Page 18 - Boca Club News - June '24
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Page 18, Boca Club News
      Keep Your Pets                                                                    A Free Opportunity

      Safe on July 4th:                                                     For Animal Lovers ...

      Tips from                                               Now Feed 6 Shelter Dogs and Cats Every Day at No Cost to You ...

      American Humane                                                         in Less Than a Minute ...with just “Click”

                                                              Want to feel really good about yourself? If, like most of us, those TV announcements
         Independence                                       bring tears to your eyes with photos of sad shelter dogs and cats in small cages, hoping
      Day may be relaxing                                   somehow to be brought into loving homes – when you wish over and over again that
      and fun for us, but it                                you could somehow bring joy into their lives, here is an act of loving kindness that
      can be frightening                                    will cost you absolutely nothing ... and take less than a minute a day.
      and even dangerous
      for pets.                                               Visit the website: and click on the words “Click here
         July  5th  is  the                                 to feed a dog or cat.” A “button” will appear on your screen, and all you have to do
      busiest day of the year at animal shelters as they are housing   is click on it once. Each time a person clicks on that button, the website’s sponsors
      companion animals that fled in fright the night before. They are   provide bowls of food, free, to feed 6 dogs and cats.
      often found miles from their homes, disoriented and exhausted.
      Anxious families can find themselves searching the streets and     That’s all there is to it. In only seconds each day, you can see to it that 6 animals
      shelters looking for a treasured family member whose fear   are fed. The folks who run the website never bother you with tons of promotional
      drove him to jump a high fence or break from her leash.   e-mails. You can, if you wish, click on a link that sends a daily reminder to you. I
         If your pet is upset by thunder, a door slamming or other   did that; the reminder is e-mailed, and that is it. No hard-sell follow-ups. And if you
      loud noises, Fourth of July fireworks will be utterly terrifying,
      so take these precautions:                            realize how good it will make you feel to be able to do at least something for these
         ● Your pets won’t enjoy the fireworks display, so leave   poor, loving creatures who are there through no fault of their own (some have been
      them at home! Keep them inside and, if possible, shielded   rescued from abusive owners), imagine how even bowls of food will help make the
      from loud noises. Keep windows closed and draw the shades   animals feel better.
      to minimize the sound and flashes of light.
         ● If loud noises upset your pets do not leave them alone;     Please take just seconds a day to lift 6 animals’ spirits ... and your own. Thanks.
      ensure someone can stay with them. If you’re the one staying
      with them, act calm and give them reassuring pets and hugs;
      animals look to you to see how you’re reacting.
         ● If you think your pets should be given medication to help
      ease their stress, consult your veterinarian well in advance.
         ● Contact an animal behaviorist to work with your pets on
      their fears. With some positive reinforcement and behavior
      modification training, by next Independence Day you all may
      be worry-free.
         ● Be sure that all ID tags are properly affixed to your pet’s
      collar and that they have your current contact information,
      including cell number(s).
         ● Update your microchip registrations and pet license
      information to ensure they are current.
         “It’s with these tips and tricks we can keep our furry
      companions relaxed throughout the holiday,” says American
      Humane President and CEO Robin Ganzert, Ph.D. “We can
      make sure that the Fourth of July is a joyful occasion for
      everyone, including our beloved animals.”
         For more information on American Humane, visit
         About American Humane. American Humane is the
      country’s first national humane organization and the world’s
      largest certifier of animal welfare, overseeing the humane
      treatment of more than one billion animals across the globe
      each year. Founded in 1877, with offices in Palm Beach
      and Washington, DC, American Humane has been First to
      Serve™ the cause of animals and for 145 years has been at
      the forefront of virtually every major advance in the humane
      movement. For more information or to support our lifesaving
      work, visit, Facebook, Twitter,
      Instagram, and YouTube for the latest breaking news and
      features about the animals with whom we share our Earth.
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