Page 10 - Boca Club News - May '24
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Page 10, Boca Club News

      From the Desk of Commissioner from page 9         to continually improve the quality of services offered.  service members. Their vision extends beyond immediate
                                                           Meetings are held the third Thursday of odd-numbered   crisis intervention. Grey Team strives for a future where
      communication with marine vessels, they aren’t necessary   months at 9 a.m. at the Emergency Operation Center in   veterans receive the comprehensive care and support they
      for pedestrians and drivers. (We have those flashing lights   West  Palm  Beach.  Please  contact  our  office  for  more   deserve.
      and bells for a reason!)                          information.                                          If you or someone you know is a veteran in need, Grey
         However, the horns can be used as a last resort to alert      Renzo Piano’s Exhibition Arrives in Boca Raton.   Team can help. For more information, visit www.greyteam.
      distracted pedestrians who’ve ignored other warnings. I   I’m excited to share news of a remarkable exhibition in   org.
      am confident that the new procedures will strike a balance   Boca Raton. Now through May 19th, The Center for Arts      Did you Know? Palm Beach County might surprise
      between the safety of boaters and the quality of life for   & Innovation, in partnership with the Boca Raton Museum   you! It’s known for sunshine and beaches, but there’s a
      residents living near the bridge.                 of Art, hosts Renzo Piano’s Building Workshop (RPBW):   whole other side to this Florida paradise. Did you know
         Speaking of safety, I’m also happy to announce that   Le Fil Rouge of Contemporary Architecture.   Palm Beach County is the top agricultural producer in the
      the county commission recently approved $2 million for      This  marks  the  U.S.  debut  of  Renzo  Piano’s  work   entire state? It even holds the prestigious title of being
      AI-powered camera monitoring systems at all our bascule   and coincides with the unveiling of his vision for The   the largest agricultural crop-producing county east of the
      bridges. These cameras will provide additional support   Center in Boca Raton. In September, The Center selected   Mississippi River!
      and improve safety during bridge opening and closing   Renzo Piano to design its forthcoming multimillion-dollar      Over a whopping 400,000 acres, or more than a third, of
      operations. Installation is underway and expected to be   creative campus, a testament to its significance as RPBW   the county’s land is dedicated to growing a variety of crops,
      completed by early 2025.                          is highly selective and only pursues two to three projects   including sugar cane, sweet corn, sweet bell peppers, rice,
         Additionally, Palm Beach International Airport (PBI)   a year.                                    lettuce, radishes, and Chinese vegetables.
      is about to take off! Our exciting new five-year plan is      The  campus  will  provide  a  platform  for  new  and      The expertise extends beyond crops. The county also
      revving up for an expansion of Concourse B, a state-of-the-  inspiring works and ideas, comprehensive STEAM   ranks third in the state for nursery production.
      art firefighting facility, and even the possibility of a new   education in partnership with local and regional institutions      This dedication to agriculture is a big business, leading
      airport hotel. Plus, a super-convenient rent-a-car center   to shape the next generation of leaders and creators.  the state in wages and salaries for those in the industry.
      with an automated people mover is on the horizon. Get      Join us to explore 50 years of architectural innovation   Western Palm Beach County takes things a step further
      ready for a first-class experience that reflects the amazing   and envision the future of our county’s cultural landscape.   with  a billion-dollar industry built  around agriculture.
      Palm Beach County we all love. As a board member, I      I recently attended the press conference and unveiling   From packinghouses and sugar mills to harvesting
      can’t wait to see our airport become a true destination in   of the exhibition at the Boca Museum. It’s a momentous   equipment and transportation systems, it’s a complex
      itself.                                           occasion not to be missed!                         and well-oiled (or perhaps we should say, well-farmed)
         Join the EMS Advisory Council. I am seeking       Nonprofit Spotlight. The Grey Team is a nonprofit   machine that gets our produce from farm to fork and
      a  District  4  resident  to  join  the  Palm  Beach  County   located  in  Boca  Raton  with  a  mission  to  reduce  and   beyond.
      Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory Council.  hopefully  eliminate  PTSD-related  veteran  suicides.      So next time you enjoy a delicious meal, remember,
         The EMS Advisory Council  plays a  vital role in   Alarming statistics show that suicide rates among veterans   there’s a good chance part of it might have come from the
      ensuring our county maintains a top-notch emergency   are six times higher than those facing active combat.   fertile fields of Palm Beach County!
      medical response system. They advise the Palm Beach      Grey Team  addresses  this  head-on  by  researching,      If you require assistance, please contact our office at
      County  Board  of  County  Commissioners  (BCC)  on   developing, and implementing programs that effectively   (561) 355-2204 or email
      matters related to EMS, proposing and discussing ideas   reduce veteran suicides – both for active duty and post-
      Memo from County Tax Collector

      Anne M. Gannon: Volunteering, Pride and Safety

      By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional                    For cyclists:                                   the Palm Beach Tax Collector’s Office. When you pay by
      Tax Collector serving Palm Beach                     • Always wear a helmet;                         credit card, be aware of the credit card descriptor for your
      County. You can reach her office                     • Ride in a group--motorists are more likely to see a   transaction. Wondering what a credit card descriptor is? It
      by Email: ClientAdvocate@                         group of cyclists as opposed to an individual;     is the merchant information that appears on your statement Phone: (561)                    • Add reflectors and lights to your bike;       when you make a charge. It is always a good idea to check
      355-4271.                                            • Wear retroreflective and bright clothing.     your transactions to make sure there have been no fraudulent
         Over the past few months, my                      For motorists:                                  charges made with your card.
      team and I have participated in                      • Be aware of your surroundings and on the lookout for      Transactions with our office will appear as the following
      several community events where we                 cyclists;                                          on your statement:
      had the opportunity to meet and speak with residents around      • Slow down–high speeds increase the likelihood of      • B2P*TAX COLL DMV PALM BCH – motor vehicle
      the county. From the Jupiter Jubilee and Palm Beach Pride   serious injury or death.                 transaction, including vehicle registration and driver license
      to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Delray Beach, it is so      For more information about Bicycle Safety Month,   renewals.
      rewarding to take the time to volunteer for these community   please visit     • B2P*TAX COLLECT PALM BCH – property tax,
      events. Volunteering not only benefits those being served   topics/bicycle-safety.                   business tax receipt, and tourist development tax payments.
      but also provides volunteers with opportunities for personal      Understanding Credit Card Descriptors.  Paying      •  LN  PALMBEACH  DMV  KIOSK  –  registration
      growth, skill development, and a sense of fulfillment. It   online is the fast, convenient option to pay your bill at   renewals at an MV Express kiosk.
      fosters a sense of belonging and strengthens social ties
      within communities, contributing to the overall well-being
      and resilience of society.
         I encourage you to find your passion and volunteer for a            NOW ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS
      community organization or event. You can start by visiting
      the Palm Beach County’s Volunteer Opportunities website at to perhaps
      find a way that you too can support our community…you’ll            Boca Raton Concierge Medicine Doctor
      be glad you did!
         Celebrating Palm Beach Pride. Persevering through
      rain and shine, a soggy Saturday didn’t drown out my team’s              Board Certified in
      enthusiasm at this year’s shortened Palm Beach Pride event.
      Thank you to everyone who came out to the event to wave                  Internal Medicine
      and cheer on the TCO float in Sunday’s Pride parade.               with Added Qualifications in
         Following the parade, we engaged with Palm Beach
      County residents who stopped by our booth. We answered                    Geriatrics (2002).
      their questions about our services and demonstrated the
      values that make our agency exceptional.                           Steven E. Reznick, MD, FACP
         I am proud of our continued support of and participation
      in this annual community event.                                         Voted a “Best Doctor”
         Top Bicycle Safety Tips for Riders and Motorists. May                      by his peers.
      in South Florida is a great time of year to spend time outside
      before the summer heat arrives. This time of year also brings
      an important focus on safety—Bicycle Safety Month.                     Call to request a complimentary meeting
         Did you know that Florida is home to 14 of the top 20
      counties in the U.S. for the most cyclist deaths per 100,000                            with Dr. Reznick.
      people? These numbers are a sad reality that highlight the
      emphasis that needs to be placed on safety for both cyclists
      and motorists.                                                                       561.368.0191

                                                                                     7280 W. Palmetto Park Road | 205N
                                                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33433
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