Page 22 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
P. 22

Page 22, Abacoa
      Northern Notes

      Streets, Swales And                                                                                  over the berm and slowly run into a local water body.
                                                                                                           Eventually, the remaining ponded water evaporates or
      Stormwater Management                                                                                infiltrates the soil.
                                                                                                           Here Are Some Ways To Maintain Proper Swales
      By Katie Roundtree,                                                                                     • Let water pond. Runoff should temporarily pond in
      Director of Finance and                                                                              the swale for 24 to 36 hours, sometimes even up to 72
      Administration, Northern                                                                             hours.
      Palm Beach County                                                                                       •  Mow  the  swale  but  keep  good  grass  growth. Tall
      Improvement District                                                                                 grass slows water movement.
         Streets and swales are                                                                               • Remove and compost leaves and grass clippings from
      essential components of                                                                              swales.
      the Northern Palm Beach                                                                                 •  Minimize  the  use  of  fertilizers,  pesticides  and
      County  Improvement                                   Blockages can sometimes occur, causing undesired   herbicides within 50 feet of a swale.
      District’s stormwater                              flooding conditions and making roads impassable. Many      • Do not pile garbage, trash, leaves, limbs or garden
      management s ys tem.                               stormwater blockages in streets happen because of   debris in swales – this adds pollutants that can wash into
      The different parts of the                         clogged storm sewer inlets. Residents are asked to keep   downstream waters.
      roadway system help convey stormwater to its ultimate   the inlet in the street adjacent to their home clear of all      • Do not pave the swale—this reduces the filtration
      location. Storm sewers are located below the street   obstructions, including leaves, grass and debris. Debris   and infiltration of runoff.
      and convey water through pipes to lakes or preserves.   at storm sewer inlets also builds up after a storm event,      • Do not park vehicles in the swale. This compacts the
      Ditches or swales are located along the street and trap   making it an excellent time to check the inlet and ensure   soil, allowing less runoff to soak in. It also destroys the
      stormwater for water quality purposes. Finally, the   the system works well during the next storm.   vegetation needed to filter pollutants out of the water.
      roadway itself conveys stormwater to designated locations.   Swales                                     • Do not alter the swale’s design. Any changes that
      Understanding the basics of how streets and swales convey      Chances are, if you’ve lived in South Florida long   may affect drainage will require a permit.
      stormwater is crucial in identifying potential problems.  enough, you’ve heard at least one person use the word      As we approach the rainy season in South Florida, it
      Streets                                            swale. Swales are engineered grassy areas of land that   is crucial to remember that some standing water in streets
         Did you know that in very heavy rains, some water   appear as a linear, shallow, open channel that stretches   and swales is normal during heavy rains. Streets and
      standing in streets or swales is part of the flood control   from the edge of the sidewalk in front of homes (or the   swales are an integral part of the stormwater system. If
      design plan and is expected? Streets are designed and built   property line if there is no sidewalk) to the edge of the   you cannot determine the water depth in the street during
      with curbs and gutters along the street and storm sewers   street. Swales are typically vegetated with flood-tolerant,   or after a rain event, do not drive down the street for your
      underneath the pavement. These curbs and gutters direct   erosion-resistant  plants.  They  are  one  of  the  most   safety. Find an alternate route. Cars can lose traction in
      stormwater from the pavement into the storm sewers.   commonly used stormwater practices to direct runoff from   as little as 6 inches of water. If you are unsure how deep
      Storm sewers collect water from the roadway and connect   rural highways and residential streets. Today, swales help   the water is, turn around. It’s much better to play it safe
      to other drainage systems, which collect water from yards   filter runoff and reduce pollutants.     than get stuck.
      and subdivisions, transporting the stormwater to lakes,      A  swale  slows  down  the  rapid  flow  of  stormwater      NPDES tip: It is important to never dump any debris,
      canals, and other outlets.                         runoff by ponding water between its sloping sides, often   including but not limited to landscape waste, garbage or
         During heavy rain, when water flows from the streets   called berms. Ponding slows the flow rate and allows   chemicals into a storm sewer inlet. While bulky materials
      into the lakes, the water level in the neighborhood lake   pollutants to settle out of the water. Ponding facilitates   can cause flooding, chemicals and other wastes that are
      may appear to rise quickly, but it’s unlikely to last. If   water quality improvements through infiltration, filtration   dumped into a storm sewer eventually drain into lakes and
      the system in your neighborhood works correctly, levels   and sedimentary deposition. Collected stormwater must   canals, which threaten fish and wildlife and pollute the
      will return to normal soon after the rain stops. A more   drain through the soil within several hours or days. When   water. Please check our website for information regarding
      widespread and longer-lasting rain event will require more   the swale becomes full, the cleaner surface water will spill   illegal dumping.
      time for local, secondary and regional systems to absorb
      the excess water.                                 Do Students With Disabilities

                                                        Attend College?
        Town Of Jupiter News from page 21

       Quality Of Services
          “Emergency Preparedness” ranked No. 5 of 320   By Jim Forgan, Ph.D.,                             housing along with coaching or mentoring to students with
       nationally, No. 2 of 24 in Florida.              Licensed School                                    disabilities. They help facilitate the transition to college by
          “Police” ranked No. 39 of 386 nationally, No. 4 of   Psychologist                                providing tutoring, executive functioning skills coaching
       26 in Florida.                                      The high school to                              and socialization for students.
          “Town Government” ranked No. 56 of 368        college  transition  is  a                            Students with developmental disabilities or intellectual
       nationally, No. 5 of 25 in Florida.              milestone step in a teen’s                         disabilities also attend college. Florida Atlantic University
       Natural Environment                              life and independent living.                       offers the Academy for Community Inclusion on the Jupiter
          “Water Resources” ranked No. 6 of 238 nationally,   With hard work students                      and Boca Raton campuses. This program allows students to
       No. 3 of 23 in Florida.                          with learning disabilities,                        participate in college activities, clubs and organizations as
          “Overall Quality of Environment” ranked No. 7 of   mild autism, ADHD, and                        they take college courses to earn certificates. Students have
       294 nationally, No. 2 of 24 in Florida.          other disabilities attend and                      a college experience while gaining skills for independence
       Local Economy                                    graduate  from  college.  In                       and employment.
          “Variety of business and service establishments”   addition to your student’s hard work, planning for college      Of course, college is not the right fit for everyone and
       ranked No. 19 of 320 nationally, No. 4 of 23 in Florida.  is an important factor to set your student up for success.   there are plenty of well-paying jobs that don’t require a
          “Quality of business and service establishments”   Expert college planners such as those at Class 101 North   degree. Mike Rowe is a television personality and host
       ranked No. 18 of 258 nationally, No. 3 of 24 in Florida.  Palm Beach help all high school students, including those   of Dirty Jobs. He is a huge advocate of the trades and has
          “Cost of Living” ranked No. 264 of 310 nationally,   with disabilities, identify the right college. They specialize   resources on his website or podcast.
       No. 21 of 24 in Florida. [Improvement Area]      in supporting families through the entire process from      We know students with disabilities who are successful
       Custom Questions                                 identifying colleges for their unique needs, applying, essay   in college and life because of caring parents, family and
          1.) How concerned are you about each of       writing and ensuring that accommodations are available.   mentors. Reach out if we can help you as we test students
       the  following  aspects  of new  development and   Class 101 college planners even guide families on available   from preschool through graduate school. If you need
       redevelopment projects in Jupiter?               scholarships for making college more affordable.   updated testing or are concerned about a potential learning
          a. Increased traffic = 67 percent very concerned, 28      While many college students live on campus, some   disability, autism or ADHD, visit or call
       percent somewhat concerned                       live in off-campus housing with support. The organization   (561) 625-4125.
          b. Increased housing density = 61 percent very   called College Living provides off-campus
       concerned, 30 percent somewhat concerned
          c. Allowing increased building heights = 57 percent       Dyslexia, ADD/ADHD,
       very concerned, 26 percent somewhat concerned
          2.) Are  you  more likely  to  be  accepting  of the
       aspect items listed above if new development or                         Gifted Testing
       redevelopment proposal included?
          a. Public amenities (e.g. green space, public art,
       public access to waterways) = 81 percent  Yes/19                          NOW OFFERING:                 Dr. Jim Forgan & Associates
       percent No                                                                • Jupiter & Stuart Offices
          b. Workforce housing = 48 percent Yes/52 percent No                                                         Licensed School Psychologist
          c. Affordable housing = 59 percent Yes/41 percent No                   • Testing for Processing  
          The preceding represents a small sampling of town                        Problems, Anxiety,
       resident  survey  results. The Town  Council, Town                          Defiance                          (561) 625-4125
       Manager and Town Staff make a significant effort                          • Weekend and After
       to understand the complete scope of resident survey                         School Appointments
       results, and take it into account in how the Town
       of Jupiter operates as well as how we evaluate new
       development and redevelopment proposals.                                        “Helping Parents Help Children”
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