Page 2 - Boca Club News - May '24
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Page 2, Boca Club News

      Center for Arts & Innovation from page 1             The new campus will
                                                        consist of a three-story building
         Pritzker Architecture Prize-winning Laureate Renzo Piano   carefully integrated into the
      accepts only two to three new commissions worldwide a year,   Boca Raton skyline, serving
      a testament to The Center’s vision to usher in an international   an ensemble of functional
      renaissance in Boca Raton and the region.         needs and providing multi-use
         Conceptually announced in 2018, The Center for Arts and   spaces that are welcoming,
      Innovation is a non-profit with a mission to build and operate   permeable, luminous, and
      an innovative, vital and flexible cultural campus that transcends   open to all. The eastern side
      function to enable creativity with no boundaries. The Center   of the building will hold the
      can curate experiences either indoors or out, public or private,   “main venue,” a large multi-
      free or ticketed, for the young or old, student or professional,   functional, convertible event,
      entrepreneur or established business, from all walks of life,   exhibition and performance
      either day or night, weekday or weekend, and all year long.   space with the ability to merge
      The Center is truly a center for all.             seamlessly with the outdoor
         “When you’re designing a conceptual plan as an architect,   piazza, enabling greater scaled
      you’re often designing something that you don’t know, yet,   events. The main venue is
      exactly what it will be,” said Renzo Piano, The Center’s design   intended to be highly flexible,
      architect. “It’s about inventing. It’s about starting and working   allowing for a wide variety
      and seeing. We’re at the beginning and so what you see in these   of convenings, exhibitions,
      early designs–it’s not printed in stone. Rather, it’s the beginning   performances and innovative
      of what we’re inventing and of something really unique.”  programming. The Center will also contain a public lobby,   the open plaza will continue to be used as an amphitheater
         “For The Center to fulfill its goal of inspiring, growing,   large flexible working spaces, dedicated workshops, maker   for outdoor performances as well as special events, daily
      supporting and shaping communities, artists, students,   space, creator residences and a startup incubator, as well as   programming, public events, as well as temporary exhibitions
      creatives and entrepreneurs, our physical space itself must be   educational and social spaces open to the public, all designed   in collaboration with the Boca Raton Museum of Art. It is
      as innovative as those who will visit and use it, and this initial   to foster collision and innovation of The Center’s four pillars   intended to be a vibrant and lively place open to the community,
      design by Renzo Piano begins to bring shape to that vision,”   from within.                          destined to enhance social interaction, urban culture, and
      said Andrea Virgin, Chair & CEO at The Center. “We are      The third floor will host the city’s first covered rooftop   human flourishing in the city.
      confident that this state-of-the-art destination will serve as   terrace with food and beverage service, offering views
      a catalyst for new pioneering approaches that will not just   overlooking Plaza Real and the city’s downtown. The roof
      unlock a renaissance for Boca Raton’s next 100 years, but also   will take advantage of the abundant Florida sun to produce
      empower countless people to use creativity and innovation in   both electricity and hot water through 100,000 square feet of
      their daily lives to shape a new future for generations to come.”  revolutionary hybrid photovoltaic solar collectors. Above the
                                                        roof, there will be a special 100-person capacity panoramic
                                                        space, known as the Belvedere, dedicated to both the public
      Boca’s “Summer in the City” from page 1           and special events with 360-degree views of the city, ocean
                                                        and beyond. Parking will be provided underground. Antoine
         Friday, August 9th: 4th Annual Battle of the Bands   Chaaya, RPBW’s Partner-in-Charge of the project states: “Cars
      Competition.                                      should go in the dark, and people in the light.” Ample height is
         Summer in the City is sponsored by the City of Boca   proposed in the parking garage to allow for any future changes
      Raton and American Social.                        as transportation modalities change in years to come.
                                                           The central exterior space that grounds the project will be
                                                        known as the Piazza. Maintaining the current capacity level,

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      Billy Buchanan and the Rock 'n Soul Revue
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