Page 25 - Abacoa Community News - April '24
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Abacoa, Page 25

                                                                                                           and  judgments,  and  hence,
                                                                                                           many areas of the brain. One
                                                                                                           restaurant has good food and
                                                                                                           service, another, so-so. One
      Neuroscientist Maps Decision-                                                                        has higher prices, another
                                                                                                           is cheaper. Experience
      Making To Aid Understanding                                                                          provides the inputs that
                                                                                                           must be assigned values and
      Of The Brain                                                                                         considered for the decision
                                                                                                           to be made.
         With  trial  and error, repetition  and praise,  when a                                              “It’s  very  difficult  to
      puppy hears “Sit!” they learn what they’re expected to do.                                           integrate all of these processes, and yet, somehow, our
      That’s reinforcement learning, and it’s a complex subject      Hattori focuses on understanding and mapping   brains do that,” Hattori says.
      that fascinates neuroscientist Ryoma Hattori, Ph.D., who   reinforcement learning and how the brain integrates      Understanding the mechanisms that underlie this
      recently joined The Herbert Wertheim UF Scripps Institute   information to make decisions. He also studies how the   process may prove important in addressing psychiatric
      for Biomedical Innovation & Technology.           brain comprehends numbers. What seems simple on its   and autism spectrum disorders, he notes.
         Ryoma Hattori, Ph.D., uses both advanced laboratory   face is actually stunningly complex. The human brain has      “Many psychiatric diseases and neurological disorders
      techniques, including virtual reality and 2-photon   approximately 86 billion neurons, which make more than   feature some impairment in decision-making,” he says.
      imaging, plus AI to make discoveries about how the   100 trillion connections.                          Modeling how multiple brain areas interact to process
      brain learns and makes decisions. He recently joined The      Hattori says many factors play into the decision-  reinforcing experiences and guide decision-making is
      Wertheim UF Scripps Institute for Biomedical Innovation   making process. Something as simple as deciding   an interesting  challenge,  he  says. Hattori  uses  many
      & Technology in Jupiter, Fla.                     where to eat may involve a matrix of memories      research techniques to gather data, including large-scale
                                                                                                           2-photon imaging, virtual reality-based experiments,
                                                                                                           and optogenetics, a method for using light to manipulate
                                                                                                           neural activity. Computational modeling is increasingly
                                                                                                           a valuable tool to understand complex animal behaviors
                                                                                                           and brain dynamics, Hattori says.
                                                                                                              Hattori and colleagues are developing artificial
                                                                                                           intelligence to assist with their research. It’s a two-
                                                                                                           way relationship: AI helps advance the neuroscience
                                                                                                           discoveries, and the neuroscience discoveries may also
                                                                                                           help improve the AI.
                                                                                                              “Both the brain and AI are made of neural networks
                                                                                                           that perform computations and learn using neural activity
                                                                                                           dynamics and synaptic plasticity,” Hattori says. “They
                                                                                                           receive external inputs, process the information and
                                                                                                           output an action. Then, the outcome of the action guides
                                                                                                           the learning by the network. The similarity gives us an
                                                                                                           opportunity to use AI as a neural network model for
                                                                                                           certain behaviors.”
                                                                                                              Hattori recently moved to The Wertheim UF Scripps
                                                                                                           campus in Jupiter, Fla., following a postdoctoral
                                                                                                           fellowship at the University of California, San Diego. He
                                                                                                           earned his doctorate in molecular and cellular biology at
                                                                                                           Harvard University in 2016.
                                                                                                              An assistant professor in the institute’s neuroscience
                                                                                                           department, he’s also a recipient of many awards,
                                                                                                           including the  Warren Alpert Distinguished Scholar
                                                                                                           award and the Simons Foundation SFARI Bridge-to-
                                                                                                           Independence award.
                                                                                                              His wife is a neuroscientist as well, Mariko Hattori,
                                                                                                           Ph.D. She recently joined the lab of Kirill Martemyanov,
                                                                                                           Ph.D., chair of the neuroscience department, as a
                                                                                                           postdoctoral researcher. The Hattoris have a 15-month-
                                                                                                           old son, and enjoy taking him to the ocean when they’re
                                                                                                           not in their labs.
                                                                                                              The Jupiter community has become a great magnet
                                                                                                           for neuroscientists, they said. The Wertheim UF Scripps’
                                                                                                           strong program is joined by the neighboring Florida
                                                                                                           Atlantic University Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute and
                                                                                                           the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience.
                                                                                                              The Hattoris collaborated with Max Planck’s scientific
                                                                                                           director, Ryohei Yasuda, Ph.D., on a recently published
                                                                                                           Nature Neuroscience paper about the role of a brain
                                                                                                           region called the orbitofrontal cortex in the acquisition
                                                                                                           of generalized knowledge.
                                                                                                              The scientists found multiple layers of learning at work
                                                                                                           in mouse adaptation to new environments, with different
                                                                                                           time scales. The mouse learning mechanisms resembled
                                                                                                           those of a computer model of reinforcement learning that
                                                                                                           was developed by AI researchers.
                                                                                                              “We can gain insights into brain mechanisms from AI.
                                                                                                           Also, as we better understand the brain mechanisms for
                                                                                                           decision-making and learning, we may be able to transfer
                                                                                                           the knowledge to AI models,” Ryoma Hattori says. “I
                                                                                                           hope my research projects contribute to understanding of
                                                                                                           the brain, and also contribute to development of AI with
                                                                                                           better performance in the machine learning community
                                                                                                           as well.”

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