Page 24 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
P. 24

Page 24, Abacoa
       science on tHe cutting edge

      Study: Housing Premiums
      Shrink, Signaling Good News

      For Homebuyers

      By Amber Bonefront
         Housing premiums
      in many markets in the
      country are starting
      to decline, suggesting
      that many areas across the country are moving toward   highly-rewarding discoveries. MPFI is the only Max   the world with new understanding of how the brain functions
      stabilization, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic   Planck Institute in North America.     in health and disease.
      University and Florida International University.  MPFI By The Numbers                                   • Having a world-class imaging center, machine shop,
         In eight out of the 10 most overvalued housing markets,      MPFI is part of Germany’s Max Planck Society, the   animal resource center and molecular core working side by
      housing price premiums have started to edge back down   globe’s most successful research organization. There are   side with researchers, gives MPFI scientists the most effective
      toward their long-term pricing trends, according to January   more than 80 institutes worldwide, and since its founding,   and cutting-edge advantages in their unique research pursuits.
      data from the Top 100 U.S. Housing Markets. A premium   Max Planck researchers have been awarded the Nobel      • MPFI maintains innovative tech partnerships with leading
      is measured by the degree of overpricing in terms of a   Prize 29 times, including two in 2021 alone!   international companies, such as Abberior Instruments and
      percentage  difference between  actual  and  statistically      Since 2011, MPFI researchers and directors have   Zeiss Microscopy, giving Max Planck Florida researchers
      modeled home prices.                              significantly exceeded the average success rate for   access to the most powerful and advanced tools offered, often
         Atlanta, the most                              National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant applications   before they are commercially available anywhere else.
      overvalued market in                              with two MPFI researchers receiving perfect scores on      • The MPFI Scientific Fellows Program is training the
      the country, posted                               their applications, a rare achievement from even the most   next generation of neuroscience researchers. This innovative
      a  12-basis point                                 established scientists.                            program for undergraduate, post baccalaureate, graduate
      decline in its housing                               MPFI scientists have produced more than 191 research   and postdoctoral researchers draws students from leading
      premium over the past                             publications and their findings have been cited more   universities around the world.
      month. The  second                                than 40,000 times. MPFI is home to eight state of the art      • MPFI provides inspiring educational opportunities for
      most overvalued                                   research groups that employ groundbreaking techniques   Palm Beach County students including high school summer
      market, Cape Coral,                               to study the brain. Two of these groups are led by past   research internships, MPFI Brain Bee Competitions, Science
      had a 62-basis point decline; Tampa, fourth most overvalued,   winners of a Max Planck Society competition who could   Career Panels, teacher workshops and more.
      had a 17-basis point decline; Palm Bay, fifth most overvalued,   choose any Max Planck Institute to start their labs. They      • MPFI’s Sunposium  brings world-renowned thought
      a 31-basis point decline; Knoxville, sixth most overvalued, had   chose Max Planck Florida.          leaders, including Nobel Prize winners, to share their insights
      a 13-basis point decline; Lakeland, the eighth most overvalued      MPFI has educated more than 333 scientific trainees   and discoveries with the next generation of scientists.
      had a 23-basis point decline; Orlando, number nine, a six-basis   through our internships, undergrad, post baccalaureate,      Learn more at
      point decline; and Charlotte, the 10th most overvalued saw a   Ph.D. and postdoc programs.
      14-basis point decline.
         “This is good news as it signals these markets could be  Curiosity Driven Discovery
      getting to where prices should be, slowly but surely, creating   And Exceptional Innovation
      less risk for catastrophic loss in average home value,” said
      Ken H. Johnson, Ph.D., real estate economist in FAU’s      • MPFI’s fundamental research is answering the toughest
      College of Business. “Ideally, we want to find our way back   questions in neuroscience. Our facility, with more than 80
      to the long-term trend for each metro area with as little pain   scientists, develops cutting-edge approaches that are leading
      as possible.”
         The Top 100 U.S. Housing Markets, a monthly index in
      FAU’s Real Estate Initiative, measures housing premiums
      and discounts in the 100 most populated metropolitan areas     Experience Dentistry
      in the country by looking at the difference in actual average
      home price in a city and comparing it to the long-term home
      pricing trend for the same city to calculate how overvalued
      or undervalued housing markets are using publicly available
      data from Zillow.                                                                          with a
         Several Florida metros also signaled that prices are
      stabilizing as eight out of the nine measured metros saw
      small declines in premiums. Examples include North
      Port with a 75-basis point drop in its housing premium
      between end of December 2023 and the end of January;
      Deltona with a 39-basis point drop; and Jacksonville with   Woman’s Touch
      a 16-basis point drop.
         “Equity gains remain strong for current homeowners and
      prospective homebuyers can get a little breather knowing
      that prices are slightly more stable. All in all, these are good
      signs for the housing market,” said Eli Beracha, Ph.D.,   Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
      director of FIU’s Hollo School of Real Estate.
         South Florida remains an area of concern for
      researchers as it was the only measured metro in the state       State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
      where housing premiums did not decrease, instead going
      up by 23 basis points.
         “As prices are on the upswing still in Miami and premiums     Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
      aren’t showing signs of heading back to the area’s long-term
      pricing trend, it might be better, in terms of wealth creation,
      to rent and reinvest monies that would have otherwise been
      put into homeownership,” Johnson said.                            Joanne Green, D.D.S.

                                                                  10887 N. Military Trail, Suite 6
                                                                  Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

                                                                          (561) 622-2815
      About The Max Planck

      Florida Institute For                                 
      Neuroscience (MPFI)

                                                                 Medical College of Virginia School of Dentistry - Cum Laude
         MPFI is a member of the prestigious Max Planck
      Society, the No. 1 nonprofit biomedical organization   Hospital of the University of Penn - General Practice Residency Training
      in the world. MPFI focuses on discovering answers                  Harvard Dental School - Former Instructor
      to the fundamental questions of the brain in a vibrant,     Boston Brigham and Women’s Dental Group - Staff Dentist
      collaborative environment where scientists are empowered
      to take on high-risk projects that act as a catalyst for
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