Page 14 - Boca Club News - May '24
P. 14

Page 14, Boca Club News

      Delray Playhouse Announces from page 11              After a highly successful debut season at the Playhouse,      The Bridges of Madison County - May 9th – May 25th.
                                                        Boca Stage will return with four diverse theatrical presentations   Book by Marsha Norman. Music and Lyrics by Jason Robert
      Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express is on track   in the Off Broadway Series; the popular Playhouse Presents   Brown. Adapted from the book by Robert James Waller.
      for March, and the season will conclude in May with the   lineup of 35-plus concerts, comedy shows, and special      Best of Broadway Cabaret Series:
      lushly romantic musical, The Bridges of Madison County.  engagements will be announced later this summer.     Bachelors of Broadway/Gentlemen of the Theatre -
         The Best of Broadway Cabaret proved to be a popular      Subscriptions for all series are on sale now.  The   December 16th – 18th, 2024.
      addition to the Playhouse lineup last season; the series’   individual ticket sales date is still to be announced. Ticket      Tovah is Leona! Starring Tovah Feldshuh - January
      second season will begin in December with Bachelors   prices will vary and group rates will be available. More   6th – 10th, 2025
      of  Broadway/Gentlemen of  the Theatre.  In  January,   information about all these productions, including show      This Could Be the Start – Starring Linda Purl -
      Broadway/television/film star Tovah Feldshuh will return   descriptions and logos, is available on the theatre’s website:   February 10th – 13th.
      to the Playhouse with her one-person tour-de-force, Tovah                   Broadway’s Jersey Boy – Starring John Lloyd Young.
      is Leona! This Could Be the Start, starring singer/actress      The Delray Beach Playhouse is located at 950 NW 9th   March 24th – 27th.
      Linda Purl is scheduled for February, John Lloyd Young,   Street, in Delray Beach, 33444. (561) 272-1281.     Sing Me a Showtune – Created by Michael Ursua. May
      Broadway’s Jersey Boy will perform classic hits of the      Delray Beach Playhouse Mainstage Productions:  12th – 15th.
      ‘50s and ‘60s in March, and in May South Florida’s own      The Producers – A Mel Brooks Musical. November      Nostalgic Concert Series:
      Michael Ursua will present an all-new musical revue, Sing   22nd – December 15th, 2024. Book by Mel Brooks and      Feelin’ Groovy: The Story and Songs of Peter, Paul
      Me a Showtune.                                    Thomas Meehan. Music and Lyrics by Mel Brooks.     & Mary - December 3rd & 4th, 2024.
         The  nostalgic  concert  series,  Feelin’  Groovy,  will      Escape to Margaritaville – January 31st – February      Pop Hits by Jewish Artists - February 4th & 5th, 2025
      also return to the Playhouse next season. Starring Joan   23rd, 2025. Book by Greg Garcia and Mike O’Malley.      Celebrating Women Singer-Songwriters of the ‘60s
      Friedenberg and Bill Bowen, who perform as The PinkSlip   Music and Lyrics by Jimmy Buffett.         & ‘70s - April 1st & 2nd.
      Duo, will pay tribute to folk icons Peter, Paul & Mary,      Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express -
      perform pop hits by Jewish artists, and celebrate women   March 21st – April 13th. Adapted from the book by Agatha
      singer songwriters of the ‘60s and ‘70s.          Christie by Ken Ludwig.
      Boca Stage’s 2024-2025 Theater Season

      To Present Four Plays, Drama to Farce

         Boca Stage, an award-winning theater production      The Last Night of Ballyhoo  -  By Alfred  Uhry   lovely young lady hired to ghostwrite his largely fictional
      company  that  presents  its  performances  at  the  Delray   -  October  24th  –  November  3rd. Atlanta,  Georgia,   autobiography, she hires a handsome young scribe of
      Playhouse, has announced its schedule for 2024-2025.   December 1939. Gone with the Wind is having its world   her own. Sparks fly, silverware is thrown, and romance
      This will revert back to a four-show season, producing a   premiere  and  Hitler  is  invading  Poland.  But Adolph   blossoms in the most unexpected ways in this delightful
      diverse selection of plays ranging from topical and edgy   Freitag (owner of the Dixie Bedding Company), his sister   and hilarious romantic comedy. Directed by Keith Garsson.
      to timeless classics and full-out farce.           Boo and sister-in-law Reba, along with nieces Lala and      Dry Powder - By Sarah Burgess. April 24th-May 4th.
         The 2024-2025 productions are: Sidekicked by Kim   Sunny—a highly assimilated Jewish family—are looking   The same week his private equity firm forced massive
      Powers,  The Last Night of Ballyhoo  by Alfred  Uhry,   forward to Ballyhoo, a lavish cotillion ball sponsored   layoffs at a national grocery chain, Rick Hannel threw
      Living on Love by Joe DiPietro, and Dry Powder by Sarah   by their restrictive country club. Comedy, romance and   himself an extravagant engagement party, setting off a
      Burgess. Descriptions of the shows appear later in this   revelations all combine as the family finally confronts   publicity  nightmare.  Fortunately,  Seth,  one  of  Rick’s
      article.                                           their identity in this rapidly changing world. Directed by   partners, has a dream of a deal to invest in—an American-
         Boca  Stage  Founder  and  Executive  Director  Keith   Keith Garsson.                            made luggage company—that will rescue his boss from
      Garsson  will  share  directing  duties  with  his  longtime      Living on Love - By Joe DiPietro. Based on the play   the PR disaster. But Jenny, Rick’s other partner, has an
      theatrical collaborator Genie Croft. “We are so pleased   Peccadillo by Garson Kanin - January 16th-26th, 2025.   entirely different plan: to maximize the returns, no matter
      to have been invited back to the Delray Beach Playhouse   When a demanding diva discovers that her larger-than-  the price of success and the real cost of getting the deal
      after our first successful season here,” Garsson says. “Our   life maestro husband has become enamored with the   done. Directed by Genie Croft.
      transition was seamless, thanks to the royal treatment we
      received from the entire Playhouse team.
         “This will be our first season planned completely in
      conjunction with the Playhouse’s schedule. We’re back
      to four shows, and we’ve chosen a great mix of drama,
      dramedies and pure comedy. Two of our four shows are
      South Florida premieres, and one is a fan favorite.
         “Our new space in the Cabaret Theater at the Playhouse
      has proven to be very popular with our audiences. As an
      added bonus, our subscribers no longer need worry about
      being ‘transferred’ or face any other seating issues as they
      will now be booked directly into seats of their own choosing.”
         Subscriptions to the Boca Stage 2024-2025 season are
      now on sale. The individual ticket sales date is still to be
         Boca Stage 2024-2025 Productions at the Delray
      Beach Playhouse:
         Sidekicked by Kim Powers - September 18th-29th,
      2024. It’s the last night on set filming I Love Lucy, and
      America’s favorite housecoat-wearing sidekick, Ethel
      Mertz, played by Vivian Vance, has a lot to get off her
      chest. In her dressing room she issues an SOS to her
      long-time analyst: “Help me understand who I am before
      I’m stuck being Ethel forever.” And she relives it all: The
      good, the bad, and the Lucy. Directed by Genie Croft

                                            May 18

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