Page 21 - Boca Club News - May '24
P. 21

Boca Club News, Page 21
      Film Review: “Pain Hustlers”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                Hughes, whose subsequent book on the subject became   has been brought effectively to the screen by a director,
         In 2018, The New York                          the basis for this film of the same title, Pain Hustlers,   David Yates, better known for his earlier successes with
      Times  Magazine  section                          which was released in the U.S. last October and began   the more magical Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts film
      ran an article about the                          streaming recently on Netflix.                     series.
      rapid rise and fall of an                            While more than one of the lead characters in the film      A good part of the credit for this film’s success must go
      American pharmaceutical                           are amalgams of several different people who worked   to the uniformly excellent performances of its cast. Pain
      company, Insys, that                              in the actual company, Insys, the story it tells is one   Hustlers is a fictionalized version of the story of the real
      used unethical sales and                          that will not surprise anyone even remotely aware of   company, whose actual billionaire owner is portrayed here
      marketing methods to                              the headline-making crises our nation has been facing   by Andy Garcia as a wealthy scientist who has developed
      promote a product the                             with  such opioids  as  oxycontin  and  fentanyl, and  the   a drug that alleviates the pain suffered by late-stage cancer
      top executives knew was                           sometimes questionable policies followed and decisions   patients. Although he owns his company—here named
      dangerous to the patients                         made even today by some of our nation’s pharmaceutical   Zanna Pharmaceuticals—controls the Board and makes all
      for whom it would be                              companies—an industry that employs no fewer than 1,800   the important final decisions, for public purposes he has
      prescribed—a  case  not                           lobbyists promoting its interests in Washington, D.C. to   all official documents prepared and signed by corporate
      unlike that of the more                           keep Americans paying twice as much for its products as   executives…as it turns out, in order to “keep his own
      recent Sackler family’s enormously successful release and   those in other countries around the world.  hands ‘clean.’”
      distribution of the opioid oxycontin without revealing the      From the standpoint of our nation’s health system and      But before we as viewers enter the tough side of the
      truth about its addictive nature.                 the great number of people who have been harmed, this   pharmaceutical world, we are introduced to Liza Drake
         The article attracted the attention of author Evan   is the kind of horror story all too real that, ironically,   (Emily  Blunt),  a  single  mother  of  an  ll-year-old  girl,
                                                                                                           Phoebe,  who  suffers  from  epileptic  seizures.  Liza  has
                                                                                                           financial  problems  that  have  forced  her  to  check  the
                                                                                                           two of them in at a cheap motel. She works as a pole
                                                                                                           dancer at a strip bar, where she approaches an attractive
                                                                                                           man, Pete Brenner (Chris Pine) who clearly has had too
                                                                                                           much to drink. She learns that he is an executive at a
         RAYMOND JAMES WELCOMES SOUTH FLORIDA                                                              pharmaceutical company and uses her “charms” and his
                                                                                                           present condition to hit him up for a future job interview.

                                                                                                             When  she  shows  up  unannounced  at  his  office,
         FINANCIAL ADVISOR MANAGING $105 MILLION                                                           interrupting  an  important  Board  meeting,  Brenner—
                                                                                                           realizing that she hasn’t even graduated from high school
                                                                                                           but embarrassed because he had made up an excuse to the
          Raymond James recently welcomed financial advisor Thera Elliott to                               Board about the importance of the interruption—quickly
        Raymond James Financial Services (RJFS) – the firm’s independent advisor                           doctors her resume to state, for example, that she has a
                                                                                                           graduate science degree and hires her for a sales position.
        channel – according to Todd Gartrell, Southeast division director for RJFS.                           Liza,  after  several  unsuccessful  efforts  to  convince

          Elliott arrives from Wells Fargo, where she previously managed                                   doctors to prescribe Zanna’s new cancer pain-killing
                                                                                                           drug, Lonafen—through determination bred of financial
        approximately $105 million in client assets. Operating as Elliott Wealth                           desperation—manages  to  get  one  of  the  nation’s  most
        Strategies in Boca Raton, Florida, she is joined by office manager and                             important doctor prescribers to try it for his patients…
                                                                                                           who is soon pleased to report that Lonafen does indeed
        sales assistant Joy Lynn McGarity. Together they serve a variety of clients,                       work as promised!
                                                                                                             With  the  company’s  generous  sales  commission
        including business owners, healthcare professionals, women investors,                                arrangements Liza soon discovers that her income has
        retirees and families, with personalized planning to help meet their                               suddenly taken her from a strip bar pole dancer to earning
        financial goals.                                                                                   $600,000 a year! From that start and Zanna’s sales and
                                                                                                           marketing staff’s questionable corporate ethics policies,
          “Raymond James stands out in the industry for its distinguished                                  the company’s profits surge with Lonafen soon owning

        reputation and client-first approach, which provides me with the freedom                           86% of its market share. Both Liza and Pete are promoted
                                                                                                           to top executive positions and Liza’s lively mother, Jackie
        and flexibility to run my practice in a way that best suits my clients. In                         (Catherine O’Hara) has also joined the firm’s sales staff.
                                                                                                             Meanwhile, such rapid corporate success has aroused
        addition, its robust investment, banking, trust and insurance capabilities                           the attention of federal agents who have noted some
        backed by a team of estate planning professionals can be highly beneficial                         decidedly more negative patient statistics that may be
        to clients and business,” said Elliott.                                                            suspiciously related, and they want to speak with several
                                                                                                           of the people associated with the company. The film’s
          With nearly 20 years of industry experience, Elliott began her career in                         ending reveals the result of their investigation, and we
        financial services and banking in 2006 and most recently spent 16 years at                         learn the secret about the product that was withheld by
                                                                                                           Zanna’s owner-scientist from the company’s enthusiastic
        Wells Fargo, where she became a financial advisor. A Florida native, she                           sales staff and their prescribing doctors.
                                                                                                             Each  of  us  will  bring  to  this  film—even  before
        is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University with a degree in accounting                             we  watch  a  single  moment  of  it—our  own  already
        and finance.                                                                                       firm opinion of America’s pharmaceutical industry as
                                                                                                           it operates today. On one hand, we depend on these
        About Raymond James Financial Services                                                             companies to research and provide over-the-counter and
        Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. (RJFS), member FINRA/SIPC, is a financial services firm supporting independent   prescription medicines that relieve our health issues, albeit
        financial advisors nationwide. Since 1974, RJFS provides a wide range of investment and wealth planning-related services   often with our tax dollars helping to fund their critical
        through its affiliate, Raymond James & Associates, Inc., member New York Stock Exchange/SIPC. Both firms are wholly   research and development.
        owned subsidiaries of Raymond James Financial, Inc. (NYSE-RJF), one of the nation’s premier diversified financial services      Yet, at least to many of us, there is something inherently
        companies with approximately 8,700 financial advisors throughout the United States, Canada and overseas. Total client   wrong in having that industry’s 1,800 lobbyists in D.C.
        assets are approximately $1.42 trillion as of Feb. 29, 2024. Additional information is available at  sent, as one example, to help block federal legislation
        Securities offered through Raymond James Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services   that would help Americans from having to pay much
        are offered through Raymond James Financial Services Advisors, Inc. Elliott Wealth Strategies is not a registered broker/  more—often twice as much—for the same medications
        dealer and is independent of Raymond James Financial Services, Inc.                                as people in other countries around the world. So when
                                                                                                           we see excessive greed punished, on a screen relating the
                                                                                                           actual facts of the true case, it’s a happy ending.

                                              Raymond James Financial Services
                                              Thera Elliott

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