Page 13 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
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Abacoa, Page 13
        around abacoa

      Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum To Host 10th Annual

      Wild And Scenic Film Festival On Tour – March 13, 6 To 10 p.m.

      Landmark Raises Awareness                            The Wild and Scenic Film Festival (WSFF) theme is

      And Education About The                           “Reel Action.” “This festival is one of my favorite events
                                                        of the year. It’s an inspiring and exciting way to connect
      Conservation Of Environment                       to our environment, local activists and partners, and get a
                                                        glimpse into larger national and international issues,” said
      Through Fun National Event                        Katrina Heller, executive director of Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse
                                                        & Museum. “I look forward to seeing our community come
                              Jupiter  Inlet Lighthouse  &   together for this fun event!”
                            Museum, is a historical landmark      As part of a national tour, the Wild and Scenic Film
                            that sits on the confluence of the   Festival tours across the country and uses the event to   6 p.m.,  Gates Open. Enjoy music and visiting with
                            Indian and Loxahatchee Rivers   promote an urgent call of action for preservation of the   environmental and recreational organizations. Food trucks,
                            at the Jupiter Inlet. Featuring a   environment. Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse & Museum is a   beverages, beer and wine will be available for purchase.
                            series of 13 short films, the local   congressionally identified partner in the management of 120   8 p.m., A welcome to the 10th Annual WSFF and films begin
      event meant to inspire engagement and provide an opportunity   acres of nationally significant property surrounded by urban   Tickets:  Adults and Children $25 each.  These are
      for guests to interact with other local environmental   development and busy waterways. The museum sits on the   nonrefundable and not for resale. Tickets are limited and
      organizations, including the Bureau of Land Management/  Loxahatchee River, portions of which are a wild and scenic   must be presented (or shown on mobile device) at the
      Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse Outstanding Natural Area, The River   river as designated in 1985 by Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.  admissions gate.
      Center/Loxahatchee River District, Jupiter Inlet Foundation,      Guests are invited to enjoy fresh air, delicious food      Bring beach or lawn chairs and comfortable outdoor
      Friends of Jupiter Beach, Wild Dolphin Project, Beach Bucket   trucks and refreshing drinks, while watching outstanding   clothing. Outside food, drinks, coolers and pets  not
      Foundation, Jupiter Narrows Conservation Alliance, Manatee   international short films from one of the nation’s premier   permitted.
      Lagoon and the Nature Conservancy.                environmental and adventure film festivals.          at (561) 747-8380, Ext. 101.
                                                                                                             *Please call the Gift Shop with any ticket questions
      Performing Arts Education For All Ages

                                                                                                                                       50+ Activities
                               Classes And                                                                                               April 2024


                                 The Maltz Jupiter
                               Theatre recently unveiled                                                    Date  Time        Event                Fee P/P
                               an exciting lineup of spring                                                                                        (R/NR)
                               and summer camps ranging                                                     2   1:30 p.m.     Ice Cream Social      $3/$4
                               from one-day-long to                                                         3   10 a.m.       Health Seminar         Free
      three-weeks-long for                                                                                  3   1 to 4 p.m.   50+ Social Arts And Crafts   Free
      grades Pre-K through                                                                                  4   10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Brunch And Social Bingo   $5/$7
      12. In an  effort to                                                                                  5   2 to 4 p.m.   Jupiter Book Club      Free
      enrich children’s                                                                                     5   7 to 9:30 p.m.   50+ Friday Night Dance   $5
      arts education and                                                                                    11  10 a.m.       50+ Registration Class   Free
      knowledge, the                                                                                        11  1:30 p.m.     50+ Movie Matinee      Free
      local theatre will be                                                                                 12  9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  AARP Tax Help Last Day   Free
      offering an array of                                                                                  16  12 p.m.       Lunch and the Classics   $5/$7
      camps such as Mean                                                                                    17  9:30 a.m.     Archery 101           $5/$7
      Girls and The Wizard                              visit Summer camp   17  11 a.m.   Open Archery        $8/$10
      of Oz performances                                open house will be held on March 29 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.   17  1 to 4 p.m.   50+ Social Arts And Crafts   Free
      to  dance  and  acting                            at the Maltz Jupiter Theatre. All families are welcome.  18  11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  50+ Beach Day
      classes.                                                                                                                @ Civic Center         $5/$7
         To see more or to                                                                                  24  10 a.m.       Health Seminar-Obesity   Free
      sign up for classes                                                                                   25  8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                              AARP Safe Driving Course  $20/$25
                                                                                                            26  10:30 a.m.    50+ Virtual Museum Tour   Free
                                                                                                            28  1 to 3 p.m.   Big Band Dance/Concert   $5

                                                                                                                AARP Tax Help: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday,
                                                                                                                      9 a.m. to 1 p.m. through April 12;
                                                                                                                Jupiter Community Center, 200 Military Trail.

                                                                                                            Please visit for further details or call
                                                                                                              (561) 741-2400, Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
                                                                                                                      and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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