Page 18 - Boca Club News - September '23
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Page 18, Boca Club News
Legal: Fall Real Estate Outlook
By Michael J Posner, Esq., a partner interest at 7.62%. This is a monthly increase of $1,211.74 historically low rates, averaging 4%. So 7.62% may seem
in Ward Damon P.L. a mid-sized in just two years. high compared to the past ten years, but it pales compared
real estate and business-oriented Typically, lenders do not like to see more than 28% to the 18% rate in 1981.
law firm serving all of Florida, of the borrower’s income going to service a mortgage. In Another real estate issue that is affecting the market
with offices in Palm Beach and 2021, with a principal and interest payment of $1,653.29, a is the availability of homeowners insurance. Recently,
Lee County. They specialize in real monthly tax payment of $300.00 and a monthly insurance Farmers Insurance decided to pull out of the Florida
estate law and can assist sellers and payment of $416.00, a borrower (or borrowers) making market. With so many insurance companies leaving the
purchaser with closing and financing approximately $100,000.00 could qualify to obtain a state more and more owners are forced to insure with
of residential and commercial real mortgage costing $28,431.48 a year. Today, assuming the Citizens Insurance, the state’s insurer of last resort.
estate including remote closings. They can be reached at same tax rate and an increase in insurance to $500.00 a However, the state has also recently seen some new
(561) 594-1452 or at month, a borrower (or borrowers) must earn $157,072.00 insurance companies qualified to do business here, which
The real estate market continues to be in turmoil with a to qualify for a conventional loan. This over 50% increase provides a glimmer of hope for homeowners.
variety of issues affecting the quantity of homes available in earnings is greatly reducing the number of available The State of Florida says that it expects to transfer
for sale, the declining ability of borrowers to qualify for buyers who have the income to qualify for a conventional 300,000 policies from Citizens to the private sector in the
mortgages, the rising interest rates and the insurance crisis. mortgage. next 12 months. Part of the reason for the new insurers
These factors have greatly affected the real estate market Higher interest rates have also triggered another issue. is the recent changes to the state insurance laws. In
in Florida and there does not appear to be any endgame Because so many homeowners refinanced to historically addition, there is an expectation that further legislation
to the ongoing disturbances. low interest rates, their desire, willingness or ability to will be enacted which will provide greater protections
The biggest trend is the continued rise in mortgage sell to obtain a new property has greatly declined since for insurance carriers so as to encourage more agencies
interest rates. Two years ago the lowest interest rate for owners are hesitant to walk away from their low rates. “In to write homeowners insurance in Florida.
mortgages was 2.75%. By August 2022, interest rates had July 2023, there were 135,810 homes for sale in Florida, There have also been changes in the leasehold market
climbed to 5.25% and in August 2023 the current rate for down 1.8% year over year.” However, the lower supply in that the state passed new legislation that overrides any
a thirty-year fixed rate loan is approximately 7.62%. With has not resulted in a Seller’s market, with only 16.4% of local tenant protections. Supporters claim this provides
the median home price of approximately $405,000.00 (up homes sold above list price, a decline of over 15% from for uniform rules for tenants throughout the state, but
1.5% for 2023, but below the high point in June 2022) a last year. opponents of the new law claim that it prevents local
purchaser putting down 20% would have had a monthly However, it is still important to put the current interest governments and voters from determining appropriate
mortgage payment of $1,653.29 in 2021 at 2.75%. That rates into historic perspective. From 1971 to 2002, solutions to local landlord-tenant issues.
monthly payment increased to $2,236.31 in 2022 at 5.25%, interest rates were above 6%, and above 10% from 1978
and is now at $2,865.03 per month for principal and to 1990. In the past ten years, rates have hovered around
Mental Health Memo…
Case Studies: Comprehensive Treatment Plan–
Integrating Polyvagal Theory, IFS and Visualization
for Nervous System Regulation and Emotional Freedom
By Elyce Kiperman-Gordon, MS, depletion and deteriorating social interactions. Her therapy reactions she had to the changes in her home life, we
LCMHC, NCC, owner of The objective was clear: to reclaim her emotional freedom, incorporated IFS into Theresa’s treatment plan. IFS helps
Feeling Expert , an evidence based increase her energy levels, and cultivate the confidence individuals recognize and identify the parts of themselves
and holistic psychotherapy practice, to interact more socially. that are influencing their thoughts and actions. Our work
located in Boca Raton. She is a Formerly a powerhouse in the corporate world, focused on the parts of her that felt anxious and depleted
Board Certified, licensed Clinical Theresa’s life shifted dramatically. She found herself of energy. Through inner dialogue, she engaged with those
Mental Health Counselor, offering confined to her house most days avoiding situations parts to establish a secure inner space for compassionate
a range of therapeutic approaches involving others, from casual gatherings to more communication about what was happening. We used
to treat anxiety, depression, trauma, significant events such as parties and weddings. Because Visualization techniques so she could interact with her
and relationship issues. Elyce is a Certified Internal of her condition and inability to travel alone, she had “parts” and address her apprehension about leaving her
Family Systems Specialist (IFS) and International Integral irrational thoughts about what could happen if she ventured home. She developed greater curiosity and empathy for
Sound Healing Therapist. She can be reached at (844) out. She worried about things like being stuck at an event the aspects of her parts that were feeling anxious and
CAN-HEAL or and not being able to escape, or she would get panicked protective. That made it easier for Theresa to understand
Disclaimer: Names and identifying characteristics about being stuck in a tunnel on the drive over. These where her fears were rooted. The process allowed her to
have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. anxieties manifested as unexplained heart palpitations, release some of the long-held burdens and limiting beliefs
The Patient. Theresa, a 60-year-old woman who had shortness of breath and overwhelming feelings of tension that were making her feel stuck and afraid. Using guided
dedicated more than 30 years to a successful career as the and nervousness. These symptoms impacted her so much visualization, she envisioned herself leaving her house,
Head of HR, found her life had taken an unexpected turn. that she started avoiding any opportunity where she would which gradually alleviated the intensity the parts were
Confronting the diagnosis of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ have to engage with the outside world. feeling about the outside world.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), she faced a new Diagnosis. Theresa related that she was having Integrating the polyvagal approach and the IFS
set of challenges that revolved around anxiety, energy difficulty sleeping, had constant fatigue, low energy, model, Theresa learned how to regulate her emotions
moodiness and random crying spells. Feeling nervous or and work in tandem with her body whenever she felt the
tense most of the time had become her default emotional onset of symptoms of anxiety. This gave her a sense of
state. She felt unable to relax, was often nervous and on empowerment, and she was able to use the techniques she
edge, and had a strong fear of being around others, so learned to create an immediate reduction in her symptoms.
she began self-isolating. These symptoms aligned with As she combined the techniques her other symptoms
Generalized Anxiety Disorder as classified in the DSM-5. dissipated. That allowed her to be able to start engaging
In addition, we had to focus on her diagnosis of Myalgic socially with friends again, leaving her house and attending
Captain’s was established in 1980 servicing Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS). events.
Palm Beach County and is a privately Treatment. Due to her shifting mood, isolation Results. Through the integrative approach of Polyvagal
owned and managed company. tendencies and overall anxiety, I started with Theory, Internal Family Systems and Visualization
Captain’s is committed to providing psychoeducation and an assessment of symptoms, past techniques, Theresa experienced substantial improvements
dependable, reliable and professional
ground transportation to and from all traumas and impacts she currently faced. Gaining insight in her overall emotional well-being, saw positive
South Florida Airports and Seaports. PBCVH212 into the complex set of events she had been presented with, changes in her energy management, and increased social
To reserve your vehicle: we decided on a comprehensive strategy for treatment, interactions.
561-798-2180 or 800-634-7890 including Polyvagal Theory, Internal Family Systems The use of somatic exercises empowered her to easily
(IFS), and Visualization for nervous system regulation regulate her nervous system when she needed it, and that
and emotional regulation. effort helped her with her emotional resilience. Utilizing
In the first phase of her treatment, I introduced
Affordable Rates Quick Results Polyvagal Theory to address her symptoms of heart the skills from IFS, Theresa was able to successfully
address her anxiety-related fears and stop beating herself
Relieve Your Pain, Regain Your Energy and palpitations and breathing issues. The goal was to help her up with guilt for having the fears in the first place. Once
Strength and Improve Your Balance better understand her own nervous system and recognize she began focusing on the Self, she was able to approach
her fears with self-compassion, and that ultimately
when she was becoming dysregulated. I equipped her with
Physical Therapy and Nutrition a range of somatic techniques she could use that would led to a sense of emotional freedom. She reports that
she has reduced anxiety symptoms, increased energy
help with her bodily regulation. We devised personalized
Counseling In Your Home! exercises for breath control, body movement, and management skills, and extended periods of comfortable
grounding to get her relaxed and open. Breathing exercises, social engagement. Notably, the therapeutic relationship’s
Helene Kaplan P.T./N.C. Boca Raton, FL meditation and gentle movement can regulate the body’s significance has greatly contributed to her progress. Her
25 Years of Experience 646-634-4552 stress response and promote a sense of calm. journey remains dynamic, an ongoing process of growth,
To have a better understanding of the frustrating exploration and sustained emotional freedom.