Page 15 - Boca Club News - September '23
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Boca Club News, Page 15
      Top 5 Frequently Asked Passport Questions:

      What You Need to Know

      By Joseph  Abruzzo, Clerk of the                  What documents do I need to bring with me?         Even if you’re only thinking about traveling outside of the
      Circuit Court & Comptroller, Palm                    • Your completed DS-11 application form, which must   United States, now is the time to book your appointment
      Beach County. Clerk Abruzzo serves                be completed in black ink.                         and get ahead of any delays.
      as the county’s protector of public                  • Proof of U.S. citizenship, such as a birth certificate,      While the Clerk’s office is only a passport acceptance
      records and public funds. He was                  Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization.      facility, we are more than happy to help you with your
      elected in November 2020 and                         • A valid government-issued photo ID or passport. For   passport journey in any way that we can, from scheduling
      sworn  into  office  on  January  5th,            minors getting a passport, both parents will be required to   your appointment to taking your photo and making sure
      2021. Prior to his election, Clerk                be in person and provide identification.           that your application is filled out correctly. My office will
      Abruzzo served in the Florida                        • One 2 x 2-inch white background passport photo, or   do whatever we can to make your experience as stress free
      Legislature  for  a  decade,  serving  in  both  the  Florida   you can purchase a photo at our office.  as possible.
      House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. He      Can I take my own photo and submit it? Of course.      About the Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller,
      proudly served in the United States Coast Guard Reserves   You may bring with you one color photo, on matte or   Palm Beach County. The Clerk of the Circuit Court &
      as a Port Security Specialist from 2005 to 2013 and is the   glossy photo quality paper that is 2 x 2 inches (51 x 51   Comptroller is Palm Beach County’s protector of public
      recipient of numerous awards, medals and outstanding   mm). You must directly face the camera with a neutral   money and records including marriage licenses, court
      performance citations.                            expression, and your head should be between 1 inch and   documents, financial reports and real estate records. Visit
         Thinking of traveling abroad? If you need a passport,   1-3/8 inches (between 25 and 35 mm) from the bottom of and find us @ClerkPBC on
      the Clerk’s office is here to help.               your chin to the top of your hair. The background must be   Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
         As Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller in Palm   white.
      Beach County, one of my office’s important duties to the      If you’re not comfortable taking the photo at home,
      public is as an authorized passport acceptance facility,   we are more than happy to take your photo during your
      providing the necessary services for U.S. citizens to   appointment for a nominal fee, or you may purchase a
      obtain new passports. This service is available at our Belle   passport photo at a retail store that offers passport photo
      Glade, Palm Beach Gardens and Delray Beach locations.   services.
      We understand that this process can be confusing and      How do I get a passport for my child? With school
      overwhelming at times, which is why I want to answer five   out, now’s the perfect time to bring them to an appointment.
      of the top questions we get asked about passports here at   Children under age 16 must apply for a passport in person
      the Clerk’s office.                               with either (1) two parents or guardians, or (2) one parent
         Do I need to apply in person for my passport? If you   or guardian with a notarized Statement of Consent form.
      can answer “yes” to any of the following, you’ll need to   You must submit documentation that lists the parent(s) or
      apply in person:                                  legal guardian(s) of the child applying for a passport, such
         • Is this your first time applying for a U.S. Passport?  as an original or certified copy of a birth certificate, and
         • Did you lose your most recent passport book or card?   the parents must bring their own form of valid ID. Proof
         • Was your old passport issued more than 15 years ago?  of citizenship is also required, such as a previous passport
         • Was your old passport issued when you were a minor   or birth certificate.
      (under 16 years old)?                                How long does it take for me to get my passport?
         To apply in person, you can make an appointment   Routine processing time with the Department of State will
      online and our helpful Clerk staff will take care of you. If   currently take between 10 to 13 weeks for routine and 7
      you don’t meet the criteria above, simply renew through   to 9 weeks for expedited passport service. As more and
      the mail with the U.S. Department of State.       more people seek out international travel, these longer
                                                        processing times will be the norm for quite some time.
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