Page 19 - Boca Club News - May '24
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Boca Club News, Page 19
      Second Helpings: A Favorite Recipe from the Past

      Pages Of Boca Club News…Char Roasted Cauliflower

         Admit it. Most of the                                                                                3) Spread florets on a baking sheet with a little space
      time you have served                                                                                 between them and pop them into the oven.
      cauliflower  to  family                                                                                 4) Roast for 40-50 minutes, until the florets are deeply
      and friends, it has been                                                                             browned and shrunken. Serve warm with a touch more
      steamed...and kind of bland.                                                                         Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
      That’s the way most people
      are used to eating this very
      healthy veggie. But things                                                                            Grape Expectations from page 18
      have changed over the past
      couple of years and a stroll                                                                          or Napa Cab. These choices are full-bodied and rich
      down any supermarket aisle                                                                            and match nicely with roast beef.
      will  make  that  clear with                                                                             And what about Sushi? These big bold reds are
      many of your favorite dishes                                                                          too much for sushi. You’ll be tasting chewing on
      now made healthier using                                                                              dandelions dipped in vinegar with a rubber tire finish!
      cauliflower—including                                                                                 Instead,  have  a  Gruner Veltliner  from Austria  or  a
      pizza as the round “dough”                                                                            German Riesling from Moselle. The lightness of both
      base for the toppings and                                                                             the wine and the sushi is a perfect match.
      mashed cauliflower as a                                                                                  What would you drink with a creamy cheese like
      side dish in place of mashed                                                                          Brie? Big reds would begin to taste like rotten Cheetos
      potatoes for a change of                                                                              in sweaty gym socks floating in motor oil. The best
      pace. The following simple                                                                            match for cheeses like Brie is a dry Rose. Its acidity
      recipe will show you, your family and guests how delicious     Directions:                            cuts through the richness of the cheese, is low in
      this versatile vegetable is when char roasted. Tip: Make      1)  Rip  off  and  discard  any  green  leaves  from  the   calories, and you can have more cheese.
      extra; you will need it.                          cauliflower. Cut out the core and trim off any brown spots.      And finally, what do you drink with desserts? If
         A medium head of cauliflower will serve 2-4 people (first  Chop into quarter-sized florets.        you pair sweet desserts with any dry red or white,
      helpings).                                           2) Heat the oven to 350°F. Put the chopped cauliflower   you’ll detect a whiff of wet cat fur balls followed by a
      Ingredients:                                      in a large mixing bowl and toss with a big splash of Extra   hint of rusty nails, but you won’t need a tetanus shot!
         Cauliflower                                    Virgin Olive Oil, making sure that the cauliflower is evenly   If the dessert is sweeter than the wine, it makes the
         Extra virgin olive oil                         and generously coated. Season with a large pinch of salt,   wine taste bitter by comparison. I recommend a nice
         Kosher salt                                    a pinch of white pepper and sugar. Toss again.      Ice Wine from Canada. Inniskillin or Jackson Triggs
                                                                                                            are excellent producers.
                                                                                                               So there you have it. I must make a confession,
                                  Advertise, Send Articles.                                                 however.  The above taste analogies were from a
                                                                                                            colleague of mine and were, indeed, made to gross
                                   Check out our website!                                                   you out. While I did not personally taste “Cheetos
                                                                                                            in  sweaty  gym  socks,”  you  get  the  picture.  Happy
        or call 746-3244.

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