Page 8 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
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Page 8, Abacoa                                                 BW
      Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center Offers

      Same-Day Discharge Orthopedic Surgery With Robotics

         Orthopedic surgery is undergoing a transformative shift,   CORI surgical system.                     Judy Dellosa, orthopedic service line director at Palm
      enabling patients to undergo procedures and return home      The acquisition of two Mako SmartRobotics systems   Beach Gardens Medical Center, underscores the hospital’s

      on the same day, thanks to advancements in robotics and   marked a significant milestone for Palm Beach Gardens   commitment to leveraging technology for patient benefit.
      minimally invasive techniques. At Palm Beach Gardens   Medical Center. Patients undergoing partial knee replacement,   “Integrating Mako SmartRobotics, ROSA, and CORI into our
      Medical Center, a focus on surgical robots aims to deliver   total knee, and hip replacements can anticipate superior   orthopedic program highlights Palm Beach Gardens Medical
      enhanced precision and quicker recovery, ultimately elevating   outcomes with Mako SmartRobotics. This robotic-arm   Center’s dedication to remaining at the forefront of surgical
      orthopedic care for better patient outcomes.       assisted technology ensures a more precise and consistent   technology,” says Dellosa. “Patients undergoing hip and knee
         Whether it’s a partial or full knee replacement, hip, or   result, often translating into shorter hospital stays, quicker   replacements can now access the precision and minimally
      shoulder replacement, patients can now enjoy the comfort   recovery, and a speedier return to an active lifestyle.  invasive approach offered by these robotic systems.”
      and convenience of recovering in their homes on the same      Furthermore, Mako SmartRobotics for partial knee      In addition to Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center’s
      day as their surgery.                              replacement is available for those with early to mid-stage   surgical robotic fleet, the hospital recently earned The Joint
         Central  to  Palm  Beach  Gardens  Medical  Center’s   osteoarthritis that does not affect all three compartments of   Commission certification for hip and knee replacements. It is
      orthopedic service line are three state-of-the-art surgical   the knee.                              also a designated Blue Distinction Center+ for hip and knee
      robots: the Mako SmartRobotics™, ROSA  robotic surgery      In addition to Mako SmartRobotics, Palm Beach Gardens   surgeries.
      systems, and CORI surgical system. These cutting-edge   Medical Center expanded its robotic fleet by acquiring the      For those interested in learning more about Mako
      technologies are revolutionizing the landscape of orthopedic   ROSA Robotics Knee System, specifically tailored for knee   SmartRobotics, ROSA, and CORI Palm Beach Gardens
      surgeries, offering patients greater precision, faster recovery   surgeries. ROSA empowers surgeons with advanced accuracy   Medical Center encourages reaching out to the Director of the
      times, and smaller incisions.                      and control, facilitating personalized surgical planning and   Orthopedic Service Line at (855) 769-2969 or visiting their
         Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center is the first hospital   precise execution. By offering a 3-D virtual visualization of   website at
      in the state to utilize the NAVIO surgical system, allowing   the patient’s knee, ROSA optimizes implant positioning while   contact-an-orthopedic-navigator.
      for a CT-free surgery. The NAVIO was later upgraded to the   minimizing trauma to surrounding tissues.
      Financial Focus                          ®

      What Should You Know                              members simply may not have the skills needed to give   consider the issues attached to long-term care insurance.

      About Long-Term Care?                             you the type of care you may require. Also, by the time   For one thing, it can be expensive, though the younger
                                                                                                           you are when you buy your policy, the more affordable
                                                        you might need help, your grown children or other family
                                                        members might not live in your area.               it may be. Also, long-term care policies typically require
      By Sally Sima Stahl                                  So, you may need to protect yourself and your loved   you to wait a certain amount of time before benefits are
         We all hope to remain                          ones from the potential costs of long-term care. Basically,   paid. But policies vary greatly in what they offer, so, if
      healthy and independent                           you’ve got two main choices: You could self-insure or   you are thinking of buying this insurance, you’ll want to
      throughout our lives – but                        you could transfer the risk by purchasing some type of   review options and compare benefits and costs.
      life can be unpredictable. If                     long-term care insurance.                             In any case, by being aware of the potential need for
      you were ever to need some                           If you have considerable financial resources, you   long-term care, its cost and the ways of paying for it,
      type of long-term care,                           might find self-insuring to be attractive, rather than   you’ll be able to make the appropriate decisions for your
      would you be financially                          choosing  insurance  and  paying  policy  premiums. You   financial situation, your needs and your loved ones.
      prepared?                                         may wish to keep an emergency savings or investment      This article was written by Edward Jones for use by
         Long-term  care                                account that’s earmarked exclusively for long-term care   your local Edward Jones Financial  Advisor, Edward
      encompasses everything                            to help avoid relying on your other retirement accounts.   Jones, Member SIPC.
      from the services of a home                       But self-insuring has two main drawbacks. First, because      Edward Jones is a licensed insurance producer in
      health aide to a stay in an assisted living facility to a long   long-term care can be costly, you might need to plan for   all states and Washington, D.C., through Edward D.
      residence in a nursing home. You may never need any   a significant amount. And second, it will be quite hard to   Jones & Co., L.P., and in California, New Mexico and
      of these kinds of care, but the odds aren’t necessarily in   predict exactly how much money you’ll need, because so   Massachusetts through Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      your favor: Someone turning age 65 today has almost a   many variables are involved – your age when you start   of California, L.L.C.; Edward Jones Insurance Agency of
      70 percent chance of needing some type of long-term care   needing care, interest rates or inflation, the cost of care   New Mexico, L.L.C.; and Edward Jones Insurance Agency
      services and support in their remaining years, according   in your area, the type of care you’ll require, the length of   of Massachusetts, L.L.C.
      to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  time you’ll need care, and so on.                 Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors
         And all types of long-term care can involve considerable      As an alternative to self-insuring, you could purchase   cannot provide tax advice. You should consult your
      financial expense. The median annual cost for a home   long-term care insurance, which can provide benefits   qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.
      health aide’s services is more than $60,000 per year, and   for home health care, adult day care and assisted living      Contact us at (561) 748-7600, Sally Sima Stahl, AAMS,
      it’s more than $100,000 per year for a private room in   and nursing home facilities. However, you will need to   1851 W. Indiantown Road, Ste. 106, Jupiter, FL 33458.
      a nursing home, according to Genworth, an insurance
      company.  Furthermore,  contrary  to  many  people’s
      expectations, Medicare usually pays very little of these
      costs.                                                       Susan Has Moved To A
         Of course, some people expect their family will be
      able to take care of their long-term care needs. But this
      may not be a viable strategy. For one thing, your family                   New Location!

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