Page 9 - Boca Club News - May '24
P. 9

Boca Club News, Page 9
      Council Corner: All Things Transportation,

      City Receives Awards and Gearing Up for Next Year!

      By Deputy Mayor Yvette Drucker:                   member for the Florida Palm Beach League of Cities. I am  important last mile and multi-modal option. Please be on
      a proud first-generation Cuban                    excited to continue my work on Transportation, Infrastructure,  the lookout for our kick-off event.
      American and first Hispanic on the                Housing Affordability and Legislative policies. All priorities     Coming soon! The city is kicking off a Downtown
      city council. Now recently re-elected             of our city!                                      Multimodal Mobility Study to revise East Palmetto Park Road
      to serve her second term on the city                 We accepted the 2024 Safe Streets Summit Awards;  and we are looking for community input. Take the survey, leave
      council. Her unwavering commitment                Complete Streets Community Award was presented to the City  comments on an interactive map, join one of our many public
      to community service and involvement              of Boca Raton, and I received the Complete Streets Champion  input sessions and learn more at
      in governmental positions like the                Award as we continue to focus on our strategic goal as it relates     What’s up next? The city council and staff are preparing
      Palm Beach County Transportation                  to Transportation and Mobility. Together we continue planning  for our days of Strategic Planning Sessions that will take place
      Planning Agency and the Florida League of Cities advocacy   and implementing safe streets for all.   May 22nd to May 24th – the city council, along with our senior
      and public policy committees underscores her commitment to      The city has also been accepted and became a member  leadership will meet in person and continue to focus on our
      shaping impactful policies. Beyond her civic endeavors, Yvette   of the National Association of City Transportation Officials  goals, priorities & desired future outcomes. We will review
      Drucker cherishes moments with her family and beloved dog   (NACTO), the only city in Palm Beach County to be a  our vision and mission statements and have a collaborative
      J.J., reveling in Boca Raton’s local parks, beaches, and the   member city. NACTO’s mission is to build cities as places  discussion around our four goals: 1) Financially Sound City,
      city’s diverse culinary and cultural offerings.   for people, with safe, sustainable, accessible, and equitable  2) World Class Municipal Services, 3) Strong Partnerships
         First, I want to start by saying “Thank you” for enabling   transportation choices that support a strong economy and  with the Community and 4) Vibrant & Sustainable City and
      me to continue to represent the people of this city. I am so   vibrant quality of life.             the priority items within each goal.
      honored to have been selected by my fellow council members      The city has entered into an agreement with Circuit     I am always looking for input and available for questions.
      as the Deputy Mayor and to continue serving on the Palm   Transit Inc. to provide free electric shuttle service in the  I can be reached at and you can follow
      Beach  County Transit  Planning Agency  governing  and   downtown area, and paid service in a wider area. I am  me on social media @yvettedrucker. For more city updates
      executive board, the voting delegate and policy committee   beyond excited to have led these efforts on offering an  visit and hope to see you around the city.
      From the Desk of Commissioner

      Marci Woodward: A Message from Marci

      Commissioner Woodward, a 20-year                  Adjustment Board. Ms. Woodward graduated from the   procedures across all eight bascule bridges to address
      resident of Boca Raton, was elected               University of South  Carolina-Aiken  with  a Bachelor’s   resident concerns while maintaining safety standards.
      in November 2022 as Palm Beach                    Degree in Fine Arts.                                  Now,  bridge  horns  will  only  sound  in  two  specific
      County District 4 Commissioner.                      Over the past year, many residents have voiced their   situations: when the vessel requesting passage uses a
      She serves on the following board                 concerns about the frequent use of the bridge horn at the   horn, or the bridge tender deems it necessary during an
      of directors as a representative                  Camino Real bascule bridge. In response to these concerns,   emergency.
      of the county commission: Palm                    I took the initiative to bring this matter before the Board      It’s  important  to  understand  that  the  United  States
      Beach Transportation Planning                     of County Commissioners.                           Coast Guard (USCG) is the governing body overseeing
      Agency; South Florida Regional                       Together, we directed a thorough study to evaluate   marine  traffic  at  this  bridge  location. While  the  Coast
      Transportation  Authority (TriRail); Treasure Coast   the usage of the bridge horns throughout the county.   Guard regulations mandate the use of bridge horns for
      Regional Planning Council; CareerSource Palm Beach   Previously,  the  horn  sounded  during  each  bridge  raise
      County; Palm Beach Cultural Council, and Value    sequence.  However,  the  study  led  to  a  revision  in  our   From the Desk of Commissioner on page 10

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