Page 11 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
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Abacoa, Page 11

       neigHborHood news

      Abacoa Community Garden

                                 Cruciferous                                                                 that when cooked properly help our liver cleanse itself
                                                                                                             Both are part of the family of cruciferous vegetables
                                 Vegetables                                                                of toxins. Loaded with vitamins C and K, cabbage is best
                                                                                                           prepared by steaming (compared to microwaving), for
                                   Come to the garden                                                      doing so preserves the nutrients that keep your digestive
                                 and be amazed.  This                                                      tract healthy. Air frying Brussels sprouts has become very
                                 year’s  crop  of  cabbage                                                 popular for the outer shell caramelizes, creating a crispy
                                 and Brussels sprouts are                                                  and tasty dish.
                                 stunningly beautiful as the                                                  Garden membership runs from Aug. 1 to July 31.
      photographs suggest. They are not the same plant but are of                                          Download forms at
      the same species – Brassica oleracea. Some mistake Brussels                                          garden or find one in the outside mailbox at the garden
      sprouts as miniature cabbages as their tight formation of   bed. Cabbages grow directly on the ground transforming   entrance at 1022 Community Drive. There is a waiting
      densely packed swirls are very similar.           into swirly plants with a tightly packed center. The Brussels   list for independent beds but if interested, just check the
         In the photos, a garden member is proudly holding up a   sprouts, meanwhile, are little jewels that grow on the main   box. Stop by, especially Saturday morning, and check out
      cabbage, while the ground photo is of the Brussels sprouts   stem of the parent plant.               our Facebook page.
      Help Celebrate Gopher Tortoise Day In Florida

                                                                                                           parks throughout Abacoa’s neighborhoods and a 260-acre
                                                          Tips On Protecting Gopher Tortoise…              greenway that protects the ecosystem of wetlands and pine
                                                          and Over 350 Species of Wildlife                 woods, 60 acres of which are set aside as an endangered
                                                                                                           gopher tortoise habitat. Leaving preserve gates open
                                                          •  Do not place them in water, they are land tortoises   creates a serious risk of harm to endangered tortoises that
                                                          and will drown!                                  call the Abacoa Greenway home.
                                                          •  Do not destroy their burrows, they are also home to      You can help celebrate
                                                          another 350 species!                             Florida’s  only native
                                                          •  Do not feed or touch them.  They are wild and   tortoise by hosting an
                                                          protected by law.                                event in your community,
         April 10  was  officially  adopted  by  the  Gopher   •  If you do need to help one to safely cross the road   asking your local city or
      Tortoise Council as Gopher Tortoise Day! In Florida,   always take it to the side it was walking towards!  county commission to
      gopher tortoises are found in parts of all 67 counties                                               officially adopt April 10
      and are frequently encountered in neighborhoods, along   These  commensal  species  include  the  gopher  frog,   as Gopher Tortoise Day, and by educating others on the
      roadways, and in many of Florida’s public parks and   Florida mouse, eastern indigo snake, and hundreds of   importance of protecting gopher tortoises.
      forests. The goal of Gopher Tortoise Day is to increase   invertebrates like beetles and crickets. Without the gopher      Learn more about the gopher tortoise by visiting MyFWC.
      awareness and appreciation for these long lived, gentle   tortoise, many of these species would not exist.  com/GopherTortoise or
      reptiles.                                            Abacoa is a 2,055-acre, mixed-use community design
         Gopher tortoises are considered a keystone species   with open space restoration preserving environmentally
      because they dig burrows that provide shelter for   valuable land, protecting riparian and endangered species
      360 other species of wildlife, called “commensals.”   habitat. The 393 acres of preserved open space includes
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