Page 19 - Boca Club News - September '23
P. 19

Boca Club News, Page 19
      Medical Matters:

      Remembering Sir William Osler (Part Two)

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                 that makes one antagonistic to everything foreign, that   It’s unfortunate that this is an ongoing problem today as
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                  subordinates the race to nation, forgetting the highest   doctors must see far more patients in less time in order to
      physician. After graduating from                  claims of human brotherhood.”  This is dramatically   maintain income.
      the University of Pennsylvania                    revealed in his attitude towards Jews and women.      “Punctuality is the prime essential of a physician.
      and New York University’s School                     At that time in history there was blatant anti-Semitism   If invariably on time, he will succeed in the face of
      of Medicine, Dr. Nagler served                    at Johns Hopkins, with an affirmative action policy that   professional mediocrity.”  We all know that there is
      his internship and residency at                   resulted in no more than 7% of the medical students to come   nothing more exasperating than sitting for a long time
      Baltimore City Hospital and Johns                 from Jewish backgrounds. Contrary to his contemporaries,   in the doctor’s waiting room beyond one’s scheduled
      Hopkins. He followed that with a                  he said, “I have always had a warm affection for my Jewish   appointment.
      Fellowship in Gastroenterology at Yale University School   students, and it has been one of the special pleasures of      After his death in 1919 from pneumonia, it was said of
      of Medicine and was then Chief of Gastroenterology   my life the friendships I have made with them. Their   Osler that he was a saint. He was eulogized as the greatest
      at Fitzimmons General Army Hospital in Denver. He   success has always been a great gratification to me, and   physician of his time, an unusually gifted and versatile man
      returned to the Yale Medical School for one year as an   it has been the just reward of earnestness and tenacity of   and everyone fortunate to have been brought in contact
      Assistant Professor of Medicine before opening his own   purpose and devotion to high ideals in science, and I might   with him shared a great feeling of devotion, for he gave
      successful private practice in Internal Medicine and   add a dedication of themselves as practitioners to promote   of himself so much to all. He had unsurpassed clinical
      Gastroenterology. During that time, he also served for   the welfare of their patients. The Jews have a long and   ability, the widest knowledge of medicine and the deepest
      ten years as Chief of Medicine at Huntington Hospital in   honorable record and among no people is all that is best   interest in everything human, for which he was held in
      Huntington, N.Y.                                  in our science and art more warmly appreciated.” Sadly,   the highest regard by his colleagues. His enthusiasm for
         This is the second of my two columns devoted to Sir   his voice of acceptance of Jews was not heeded at the   his calling was boundless. He was sought far and wide by
      William Osler, the doctor who influenced and inspired   time, but long after his death Jews were finally admitted   patients and by fellow physicians, not only because of his
      my own medical career. The first column appeared in the   to medical school based on merit and not on any advantage   great wisdom, but because of his generosity, sympathy and
      August issue of Boca Club News.                   gained from just being a minority.                 personal charm.
         Osler maintained that we all eat too much. “The platter      Women were similarly discriminated against with      He left behind a body of works encompassing writings
      kills more than the sword. The glutton digs his own grave   equally restrictive quotas. In general, about women he was   in medical science and his philosophy of life, both
      with his teeth.” He knew that only a small portion of what   more ambivalent. To his students he said, “Women always   personal  and  professional.  He  advanced  the  frontiers
      we eat nourishes us, while the rest goes to waste. He said   fool  men,  but  other  women  only  sometimes.  He  said,   of medical education and was a unifying force in the
      that “obesity (40% of adults in the USA are obese) and   “Avoid wine and women. Choose a freckled-faced girl as a   medical profession. He was accorded friendship, devotion
      poor nutrition often begins in children with bad eating   wife as they are invariably more amiable.” However, with   and disciples. However, the binding force, the cement
      habits, carelessness and lack of parental control. Increased   regard to women in medicine he was quite different. He   of the structure of his greatness was his humanism with
      obesity in post-menopausal women is due to overeating,   stated, “If any woman feels the medical profession is her   compassion, understanding and the love of his fellow man.
      not hormonal changes.” Osler advocated that rest, food,   vocation, no obstacle should be placed in the way of her      Ralph  Waldo Emerson eloquently wrote of him:
      fresh air and exercise taken in moderation, especially by   obtaining the best possible medical education and every   “To laugh often and love much, to win the respect of
      middle-aged individuals and beyond, were the ways to   facility offered to her so that as a practitioner she should   intelligent persons and the affection of children, to earn the
      maintain good health.                             have a fair start in the race. Stars of the first magnitude are   approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of
         He believed that improved sanitation, along with the   rare, but that such a one will rise among women physicians   false friends, to find the best in others and to give of one’s
      discovery of vaccines and the principles of asepsis, had a   I have no doubt, and let us be thankful that when she comes   self. To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy
      major impact on infectious diseases. He maintained that   along she will not have to waste her precious energies in   child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition, to
      soap and water are the best disinfectants. “It is germs that   the worry of a struggle for recognition.”  have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with
      cause disease, not drafts or exposure to the elements.”     That, too, was not accepted by the medical profession   exultation, to know that even one life has breathed easier
         His insights into heart disease are a remarkable example   until more recently. As a matter of fact, in 1952 when I   because you have lived–this is to have succeeded.”
      of his clinical expertise. “The condition of modern life   entered medical school there were only five women in a
      favors arteriosclerosis, as the keen sharp business or   class of 110. Today, at least 50% of medical students are
      professional man year in and year out giving his energies   women.                                       Fall is Coming!
      no rest, leading a life of high pressure although a teetotaler      A  few  more  aphorisms  attributed to  Osler:  “Can
      and even temperate in diet may have so driven his machine   anything be more doleful than a procession of four or
      that by the age of 50 it is only fit to be scrapped.” He   more doctors into a sick man’s room, especially when they
      gave the classical description of the clinical features of   whisper to each other as they pore over the chart?”       First Day of Autumn
      coronary artery disease with angina as an agonizing pain      “Beware of men who call you doc. They rarely pay
      in the center of the chest with terrible substernal pressure   their bills.” Actually, in modern society the term doc is   September 23
      radiating to the left arm with a feeling of impending death.   usually meant as a term of respect.
         Considering the mores of his time, he was against what      “The physician who keeps his eye on his watch is
      he called “the cursed spirit of intolerance and prejudice   rarely successful. Give the time needed for the patient.”
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