Page 21 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
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Abacoa, Page 21
      Commissioner’s Update

      A Look At The Economic                               The Palm Beach County Sports Commission (PBCSC)   Women’s Golf Championship, and the Jackson T. Stephens
      Impacts Of Sports In Palm                         is dedicated to championing our county as the premier   Cup call Palm Beach County home. Palm Beach County
                                                        destination for sports and tourism. Their mission is to
                                                                                                           hosted the best of racquet sports with international tennis
      Beach County                                      attract sporting events and activities to Palm Beach County   and pickleball events, and equestrian sports continue to
                                                        and to maximize the positive economic impact of these   thrive with Wellington’s Winter Equestrian Festival. Our
      By Vice Mayor Maria Marino                        events on our local economy. By expanding occupancy   sports commission partnered with the United States Polo
         Sports  have  long  been                       of hotel room nights and maximizing the use of county   Association in bringing FIP World Polo Championships
      regarded as more than just                        facilities, PBCSC utilizes events and activities to promote   to the National Polo Center and the United States for only
      games; they are economic                          the  image  of  Palm  Beach  County  as  a  sports  tourism   the second time. Jupiter’s Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium
      e ngi ne s t ha t  p owe r                        destination on a national and international level.  hosts the St. Louis Cardinals and Miami Marlins each
      communities.  Beyond  the                            In 2023, our sports commission hosted 196 events,   year for their Major League Baseball Spring Training and
      thrill of competition and the                     which represented more than 40 different types of sports.   CACTI Park of the Palm Beaches in West Palm Beach,
      camaraderie it fosters, sports                    These  events  brought  nearly  1.3  million  sports-related   hosts the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros.
      have a profound impact on                         attendees who traveled from 48 states and 42 nations. The      As residents of Palm Beach County we know how truly
      the economic landscape                            same attendees utilized over 300,000 room nights which   valuable our location in the country is. With an average
      of counties, promoting                            translated to over $77 million in hotel revenue with an   year-round temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit, 47 miles
      tourism, generating revenue,                      estimated $4.6 million collected in bed tax. Additionally,   of breathtaking beaches, over 160 golf courses, 45 parks
      creating jobs, and boosting local businesses. Palm Beach   the Winter Equestrian Festival and Major League Baseball   with vast multipurpose playing fields, and more than 346
      County is unrivaled when it comes to golf, racquet sports,   Spring Training utilized an additional 96,000 room nights.   acres of polo and equestrian facilities, it is no wonder that
      equestrian sports and baseball amenities. In fact, The Palm   In total, these sports events created an estimated $300   Palm Beach County continues to increase its sports tourism
      Beaches has been recognized by Sports Business Journal   million in economic impact to Palm Beach County.   economic impact.
      as one of the top 50 sports destinations in the United States      This past year has positioned Palm Beach County at      For more information on ways to experience sports in
      and No. 5 for a destination without a professional sports   the top of the sports spectrum. As Florida’s Golf Capital,   Palm Beach County, please visit www.palmbeachsports.
      franchise.                                        the PGA  TOUR, PGA  TOUR Champions, NCAA DI        com/events.
      Professional Firefighters And Paramedics Of Palm Beach County

      Bagpipes In The Fire Service                         One of the Irish traditions they brought with them was      Next time you hear a fire department pipe and drum band,
                                                        the bagpipes. In an effort to keep their traditions alive, the   please remember just how it came to be such a deep-rooted
                           If you saw firefighters in kilts and   firefighters would play the bagpipes while at work, and over   part of our tradition.
                         heard the unmistakable sound of   time it became part of the firefighter culture.                                    Steen Eriksson,
                         bagpipes during St. Patrick’s Day      Few things evoke a firefighter’s emotions like the sounds of   Community Relations - HOA North,
                         celebrations, there is a reason why   pipes and drums. Feelings of pride and joy swell a firefighter’s   Professional Firefighters/Paramedics
                         those sounds and images have become   heart when listening to up-tempo Irish and Scottish tunes                of Palm Beach County,
                         a part of the Fire Service traditions.  at a joyous occasion, just as the ever-present pride and                   IAFF Local 2928,
                            Parades featuring fire department   overwhelming sorrow breaks the firefighter’s heart when        
      honor guards and pipe and drum bands take place across the   hearing the wail of Amazing Grace at the funeral for a fallen
      United States, and especially in the Northeast as part of St.   firefighter killed in the line of duty.  Town Of
      Patrick’s Day festivities.
         This often piques the curiosity about the relationship
      firefighters and police officers have with the bagpipes, and                                         Jupiter News
      how it has become part of our tradition.
         In the mid-1800s, there was a massive migration of Irish to
      the United States, mainly to cities in the Northeast. This was                                       By Jim Kuretski,
      due largely in part to the potato famine in Ireland prompting                                        Mayor, Town of Jupiter
      people to search for a better life.                                                                     On a biannual basis for the
         Initially, the Irish were not welcomed here, and as they                                          past two decades, the Town
      searched for jobs, they were usually greeted by signs stating                                        of Jupiter has conducted
      “Irish need not apply.”                                                                              a citizen survey to secure
         Becoming desperate to earn money to support their                                                 feedback and input from
      families, they took the jobs that no one else wanted because it                                      our residents. This survey is
      was a dirty, dangerous and physically demanding way to earn                                          conducted by a national firm
      very little pay and even less respect. They became firefighters                                      to enable comparisons to
      and police officers.                                                                                 national benchmarks as well
                                                                                                           as custom/peer benchmarks
                                                                                                           to other Florida communities. I am sharing just a few
                                                                                                           highlights of this latest survey as follows.
                                                                                                           Quality Of Life In Jupiter
                                                                                                              “Jupiter as a place to visit” ranked No. 6 of 326
                                                                                                           nationally, No. 1 of 25 in Florida.
                                                                                                              “Jupiter as a place to retire” ranked No. 11 of 372
                                                                                                           nationally, No. 3 of 25 in Florida.
                                                                                                              “Jupiter as a place to raise children” ranked No. 101
                                                                                                           of 377 nationally, No. 6 of 25 in Florida.

                                                                                                           Town Of Jupiter News on page 22
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