Page 16 - Boca Club News - May '24
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Page 16, Boca Club News
      Medical Matters: Long COVID

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                    The cause of long-term COVID remains a mystery and there   the symptoms experienced by the patients. It is imperative to
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                  is no cure available for it. Symptoms are highly variable and   rule out any other chronic medical conditions.
      physician. After graduating from the              encompass many forms. Fatigue is the most common symptom      There is no specific treatment for long COVID. Antibiotics
      University of Pennsylvania and New                and can be debilitating. It is like chronic fatigue syndrome.   are useless. Vaccines have reduced the incidence of long-
      York University’s School of Medicine,             Low-grade fever, shortness of breath, persistent cough and brain   term COVID by 30%. Early treatment of acute COVID with
      Dr. Nagler served his internship and              fog with difficulty in concentration and memory are typical.   convalescent plasma from recovered people—which contains
      residency at Baltimore City Hospital              Headaches, sleep apnea, light-headedness, loss of smell and   antibodies against the virus—appears to lower the risk of long-
      and Johns Hopkins. He followed that               taste, peripheral neuropathy, depression and anxiety, stomach   term COVID but is no longer used very often.
      with a Fellowship in Gastroenterology             pain and diarrhea, joint and muscle pain and a hive-like rash      Supportive care including physio and occupational therapy
      at Yale University School of Medicine, and was then Chief   called urticaria are seen.               is the best we can do for these people. It often involves
      of Gastroenterology at Fitzimmons General Army Hospital      Such people are more likely to develop multi-organ   bringing in representatives of many medical disciplines to work
      in Denver. He returned to the Yale Medical School for one   effects that may include diabetes, blood clots, kidney disease,   together to manage these cases, depending on symptoms and
      year as an Assistant Professor of Medicine before opening   cardiomyopathy, arrythmias (especially A fib), orthostatic   organ involvement. Internal medicine, cardiology, neurology,
      his own successful private practice in Internal Medicine   hypotension, retinal problems with blurry and double vision,   psychology, pulmonary, infectious disease and rheumatology
      and Gastroenterology. During that time, he also served for   and a variety of neurological conditions. For most people with   specialists should be consulted.
      ten years as Chief of Medicine at Huntington Hospital in   long COVID these symptoms will recede over time.      Continuing research on possibly discovering an anti-viral
      Huntington, N.Y.                                     There is no diagnostic test for long COVID. Extensive blood   medication effective in treating long COVID will hopefully
         Now that we have experienced the COVID pandemic for   tests, chest x-rays and EKGs usually show normal results despite   emerge in the future.
      more than three years we are learning more about a serious
      complication referred to as long COVID. Approximately 18
      million adults have had long COVID, and it is estimated that
      currently 8.8 million Americans have it. Five thousand deaths
      have been attributed to it.
         Long-term COVID is described as a condition where signs
      and symptoms of acute COVID infection continue for weeks
      or months. It is more common after a severe acute infection
      with COVID, in people who are unvaccinated, in those with
      preexisting medical conditions. Women are affected more than                             561-989-0611
      men. Interestingly, seniors are less likely to develop long-term
      COVID. The most vulnerable group are the 35- to-49-year-olds.          EXCEPTIONAL HOMECARE SERVICES
         The use of Paxlovid does not prevent long COVID. It is
      not contagious and there are some cases where people with   Boca Home Care Services has been South Florida’s preferred home health care company for over
      long-term COVID never had any symptoms of acute infection.   25 years. The caregivers we refer into our clients’ homes provide essential care to the most valued
                                                           members of our community with compassion and dignity. Trusted by physicians and geriatric care
                                                           professionals, we treat every client and family with a level of respect and professionalism that sets us
        Healthy Answers from page 15                       apart.
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