Page 8 - Boca Club News - May '24
P. 8

Page 8, Boca Club News


      Mayor’s Update:

      State of the City Highlights

      Scott Singer is the 35th Mayor of                 nearly eighteen hundred employees focused on providing  lessons from Boca Raton. And with these low tax rates we
      Boca Raton and was re-elected                     outstanding services to our residents.            saw another 12% increase in property values this year, part
      in 2023. A South Florida native,                     At our recent State of the City address, I asked those  of a large growth the past four years. Decreasing taxes;
      attorney and small business owner,                in attendance to take stock of where we stand and what  rising values–that’s the blueprint for prosperity.
      Scott and his wife Bella live in                  we’ve accomplished in the past year. In this column, I’ll     Yet  we  recognize  that  rising  values,  as  in  so  many
      Broken Sound with their two                       share the first part of the highlights on our actions.   places, bring a challenge of housing affordability. This
      children.                                            We are a safe community, with the finest public safety  year we adopted ordinances to provide attainable housing
         Friends and Neighbors, they told               professionals anywhere. As other cities have seen dramatic  choices for families and workers that will help us attract
      him it was impossible. To create a                rises in crime, our low crime rates continue to fall. Our  even more companies and reduce miles traveled on our
      dream city where only a few farms and swampy wilderness  fire rescue department continues to rank in the top half  roadways.
      stood. To make a seamless, coordinated paradise that he  of the top one percent in the nation. We were the first     We have committed to a sense of place, with vibrant
      saw as a haven for the affluent and powerbrokers. A century  city in Florida to update building review standards after  cultural and community offerings. Last year we held nearly
      ago, Addison Mizner had this dream, and it was here in  the Surfside tragedy, and this year we recertified the first  50 community events, including nationally televised sports
      Boca Raton that he set out to build it.           building under them to give peace of mind to our residents.  events drawing millions of viewers. Last month we hosted
         Today, in Boca Raton, we aspire to that dream. We have     We have a thriving economy. Boca Raton is home to  headlining attractions at our Museum of Art, the Festival of
      become renowned for the quality of life we enjoy, but we  the most corporate headquarters of any city in Palm Beach  the Arts Boca and the Studio at Mizner Park. This month
      have more to do to bring dimension to the dream of the city  County, is rated number  1 for startups, and saw more  the  local  nonprofit  Center  for  the Arts  and  Innovation
      we know we can be. It will take a renewed vigor at the dawn  office  leasing  activity  last  year  than West  Palm  Beach  unveiled its aspirational design for a landmark cultural
      of our new century, and we are up to this challenge. I feel  and Ft. Lauderdale combined. While other cities see more  arts center to be built on this very site by world renowned
      honored to work alongside colleagues who recognize this  vacancies in their business districts, work is underway  architect Renzo Piano. And our community celebration
      moment: Deputy Mayor Yvette Drucker, Council Members  on two new Class A office buildings in our downtown.  last month is only a prelude to a robust series of events
      Fran Nachlas, Marc Wigder and Andy Thomson, our new  Companies are investing in Boca Raton, and our talent  leading up to our centennial celebrations in May 2025.
      city  manager  George  Brown,  and  a  dedicated  team  of  base from startups to C-suite is growing.      I’ll share more information in next month’s column. If
                                                           Our finances are strong. We continue to have one of the  you can’t wait, you can view the entire State of the City
                                                        lowest property tax rates of any full-service city in Florida  at You may also want to stay in touch on
                                                        and small but steady decreases of our millage rate over the  social media at @scottsingerusa. As always, please reach
                                                        past ten years. The rating agencies regard our bonds as safer  out by email to with any thoughts or
                                                        investments than what was the bluest of blue chips–the  requests. Honored to serve you!
                                                        United States of America. Washington could learn many

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                                                       or call 746-3244

                                                             6919 SW 18th Street, Suite 102,

                                                                         Boca Raton FL 33433


             Open every day from 11 am - 9 pm


                                                                                                                15% oFF
                                                 beverage                                                                your meal.
                                               with a purchase of a bowl.                                          expires June 30, 2024.
                                                  expires June 30, 2024.

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