Page 15 - Boca Club News - May '24
P. 15

Boca Club News, Page 15

                From The Professionals’ Desks

      Healthy Answers–A Guide to Healthy Living:

      “Calm Your Monkey Mind!”

         By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C.              several weeks ago. He also has the habit of predicting the      Most of us picture ourselves at the center of a circle
      Dale is a motivational speaker who                worst before the event or situation even happens. This is a   overwhelmed with tasks, problems and responsibilities which
      has spent many years as a Certified               perfect example of someone “not living in the present.”   are rushing in upon us. At every moment we have a dozen
      Life Coach and has written numerous                  There are many examples I have heard from clients who   different things to do and problems to solve. Think back
      articles and e-books relating to self-            confess they never get half the things done they planned to   on the events in your life that you vividly remember. Even
      improvement and ways to build a                   do. Most of the time they get side tracked, or as my husband   though years have passed you might be able to describe your
      high-performance team. She is the                 often says, “I must have been distracted!”         feelings and details of the experience.
      author of the book, “Small Steps...                  When  we’re  at  work,  we  fantasize  about  being  on      An example might be a memory that stands out, like your first
      Big Changes: The Personal Stories                 vacation; on vacation, we worry about the work piling up on   ski trip. How terrified you were taking your first chairlift up the
      of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of experience in   our desks. We dwell on intrusive memories of the past or fret   mountain; then the relief you felt when you skied to the bottom!
      physical fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled her   about what may or may not happen in the future. We don’t   Living in the moment is easy during special times in your life
      to sharpen her knowledge in many health-related areas. The   appreciate the living present because our “monkey minds,”   because you are truly in the moment when it’s happening.
      following introduces a new approach to Ms. Brown’s series of   as Buddhists call them, vault from thought to thought like      Imagine that there is an hour glass on your desk allowing
      columns devoted to many topics that deal with the mind/body   monkeys swinging from tree to tree.    only one grain of sand to pass through it at a time. This is the
      connection and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.      If you have ever found yourself at home thinking about   true picture of life, even on a super busy day. Time is ticking
      Dale, a Bocaire resident, can be reached at dalebrown@  what you need to do at work, or at work thinking about things   away without you even being aware that the grains of sand                                happening in your personal life, you know how disturbing it   are falling one by one. How do you slow down and hit the
         I can’t count the times I’ve said to my husband, “Stop   is. It seems that our lives are so busy that we forget to feel the   pause button?
      creating your own reality.” Either he’s contemplating why   moments that together make up a day. Time is lost amid the
      he should have done things differently yesterday, or even   clutter of everyday and blurred by the activities we invent.   Healthy Answers on page 16

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