Page 18 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
P. 18

Page 18, Abacoa


      Tax Talk

      Dear Friends:                                        It is always valuable                           our team of 28 client care representatives handled more than
         Growing up in Ohio, I                          to hear from our clients                           237,000 phone calls and more than 45,000 emails. They
      remember this time of year                        and to share the feedback                          answer questions about all the services the tax collector’s
      meant “April showers bring                        with our team.  This                               office provides, including property taxes, driver’s licenses,
      May flowers,” marking the                         allows us to celebrate                             motor vehicle/vessel registrations and titles, local business
      beginning of the gardening                        the fantastic reviews and                          tax, and more. This dedicated team continually strives to
      season. Here in Florida,                          to also learn how we                               improve its response time, and last year, the team reduced
      and due to our climate, we                        can improve our service.                           the  average  call  wait  time  by  nearly  five  minutes  and
      have a different gardening                        Over the past two years, and across our six locations, we   responded to email inquiries within three days! If you have
      timeline and right now it is                      have received well over 400 GMB reviews ranging from an   a question or need assistance from our office, our CCRC
      harvesting time for many                          average of 2.6 stars to 4.0 stars! We appreciate the valuable   team can be reached via email at ClientAdvocate@pbctax.
      backyard gardeners.                               feedback we have received, highlighting not just the quality   com or by phone at (561) 355-2264.
         Recently, my gardening                         of our service but also the exceptional experiences our clients
      prowess paid off as I picked                      have had with our team. One reviewer applauded our excellent
      my first heads of broccoli and                    service, stating, “Had the best experience in any DMV I had
      cauliflower! There is nothing                     been to, and excellent service given.” Hearing such feedback is
      better  than  homegrown                           an affirmation that our focus on exceptional service is working
      vegetables. So, this month,                       but we must continue to raise the bar and work hard to exceed
      which is National Garden                          our clients’ expectations.
      Month, and for all you home                          To read more about our awesome GMB reviews, I encourage
      gardeners, celebrate your                         you to check out our 2022/23 annual report which can be found
      harvesting success and enjoy                      on our website at Don’t forget
      the fruits (and vegetables) of                    to share a review of your experience on our Google My Business
      your labor … I know I will!                       page by visiting, selecting the
                                        Anne M. Gannon,  location where you received service from our team and then
        Constitutional Tax Collector, Serving Palm Beach County  clicking on the Google My Business link.
      Open! Open! Open!                                 Hello … This Is The Tax

         Our newest service center in North Palm Beach County   Collector
      is now open!
         Located at 3185 PGA Blvd., the new facility is built on the      When you contact
      grounds where once stood the old State Division of Driver’s   our office by phone
      Licenses building that served generations of Palm Beach   or email, our Client
      County drivers. This new service center is a welcome change   Care and Research
      from that outdated, small office. The new state-of-the-art   Center (CCRC) team
      service center is 23,735 square feet with a bright and spacious   provides exceptional
      interior to enhance the client experience. Other client-focused   service to respond
      features include additional client service windows, ample   to your inquiries. In
      parking, and a self-contained road test area.     Fiscal Year 2022/23,

      Another feature of our new service center is the continuation
      of our commitment to providing art in public places. Our
      lobby features a fountain created from volcanic basalt formed
      millions of years ago in the northeastern part of the United
      States. The new facility also features artwork by participants
      of Gulfstream Goodwill’s Reimagined initiative and coming
      soon will be a vibrant exterior mural painted by local artist,
      Benjamin Heller.
         Now that the new building is open, the previous office
      location in the North County Government Center is closed.
      The new service center in the City of Palm Beach Gardens is
      the third facility built by the agency to meet demand spurred
      by the population growth of Palm Beach County.

      The Reviews Are In….

         What a pleasure it is to share the latest wave of positive
      reviews we have received over the past year on our Google
      My Business (GMB) pages! We have six GMB pages,
      one for each of our service centers and these pages offer
      you the opportunity to tell us about your experience at a
      particular service center location.
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