Page 19 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
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                                            John D. MacArthur Campus at Jupiter
             2024  APRIL                              Florida Atlantic University                                            Sponsored report

                                                   Photo courtesy of Roger Dean
                                                   Chevrolet Stadium                Forum Club
                                                                                    Students from the Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College
                                                                                    participated in a recent Forum Club of the Palm Beaches
                                                                                    luncheon. They were able to ask questions and share
                                                                                    experiences about their educational journey to the group.
                                                                                    They also heard from guest speaker Mark McKinnon
                                                                                    who is an influential political advisor, reform advocate,
                                                                                    columnist and television producer. The program was
                                                                                    moderated by WPTV news anchor Hollani Davis.

                                                                                                       SCAN TO SEE PHOTOS.>

                                                                                    22  Annual Scholarly and
                                                                                    Creative Research Symposium
                On March 1, Florida Atlantic University partnered with
                                                                                    The Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College’s annual research
                Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium for the annual FAU Day                 symposium will be held Friday, April 12 at the John D.
                during Major League Baseball Spring Training. Florida               MacArthur Campus. The event begins at 9 a.m. with
                                                                                    students’ oral presentations, followed by a keynote
                Atlantic’s Alumni Association represented the University,
                                                                                    address by Julio Ramirez, Ph.D., R. Stuart Dickson
                and Justine Avila, chair of the association, threw out the          Professor and Director of the Neuroscience Program at
                first pitch before the St. Louis Cardinals faced off against        Davidson College. The day will conclude with student art
                                                                                    and poster sessions.
                the New York Mets.

                                                      This year, the festivities
                                                      expanded beyond
                                                                                                        SCAN TO LEARN MORE.
                                                      the stadium onto the
                                                      John D. MacArthur
                                                      Campus, where

                                                      baseball fans who             Exploring Florida’s
                                                      parked on campus were         Aquaculture Workshops
                                                      greeted with music,           Dive into all things aquaculture with FAU Harbor Branch
                                                                                    Oceanographic Institute during the monthly Exploring
                                                      dancing, popcorn and
                                                                                    Florida’s Aquaculture Public Workshop series. The next
                                                      giveaways.                    workshop is Saturday, April 13 from 9 a.m. to noon at
                                                                                    the Harbor Branch campus, 5600 N US Highway 1 in Fort
                                                                                    Pierce. It will focus on “Shrimp, Clams and Oysters” with
                HONORS COLLEGE CELEBRATES 25 YEARS                                  special presentations by Florida Atlantic researchers and
                                                                                    aquaculture farmers from across the state. Advanced
                 The Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College of                            registration is required.
                 Florida Atlantic University is celebrating
                 25 years of academic excellence on
                                                                                                            SCAN TO REGISTER.
                 the John D. MacArthur Campus. Save
                 the date for the special Anniversary
                                                                                    In-vehicle Sensors Study
                 Celebration event set for Nov. 14 at the
                                                                                    Nursing, engineering and neuropsychology researchers at
                 Pelican Club in Jupiter.                                           Florida Atlantic are testing and evaluating an unobtrusive
                                                                                    in-vehicle sensing system they have developed to detect
                                                                                    early warnings of cognitive change in older drivers. The
                                                                                    study is currently recruiting 460 study participants from
                                                                                    Broward and Palm Beach counties to participate.

                                  SCAN TO LEARN MORE.
                                                                                                        SCAN TO LEARN MORE.


                      Harriet L. Wilkes Honors College • Charles E. Schmidt College of Science at Jupiter • FAU Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute • I-HEALTH • FAST Labs
                          • FAU High School in Partnership with Max Planck Academy • FAU-Max Planck Joint Programs • College of Education Teacher Training
                                  STAY CONNECTED: FAU.EDU/JUPITER                                        @FAUJUPITER

                                                     5353 Parkside Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458   |   phone: 561.799.8500
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