Page 6 - Boca Club News - May '24
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Page 6, Boca Club News

                 Boca Happenings

      B’nai Torah Congregation Celebrates Sold Out Concert Series

         B’nai Torah Congregation
      of  Boca  Raton,  the  largest
      conservative  synagogue
      in  Southeast  Florida,  is
      celebrating the completion
      of its successful sold-out
      2024 Concert Series which
      presented four live, in-person
      performances featuring
      singers, songwriters, orchestras
      and Cantors from around
      the world.  The series was
      dedicated in loving memory
      of Eleanor and Paul Weiner  (From left to right)-Cantor Netanel Hershtik, Cantor Magda
      (Z’L). Margie Browner Marks  Fishman, Cantor Abbie Strauss, Cantor Chaim Dovid Berson
      served as Chair.
         The four concerts kicked off in January and concluded      “In my years at B’nai
      in March. They featured Dudu Fisher, Soul to Soul, Cantor   Torah, our community has
      Magda  Fishman  and  Friends  Celebrate  Broadway  and   never come together the way   Broadway Bound Academy students: Sloane Goldstein, Chloe Goldstein, Alessandra Meany,
      Beyond, and Netanel Hershtik & Big Band Orchestra.  it has in recent months,” added   Rebekah Ramer, Zoe Willis, Amber Parle, Yair Keydar, Stella Pappas, Lennon Buynak, Oriana
         B’nai Torah Congregation’s Cantor Magda Fishman,   Rabbi David Steinhardt. “We   Matteazi, Ava Przybyla, Alissa Erickson, Kiana Spohn, Emily Rosato, Olivia Bidos
      who served as leader of the Concert Series in collaboration   are so deeply tied to our
      with Maestro Tomer Adaddi, selected each of the performers   people, our homeland, our culture and religious expression.   egalitarian synagogue, which offers diverse services, programs
      and performed twice herself. Fishman, who has traveled   This series gave us the opportunity to gather and listen to   of worship, learning, tzedakah, social action, and social
      extensively to sing in Israel, the United States, Europe and   talented musical artists as we reflected on the past and look   activities. B’nai Torah Congregation creates a perfect outlet
      Canada, performed in front of an audience of 1,400 members.  towards a brighter future.”             for arts, culture, and learning, and we are home to several
         “Year after year, we continue to provide a musical      Benefactors of the 2024 Concert Series were Eleanor &   schools of Jewish education. The synagogue, which offers
      journey  through  a  wide  range  of  artistic  expression—  Paul Weiner (Z’L), Barbara & Jeffrey Rosenberg and Carla &   a wide variety of volunteer opportunities that will enrich the
      traditional, contemporary, liturgical, pop,” said Cantor   Bruce Weiner. For a full list of patrons and friends, visit https://  synagogue experience, is a tremendous and vibrant center for
      Fishman. “This music transcends language, culture and                         tzedakah acts and projects that touch thousands of people.
      time, and touches the deepest parts of our hearts and souls.      B’nai Torah Congregation is the largest conservative   Learn more at
      I am grateful that we truly share the power of music, culture   synagogue in Southeast Florida with over 1,300 membership   Photos courtesy of Jessica Vernof
      and community with the world.”                    families. It is a close-knit, multi-generational, modern, and
      “Photographs of the Mind’s Eye”

      Exhibit at Boca Downtown Library

         T he   Boc a   Ra t on                          in a new and unusual way. Some of my harshest
      Public Library is currently                        critics were photographers that did not share the
      presenting a new art exhibit,                      same vision or were purists and yet I pursued
      “Photographs of the Mind’s                         my art. It was not until I moved to Florida that
      Eye,”  by Alan  Goldberg.                          my perspective of photography and art were
      He  has  been  exhibiting                          recognized.”
      his photography since                                 “Photographs  of  the  Mind’s  Eye,”  a  free
      2014, first as a traditional                       exhibit, runs through June 14th in the lobby
      photographer  and  in                              gallery  at  the  Boca  Raton  Public  Library’s
      the past few years as an                           Downtown  Library  location,  400  NW  2nd
      artist.  John  Haffey  of  Art                     Avenue.
      World News has described
      Mr.  Goldberg’s  art  as
      “refreshingly unique and beautiful.” As of 2023, his art
      had been exhibited at Galeria Azur in Miami and in galleries
      in Palma, Spain; Berlin, Germany; Zug, Switzerland; and
      Dubai, United Arab Emirates. His art was exhibited at Art
      Basel/Miami Art Week in 2022 and 2023. This year, his art
      will be exhibited again at Art Basel/Miami Art Week and at
      the NY Art Expo for his second year.
         Mr. Goldberg says: “Composition, I learned, is innate.   Stylish Modern Atmosphere     Make Reservations                   happy hour
      In our mind’s eye we see things the way we want them to be
      and not necessarily how they are. Some people are realists                                                                      Mon. - Thurs.
      and others, artists. I find myself somewhere in between                                                                      at Bar Only all Day
      the two. I took up photography as I could not capture the                                                                    Mon. - Fri.  3 - 6 pm
      world as I saw it as an artist. I wanted to express myself
                                                                                                                                   Lunch SpeciaLS

                                                                                                                                      every Day
                                                                                                                                       starting at  11


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