Page 12 - Boca Club News - September '23
P. 12

Page 12, Boca Club News
      JARC Florida Names Five to Board of Directors;

      Howard Halpern Named President of the Board

         JARC Florida, a nonprofit organization based in Boca   of Visitors; Member of the                    David Pratt  is the
      Raton that provides programs and services to educate and   M.D. Anderson  Children’s                 Chair of the Private Client
      empower individuals with intellectual and developmental   Cancer  Hospital Advisory                  Services Department of
      disabilities, has named five new individuals to its board of   Board; and Member of                  Proskauer  and  Managing
      directors. They are Jay Eisenberg, Marvin Greenberg, Cliff   several strategic committees            Partner of the Firm’s Boca
      Hark, David Pratt and Richard Steinberg. The organization   at M.D. Anderson. He and                 Raton office. He had the
      also announced Howard Halpern as President of the Board.  his wife Lori established                  privilege of serving as
         It is the mission of JARC, in partnership with the families   an Endowed Distinguished            Chair of the Florida Bar’s
      of its clients, to promote independence dignity, and self-  Chair at M.D. Anderson and               Tax Section and Chair of
      respect in order to create more fulfilling lives. JARC currently   an Endowment at the cancer        the Fiduciary Income Tax
      operates ten group homes in the Boca Raton and Delray   Children’s Hospital for the                  Committee of the American
      Beach area for adults with developmental disabilities. JARC   Stem Cell Transplant & Cell            Bar Association’s  Section
      offers apartment living for those who do not require 24-hour   Therapy Research Training Program; and more recently the   of Taxation. Pratt is a Fellow in the American College of
      supervision, as well as vocational training in the Mel & Elaine   Lori & Jay Eisenberg Respite Care Program at JARC.  Trust & Estate Counsel, has served on its Board of Regents
      Stein Living and Learning Center. The organization was      Marvin Greenberg is                      and was the first Chair of the New Fellows Steering
      created in the mid 1980s in response to the needs of families   the  former  Chairman and            Committee. He is an adjunct professor at the University
      with adult children with developmental disabilities. Learn   CEO of Creative Designs                 of Miami Law School and has been an adjunct professor
      more at                        International and CEO of                           at the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law, in
         Howard Halpern, of                             Arbor Toys Limited. He is                          their LL.M. programs. He has published various articles in
      Boca Raton, was raised in                         also a past Board Member                           legal journals, and lectures extensively to other lawyers,
      South Florida. A graduate                         of Linwood Country Club,                           professionals and laypersons.
      of the University of Miami,                       and the Milton & Betty Katz                           Richard Steinberg is
      he served in the U.S. Army                        Jewish Community Center                            the Chief Market Strategist,
      and the Florida National                          in Margate, New Jersey.                            Co-Chair of the Investment
      Guard, and was awarded an                         Greenberg attended Temple                          Division and a Principal
      honorary PhD in Business                          Preparatory and resides in                         of  The Colony Group.
      Administration from Johnson                       Boca Raton with his wife                           Steinberg is a Chartered
      and Wales University. Halpern                     Sheila.                                            Financial Analyst  and
      was the founder and CEO of                           Cliff  Hark  is  the                            member of both the CFA
      Buckhead Beef, a premier                          managing member at                                 Society of South Florida
      meat distribution company and later founded Halperns’ Steak   Hark│Yon│Marmor, PLLC,                 and the CFA Institute. He
      and Seafood, which grew to be the largest meat and seafood   and focuses his practice on             is a graduate of Emory
      company in the US. Halpern and his wife, Lynne, founded   Probate, Guardianship and                  University Business School
      the Lynne and Howard Halpern Family Foundation, which   Trust Administration,  as                    and Harvard Business
      has a primary focus of Jewish philanthropy with a particular   well as Probate Litigation,           School’s Executive Education Program. Steinberg
      emphasis on supporting individuals with special needs.   Guardianship  and Trust                     serves as Vice Chair of the Jewish Federation of South
      Howard and Lynne have a son who resides in the independent   Litigation, Estate Planning             Palm Beach County’s Annual Campaign and sits on both
      living apartments at JARC. In 2022 the Halperns made a   and Real Estate matters.                    its Executive Committee and Board of Trustees. He has
      transformative gift to JARC, resulting in the establishment   Hark received a Bachelor               served as Chairman for the Jacobson Jewish Community
      of the Lynne and Howard Halpern JARC Campus and   of Science degree from the                         Foundation of South Palm Beach County and now serves
      expansion of services for individuals with intellectual and   University of Florida and is a graduate of Nova Southeastern   on its Executive Committee, Board of Trustees, and the
      developmental disabilities.                       University School of Law. Hark has been a member of the   Governance Committee of the Foundation’s Professional
         Jay Eisenberg has spent the past 40 years specializing   Florida Bar since 1980, a member of its Real Property,   Advisory Committee. He is also a member of the Greater
      in owning and managing a large portfolio of industrial   Probate and Trust Law Section, and an authorized agent of   Boca Raton Estate Planning Council and serves on the
      properties in several states. He is a past president of Temple   Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC. He previously served   investment committee of B’nai Torah Congregation’s
      Beth Torah Sha’aray Tzedek in Tamarac; Senior Member of   on the Executive Committee of the Temple Beth El of Boca   Foundation.
      the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Board   Raton Board of Trustees.
      Boca Downtown Public Library

      Presents Art Exhibit “Written in Flowers”

      by Bonnie Sorsby, Through October 8th

         The Downtown Library in Boca Raton presents a new   children’s  boutique,  and  now  works  primarily  as  a   offered the nudge she needed to pick up a brush, and she
      art exhibit, “Written in Flowers” by Bonnie Sorsby. A   photographer and graphic designer at Photo + Design   hasn’t looked back. Says Sorsby, “What a blessing this
      native Floridian, Sorsby notes, “Flowers speak a timeless   Company in Lake Worth. Brushes, paints and canvases   ride has been!”
      language, and I am forever in awe of their ability to   stared at her for a couple of years after she photographed     “Written in Flowers,” a free exhibit, runs through
      communicate a variety of emotions. My artistic goals   them for a client. She felt a pull to paint, but as a   October 8th in the front lobby of the Downtown Library
      include creating work that brings about positive energy,   homeschooling mom of two battling Lyme disease, she   at 400 NW 2nd Avenue in Boca.
      that heals and evokes cheerfulness and joy of life in our   felt overwhelmed by the thought. A friend and mentor
         Bonnie Sorsby is a self-taught artist who works
      primarily in acrylics. Creatively self-employed for the
      past 10 years, she has crafted jewelry, owned an online                                                                         ª

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