Page 17 - Boca Club News - September '23
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Boca Club News, Page 17
From The Professionals’ Desks
Healthy Answers—A Guide To Healthy Living:
“It May Not Kill You But…!”
By Dale Brown, B.S., M.A., C.E.C. and 183 calories. Over a year, if you don’t offset those your bedroom as a screen-free zone, dim the lights as you
Dale is a motivational speaker who additional calories each day, that’s enough to pack on five approach bedtime to tell your body it’s time to wind down.
has spent many years as a Certified extra pounds. Yikes! Skipping meals or eating lunch at your desk?
Life Coach and has written numerous Popping over the counter (OTC) pain killers like Unhealthy eating habits are common, especially for busy
articles and e-books relating to self- candy? Golf hurting your back, arthritis in hips or knees people or those trying to lose weight. Skipping meals can
improvement and ways to build a got you limping? Maybe stiff joints are getting in the lead to overeating later in the day and negatively impact
high-performance team. She is the way of your quality of life? Like many Americans, we metabolism. When you scarf down food sitting in front
author of the book, “Small Steps... often go directly to the quickest cure for relief… Advil of your computer or TV you are more likely to overeat.
Big Changes: The Personal Stories or Tylenol. Nothing wrong with taking these remedies, This is because when you’re distracted you’re not really
of a Life Coach.” Her education and years of experience but usually “anything in excess is probably not good for tasting the food or paying attention to how much you’re
in physical fitness and training of elite athletes has enabled you.” Too much can lead to adverse effects and toxicity. putting in your mouth. Try making healthy food choices;
her to sharpen her knowledge in many health-related Always check with your health care professional for safe find a place to eat where you can enjoy and savor each
areas. The following introduces a new approach to Ms. recommended dosage. bite.
Brown’s series of columns devoted to many topics that When’s the last time you cleaned your kitchen No need to see a doctor when you’re feeling fine?
deal with the mind/body connection and the importance sponge? A wet kitchen sponge could leave illness-causing Wrong! Studies show that most preventive tests were
of living a healthy lifestyle. Dale, a Bocaire resident, can bacteria (like salmonella and E. coli) on your hands. Just ordered when patients were feeling ill. Avoiding medical
be reached at sitting in your sink or remaining damp for an extended check-ups and screenings can delay the diagnosis and
Have you ever met someone who loves to talk about period of time can cause mold and mildew to develop. Ick! treatment of health conditions, reducing the chances of
their health conditions? I have a friend who will try various No need to stop using sponges, just clean them early intervention. Ideally, it’s best to visit your primary-
therapies available to her, either in Western medicine or thoroughly either by running them through the dishwasher care doctor for annual physicals. That way you can keep
natural alternatives. She seems to have all the answers and or nuking the damp sponge in the microwave on high for your chart up to date and have a chance to talk about any
can’t stop sharing the latest medical treatment for every one to two minutes once a week. Or simply visit your local issues you’ve been having.
ailment in the book. I always say that the best medical Costco and stock up on them in bulk. Change them out It’s not possible to control everything in life that might
advice should come from your health professional. more frequently! be potentially unhealthy. The best we can do is to be more
That said, the recommendations I set forth in this article Watching lots of TV right before going to bed? Not a mindful. This means becoming aware of your behaviors,
are not meant to replace your doctor, but rather offer some good idea, and here’s why. Screens emit blue light, which thoughts and choices, and then taking intentional steps
common-sense, well-known facts that we often forget can interfere with the body’s production of melatonin, a to address and change those habits. Remember that
about tips and ideas that may not kill you, but aren’t good hormone that regulates sleep. It can disrupt your natural mindfulness is a skill that takes practice. As you become
for you either. Some of these might surprise you. sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm) and make it harder more aware of your actions and thought patterns, you can
Love that morning coffee? Watch out for those to fall asleep. Watching exciting movies or intense games gradually replace unhealthy habits with healthier choices
flavored condiments that not only liven up taste your taste may activate your brain, resulting in restless or insufficient that promote your well-being.
buds but may increase your waist as well. For example, sleep. Other side effects might be reduced quality of sleep,
adding one tablespoon of half-and-half typically adds more awakenings during the night, or difficulty waking up.
around 20 calories. One teaspoon of sugar adds about 16 To prevent it, try using a “night mode” or blue light - _ -
calories, and mocha flavored syrup is one of the worst filter setting on your device if available. Avoid engaging in _ - _ _
calorie-packed coffees out there, containing 25.6g of sugar stimulating or stressful content right before bed. Designate _ _
Peace of Mind
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