Page 14 - Boca Club News - September '23
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Page 14, Boca Club News
Memo from County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon:
Winning Awards Serving You!
By Anne M. Gannon, Constitutional dedicated team of 320 employees whose mission is to • Client Care and Research Center (CCRC) - supports
Tax Collector serving Palm Beach provide unparalleled service that inspires trust. our clients’ inquiries via phone and email. In our Contact
County. You can reach her office Agency Wins Communications Awards! I am Care Center.
by Email: ClientAdvocate@ proud that our Communications & New Media Group • Service Centers – our service center team makes up 70% Phone: (561) (CNMG) has been recognized for outstanding work in of our organization. They process in-person transactions.
355-4271. communications for our office. First, in early July the • Tax Services (Batch Processing and Payment Processing)
Your home is one of your team was honored to receive a national Communication - is made up of two departments that handle services
biggest investments, and to help Concepts Apex Award for Publication Excellence for related to payments.
you protect that investment I the work that was done to deliver our revamped employee • Administrative Support:
recommend that you sign up for Property Fraud Alert. roundtable program, TCTalk. This Award of Excellence
What is Property Fraud Alert? It is a free service offered recognizes outstanding accomplishment in employee Communications & New p r od u c e s a l l
by the Palm Beach County Clerk of the Circuit Court & engagement programs, and we are very proud to have Group Media (CNMG) communications, marketing
Comptroller that will protect your property from fraud been selected in recognition of the TCTalk program! campaigns and community
by monitoring the documents that are recorded in the Then on July 18th, CNMG team members Amy engagement activities.
Official Records of the Clerk. It is free to register, and it Ebersbach, Community Engagement Ambassador
only takes a few minutes to complete. To sign up, visit the and Chandler Randall, Excellence manages strategic change
Clerk’s website at Communication and t he c onti nuous
property-fraud-alert. Specialist, attended improvement of processes,
Once you sign up, you will receive an alert either by the Gold Coast PR projects, and performance.
email or phone when there is activity associated with your Council’s Bernay’s Finance And Budget recording and reporting of
property. This could save valuable time to stop criminals Award Luncheon. financial transactions and
in their tracks if the activity is not initiated by you. I’ve There, Amy and the distribution of over $4
signed up and I have peace of mind knowing that I will Chandler accepted billion in taxes, licenses,
be alerted should there be fraudulent activity associated the award for Best and fees.
with my property. You should too! Marketing Material
Anne Gannon Honored. At this year’s National for our re-designed Human Resources initiates hiring, maintains
Association of County Collectors, Treasurers and Finance 2022 Tax Planner and employee records and
Officers (NACCTFO) conference I was honored to receive Services Guide. It is distributes benefit
the “Outstanding County Collector, Treasurer and Finance an extreme honor to receive this local award and to be information.
Officer Award.” This national organization presents the recognized for producing the “best”! Legal
distinguished annual award to a person who “…serves CNMG is committed to continue to produce innovative ensures compliance with all
as a leader in their home state and as a professional of communication campaigns and publications and is laws governing the agency.
the highest caliber in the operation of their own county honored to be recognized both nationally and locally for Information Technology maintains all computer
office.” the innovative work to educate the public and celebrate software, hardware, and
In a letter of recommendation, Congresswoman Lois our employees. Congratulations! technical equipment for the
J. Frankel said, “Anne M. Gannon has transformed her No Nights! No Weekends! No Problem! Want to join agency.
agency with modern technology and common sense. She our award-winning agency? We offer several career paths
has taken the frustration out of things like renewing with room for growth and development for those looking Visit our website at for the
drivers licenses and paying taxes. Anne is truly an for opportunities in public service. Our agency consists latest open positions and you could enjoy our no nights,
innovator and leader.” of four departmental categories: no weekends schedule!
Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Wendy
Sartory Link said in her nomination letter, “As a fellow
constitutional officer in Palm Beach County, I know Delray Medical Center
first-hand the impact Anne has made since she first took
office as Tax Collector in 2006. The precision she exhibits
in collecting more than $4 billion in tax dollars and Excited To Announce New
ultimately returning those dollars to the taxing authorities
is extremely admirable and valuable to the residents of
Palm Beach County.” Ion Endoluminal System
I am honored to be recognized by the NACCTFO as
2023’s Outstanding County Collector and to be recognized At Delray Medical Center, we’ve invested in
for the agency’s commitment to delivering exceptional life-enhancing technology and better cancer care
service to the residents of Palm Beach County. This solutions, so our patients have access to quality care.
recognition would not have been possible without our
That’s why we’re excited to announce we now offer
a minimally invasive robotic-assisted bronchoscopy
procedure with Ion.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer
deaths. However, when diagnosed at the earliest
stage, known as stage IA-1, the average 5-year
survival rate is 92%.
Early-stage diagnosis can be difficult, but
the Ion endoluminal system may help obtain
tissue samples that facilitate a diagnosis. Ion is a
robotic-assisted platform for minimally invasive
biopsy in the lung. Ion enables physicians to
obtain tissue samples from deep within the lung,
addressing a challenging aspect of lung biopsy. It
may also help patients avoid subsequent biopsies
by helping enable a diagnosis through the samples tight-radius bends of the catheter, the needle deploys
obtained. into the target location on a straight path.
The system features an ultra-thin, ultra-maneuverable During biopsy, Ion’s Biopsy Marker feature lets
catheter that allows navigation far into the physicians systematically track multiple biopsy attempts
peripheral lung, and unprecedented stability enables and helps visualize different biopsy needle trajectories. If
the precision needed for biopsy compared to manual real-time confirmation of a representative tissue sample
techniques. is available, the physician can redirect subsequent biopsy
During bronchoscopy with Ion, the physician uses the attempts into the confirmed target area.
controller to navigate to the target along a planned path. Ion made by Intuitive, maker of the da Vinci surgical
The catheter can articulate 180° in any direction to pass system, is built on more than two decades of leadership
through small, difficult-to-navigate airways and around in robotic-assisted technology. Our institution has chosen
tight bends to reach all 18 segments of the lung. the Ion robotic-assisted bronchoscopy system because it
Ion’s peripheral vision probe provides direct vision provides more reach, more stability, and more precision.
during navigation. Once the pulmonary nodule is Our investment in Ion complements our robotic-assisted
reached, the catheter locks in place. The Flexision surgical program, enabling patients to receive all care –
biopsy needle, a flexible biopsy needle compatible from biopsy to surgery – at our hospital.
with Ion, then passes through the catheter, even when To sign up for a lung cancer screening at Delray Medical
positioned in tortuous airways. After advancing around Center, please call (844) 968-4422.
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