Page 7 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
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Abacoa, Page 7
      Cardinal Newman High School Hosts Newman Night 2024:

      A Night Under The Palms At The Kravis Center On March 9

      New Building Name

      Announced As The Rocco A.

      Marcello Family Building

         On March 9 Cardinal Newman High School welcomed
      guests to its annual gala, Newman Night 2024, themed “A
      Night Under the Palms,” at the esteemed Kravis Center in
      West Palm Beach. Chaired by Kathryn Dillon, Erin Shea, and
      Shana Sheptak, with Honorary Chairs Jackie and Jay Marvin,
      the gala raised vital funds that will directly benefit the students
      of Cardinal Newman High School.
         The enchanting evening, attended by over 350 guests,
      featured old Florida decor, with elegant centerpieces of calla
      lilies and palm fronds raised on plexiglass pedestals throughout                                     Rocco, Jennifer, Emanuela and Mark Marcello
      the ballroom. The evening was filled with camaraderie and   Ed Curtin, Bishop Barbarito, John Clarke, Chuck Stembler
        The Singles Scene Column                                            ©

        Educated Matchmakers Tell All                   video on YouTube. Regular physical movement (even minutes a day on a
        Spring Edition by: Kelly Leary,                 regular basis) will improve your health and mood naturally. Investing in
                                                        yourself will make you more attractive to potential suitors. The message
        M.S. & Miranda Capparelli                       is: “I care about myself.”
           “Nothing ever is, but all                       10. Dogmatism: It’s a THING. Our clients have high standards and
        things are becoming. All things                 preferences, but maintaining an open-minded approach will facilitate
        are the offspring of flux and                   increased dates, compatibility, and connections. Rigid prejudgements can
        motion.” ~~ Socrates                            and will terminate the process and formation of meaningful relationships.
           Dating in 2024 is not like                   The open-minded client will trump the closed “know-it-all” client every
        it was five, ten, or thirty years               day.
        ago. Times have changed--and                       This year marks our TENTH ANNIVERSARY of Revolution Dating.
        it’s evident on the dating circuit.             We invite you to join us in spreading love and positivity. Let’s embark   Erin Shea, Shana Sheptak, Kathryn Dillon
        New clients coming off of the                   on this new April Adventure together, celebrating the highs and learning
        online dating scene or coping                   from the lows. Your happiness is our ultimate goal, and we are dedicated   entertainment, including silent and live auctions, dinner,
        with the loss of a spouse are                   to helping you find lasting love too. Are you?
        experiencing massive shock and fright of what it is like “out there.” People      Enrollments are hot and the temperature is rising. Don’t miss out on a   dancing and music performed by the 15-piece band The Social.
        have lost their patience and/or have become set in their ways. Single or   Spring Fling that can last a Lifetime. Your future soulmate is waiting for      “The support of our community significantly impacts the
        Taken, we live in an On-Demand Society and Instant Gratification Culture.   you to sign up! Reserve your spot in the club today and—remember—we   students today and paves the way for their future,” said Cardinal
        Single people would benefit from becoming matched with a supportive   have clients up and down the coast all the way to the TriState/Northeastern
        partner because they are getting the brunt of our Doubting Thomas Era.   areas. If you are leaving soon, we can still help you over the summer.   Newman Interim President John Clarke. “This event is a
        Singles carry the weight of life alone and that is not fun nor healthy.      We are excited to hear more about you!   testament to our community’s dedication to the education and
           This Matchmaking Team is on a hyper-focused mission to cure the           XOXO, Kelly & Miranda  growth of our students. I am truly grateful for the generosity
        dating dilemma that is hurting people--in their wallets and hearts. We   #MatchmakingRoyalty #33YearsOfExperience
        want you to connect--without fear of being used or hurt. We want you to   #LoveM or eIn20 24 #TellYourF riend s   #LoveO ff lin e   and dedication of all who contributed to making this event a
        share your life with someone you love, like our happy clients and couples.   #ReserveYourAppointment  resounding success.”
        With that, people need Matchmaking Connections. Virtual connections                                   In his opening remarks, Interim President Clarke warmly
        are not real. Demand for our insight and attention is up and rising. As   Revolution Dating Founder and CEO, Kelly Leary, has 33 years in
        always, do share this column with your single friends and family if you   the dating industry and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology. She   welcomed the attendees and thanked underwriters and donors
        are half of a couple.                           has also been written about in The Palm Beach Post, PalmBeacher   for their support. The Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito
           Hope floats, friends! More than half of our new clients come in by   Magazine, Stuart News, Modern Luxury Palm Beach, and Modern   began the meal with grace. A highlight of the evening was
        word of mouth and we do dominate the market. This is a message of love   Luxury Manhattan plus many more. Revolution Dating members are
        from our office to your hearts. Thank you for spending your time with   pre-screened in person including background checks. Professional   the unveiling of the name of the newly renovated academic
        us today. (CAUTION: The following points are based on scientific   photos are taken by the staff. Revolution Dating is NOT online dating or   building as the Rocco A. Marcello Family Academic Building.
        observation and studied for accuracy. Follow through and you just   blind dating. In addition to providing matchmaking services that make      The renovation, scheduled to be completed at the beginning
        may fall in love.)                              singles “UN-single” through their exclusive club memberships, Kelly
           1. Self-Awareness: The paramount deficit in dating is a lack of self-  and her team also provide feedback from your dates when appropriate.   of the 2024/25 academic year, signifies a transformative chapter
        awareness.  Know who you are and know the league you are in. I.E. If   Mock Dates are available by request. Single Coaching Sessions and   in the school’s 63-year history. Substantial enhancements will
        you want a Brad Pitt, make sure you are the same caliber as Angelina   Evaluations are also available by request for non-members or as an add-  provide students with an immersive and enriching learning
        Jolie.                                          on to some memberships. *All inquiries are confidential. *By demand,
           2. More Honey--Less Vinegar:  Approaching every interaction with a   we now have a TriState area Hub for our many Northeast clients with   environment. The state-of-the-art facility will house science
        positive attitude creates space for growth, fulfillment, and understanding.   two or more homes. Do call the main hotline for more information   classrooms, laboratories, an innovation center, mathematics
        We enjoy the saying “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”   561-630-XOXO (9696) or register on our website at Revolution Dating   classrooms, and a centralized entry with offices for admissions
        Keep your words sweet because you might have to eat them one day.   :: Home of THE Award-Winning Matchmaker . This is a First Come/
        When you wake up in the morning, choose to live the new day as another   First Serve Model, so get your name on the A-List today.   and student services.
        opportunity to get it right.                                                                          As Cardinal Newman continues its fundraising efforts
           3. The Power of First Impressions: The importance of first   BEHIND THE  SCENES WITH  REVOLUTION   through the Shaping the Future appeal the school reaffirms
        impressions cannot be overlooked or dismissed. Initial judgments of others
        are formed within 60 seconds of meeting and often subconsciously. Dress   DATING                   its commitment to operational excellence and delivering
        to impress. When you dress nice, you set the tone of inherent confidence                           exceptional education to its students. For further information
        because when you look better, you feel better. The way you show up on   Luxury Matchmakers Cover Palm Beach to the Northeast  and updates on the Shaping the Future Capital Campaign,
        a date is the way you show up in life. Don’t ride on the Popeye Excuse-     Successful single, divorced, and widowed clientele are ready to live
        -“I am what I am. Love me or leave me.” First impressions are formed   and love offline. Revolution Dating is a full service matchmaking firm   please visit or email or
        by nonverbal cues, including but not limited to body language and facial   that specializes in screening and representing clients from the Northeast   phone, (561) 619-7280.
        expressions.                                    to Palm Beach for decades. With a corporate brick and mortar office here
           4. Speak Love: Research conducted by the University of North   in your backyard in the exclusive PGA Commons business neighborhood,
        Carolina demonstrates that acts of love and kindness stimulate the   Florida is still the favorite but who can say no the Hamptons or the Cape   Editorial  copy  appearing  herewith  is  not  necessarily  the  viewpoint  of
        release of oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone.” Creating an   this summer? See how the firm connected real singles in real life at their   Seabreeze Publications of Central Florida. Most editorial copy is created by
        atmosphere of love and positivity in interactions creates a ripple effect,   private mini-event on Palm Beach Island last month, starting at Alice   the homeowners and is edited by their appointed editor.
        enhancing connections with those around you. The energy of love is   and Olivia in a “Get Ready With Matchmakers” GRWM Kickoff Party.
        contagious as is the energy of contention. What’s your energy saying?   Confidentiality is their practice and love is their language. These clients
           5. Relationship Investment: Successful relationships require a   were okay with having their picture taken. Check out the happiness in
        significant investment of time, money, and emotion. Dating someone   their beautiful faces! This could be you, too! Wishing you and yours an
        who can’t nail down a date, constantly reschedules, or doesn’t provide   awesome April and remember to Love More in 2024. #TellYourFriends
        at least an hour and a half of their time for a date will not be successful.   #SpringIntoLove #JoinUs #OpportunityKnocks
        Investing in the relationship signals commitment and dedication, which                               Seabreeze Publications
        gains mutual trust and potential for bonding. If you don’t want to invest,
        you may want to opt out of dating.                                                                                     Publisher
           6. Viral Overthinking: The pandemic may be long over, but there is a                                                M. Sean Reid
        new virus taking over the world called “Over-analysis.” Overthinking can                                                J. Reid
        have an adverse effect on finding a partner. Be open-minded on your first
        date. When you join our club, know that you can feel reassured because                                                   Sales
        of our comprehensive vetting process.                                                                      Tom English, Laura Berrio, Bret McCormick
           7. Believe in Yourself: Even though life has given you some speed
        bumps, know that you are still extraordinary. Psychologists emphasize                                       Production Manager   Lee Nostrant
        the importance of cultivating self-belief through positive affirmations.   Revolutionary Ladies “GRWM”   More Awards for Revolution
        Believing in oneself enhances personal well-being and attracts like-  Mini-Mixer! #CommunityLove  Dating! #MatchmakerLove  Production Department
        minded individuals who value self-esteem and authenticity. Stuart Smalley                               Elaine Donholt • Ruth Nekoranec • Katie Heystek
        of Saturday Night Live, circa 1970-1980, would repeat phrases like: “I                                   Sherry Whalon • Dianne Strout •  Karen Kalisz
        am good enough. I am smart enough and dog gone it, people like me.”
        If you don’t feel this way, you are may not be ready.                                                   All rights reserved. Reproduction or utilization of these contents in any
           8. Just Say YES: While NIKE says “Just Do It” we say “Just Say                                    form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, including xerography and
                                                                                                             photocopying is forbidden without the written permission of the Publisher.
        YES.” First of all, saying “NO” as your go-to reply is simply unattractive.                             The Publisher is not responsible or liable for misinformation or misprints
        Try a new way of life this Spring. Make a change. What is worst that                                 herein contained and reserves the right to accept or reject all copy deemed
        can happen? Our clients trust us because we build an in-person personal                              unsuitable for publication.
        relationship with them. They value our insight.                                                 
           9. Physical Wellness: This does not mean you have to be a “TEN.”   Dr. John and Corinna
        Physical activity enhances self-confidence (regardless of your waistline).   Pair Off!  #FirstDate   Glowing Energy from the RD Ladies at Sant   1102 W. Indiantown Rd., Suite 5, Jupiter, FL 33458
        Just get moving from a walk to a yoga class to a twenty-minute workout   #SeniorDatingPros  Ambroeus Restaurant. #PalmBeachSingles  (561) 746-3244
                                                                                                                       FAX (561) 746-2509
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