder is e-mailed, and that is it. No hard-sell follow-ups. And if you
          realize how good it will make you feel to be able to do at least something for these               
          poor, loving creatures who are there through no fault of their own (some have been                                    * DSL, Broadband,Wireless Install
                                                                                                                                * Networking, Troubleshooting
          rescued from abusive owners), imagine how even bowls of food will help make the                                       * Instruction
                                                                                                                                * Hardware/Software Installation
          animals feel better.                                                                                                  * Virus/Spyware/Adware Fix
            Please take just seconds a day to lift 6 animals’ spirits ... and your own. Thanks.                                 * Cleanup/Maintenance/Backup
                                                                                                                                * Business Consult/Startup/Move
                                                                                                                                * Website Design/Maintenance
                                                                                                                  Call S.E.T. to install your “new computer, printer
                                                                                                                           and wireless network”!
                                                                                                                           GET S.E.T. GO!
                                                                                                              REASONABLE HOURLY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY RATES
                                                                                                           FOR SMALL BUSINESSES FOR AS LOW AS $50.00 AN HOUR,
                                                                                                                  WITH A MINIMUM OF 6 HOURS A MONTH,
                                                                                                                 OR 2 HOURS A WEEK, OR ON AN AS-NEEDED
                                                                                                                      BASIS RATE OF $75.00 P/HOUR.
                                                                                                              START YOUR NEW YEAR WITH SECURE BACKUPS,
                                                                                                            QUALITY MAINTENANCE, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND
                                                                                                                     PERSONABLE ON-SITE SUPPORT!
                                                                                                                            (561) 315-0144
                                                                                                              CALL S.E.T. TODAY FOR YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS!




                                                  All Donations are Tax Deductible

                                                 Certificates of Insurance Available

               Clothing • Shoes • Linens • Toys • Dishes • Furniture • Electronics

                • Crystal • China • Mis. Household Items • Pots • Pans • Bedding

                                              • Jewelry • Art • Household Goods
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