Page 8 - Boca Club News - September '23
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Page 8, Boca Club News

      The Studio at Mizner Park Launches from page 7    Todd Fournier and brothers Brian and Brandon Brigham were all  Comedian Holiday Residency. Sarge delights audiences with
                                                        handpicked by the legendary Frankie Valli. More than a decade of  humor that resonates with audiences of all ages. He is much
      was an American pop rock group active in the late 1960s. The  singing alongside the music icon has given this dynamic quartet  more than a comedian; Sarge is a self-taught piano savant, an
      group, formed by Gary Puckett, Gary “Mutha” Withem, Dwight  all the savvy, soul and soaring vocals you could ask for. Their  author and motivational speaker. His humor comes from a very
      Bement, Kerry Chater and Paul Wheatbread, who eventually  Classic Hits and Holiday Show will lift your seasonal spirits with  personal place as his road to success was not a smooth one.
      named it The Union Gap, had its biggest hits with “Woman,  high energy, charm and unparalleled harmony. Featuring original  Tickets range from $59 - $79.
      Woman,” “Young Girl,” “Lady Willpower,” “Over You,”  songs written by multi-platinum, award-winning songwriters, as  About The Studio at Mizner Park
      “Don’t Give In to Him,” and “This Girl Is a Woman Now.”  well as familiar classics from over seven decades of pop, rock,     The Studio at Mizner Park boasts a 3,750 square-foot
      The members featured costumes that were based on the Union  Motown, doo-wop and jazz, which will even get Santa swinging.  flexible theater that seats up to 279 people, complete with front
      Army uniforms worn during the American Civil War. Tickets  Tickets range from $35 - $45.            and rear curtains opening to a 30’ x 32’ stage; sophisticated
      range from $62 - $120.                               Thursday, December 21st and Friday, December 22nd  sound and lighting; an in-house production team; control room
         Friday, November 24th at 6:30 p.m. – Bret Ernst. Bret  at 7:30 p.m. – Blue Christmas: Victor Trevino as Elvis.  equipped with sound and audio, and a dedicated lobby with
      Ernst is an actor and comedian known for playing Louie  Victor’s Elvis Tribute shows are the best in the world. In 2022  sound locks. The behind-the-scenes spaces include the VIP
      LaRusso Jr. on the television series Cobra Kai. He also  he was crowned Graceland’s “Ultimate Elvis Tribute.” Victor  Green Room and two luxurious dressing rooms.
      appeared on the television shows Comedy Central Presents  has had the honor of working with many of Elvis’s colleagues     The venue’s South Room is a 4,575 square-foot multi-
      and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Tickets range  and friends, such as The Jordanians, The Stamps quartet,  purpose space that can transform into a banquet/party room for
      from $25 - $35.                                   members of The Sweet Inspirations, Linda Thompson, DJ  up to 200; exhibition space; and a secondary performance venue
         Friday, December 8th at 5:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. – The  Fontana (Elvis’s original drummer), Wanda Jackson, Cowboy  with a 300-person capacity. The Gallery welcomes guests to the
      Modern Gentlemen: Tis’ The Season Show and Classic Hits.  Jack Clement, Jerry Shelling, Charles Stone, Sam Thompson,  second-level spaces with 4,775 square-feet lounge including a
      Tis’ the Season for TMG’s Classic Hits & Holiday Show. The  Joe Esposito, BB Cunningham and Art Adams. Victor was  full bar and outdoor terrace with views of Mizner Park.
      Modern Gentlemen are not your ordinary vocal group. With an  named an ambassador and given a key to the City of Tupelo,     The catering kitchen is fully equipped to accommodate
      extraordinary origin story starting out as members of the Rock  Mississippi (Elvis’s hometown). Tickets range from $25 - $65.  The Studio’s exclusive in-house caterer, Boca Raton-based
      n’ Roll Hall of Fame band The Four Seasons, Landon Beard,     December 24th through 31st at 8 p.m. – Sarge the  Potions in Motion.

      Dramas, Comedies, Musicals from page 7            trio of men in her own apartment. As the climax builds, Susan     Based on the beloved characters of Sholem Aleichem, actor/
                                                        discovers her blindness just might be the key to her escape.  playwright Tom Dugan’s (Wiesenthal) newest play, Tevye in
         This all-new 4th chapter in the popular series will once   “She Loves Me.” November 24th – December 10th, 2023.  New York!, finally answers those decades-old questions of what
      again feature music, amusing anecdotes and fascinating facts     Book by Joe Masteroff; Music by Jerry Brock; Lyrics by  happened to Tevye, his wife Golde and his daughters after the
      about some of the most well-known, lauded and popular Jewish  Sheldon Harnick. For tickets: www.delraybeachplayhouse.  curtain came down in Fiddler on the Roof . Follow Tevye as
      entertainers and composers in recent history, including Mel  com/(561) 272-1281. All performances at The Delray Beach  he fights for his piece of the American dream in 1914, from his
      Brooks, Marvin Hamlisch, Burt Bacharach, Claude-Michel  Playhouse.                                  journey with his daughters across the Atlantic Ocean, through
      Schönberg (Les Miz), Howard Ashman and Alan Menken (The     Set in a 1930s European perfumery, shop clerks Amalia  Ellis Island, past “the big green lady,” and into the crowded
      Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast), Stephen Sondheim,  and Georg more often than not don’t see eye to eye. After both  streets of Manhattan’s Lower East Side.
      Bette Midler, Neil Diamond, and many others.      respond to a “lonely hearts advertisement” in the newspaper,  “Aging is Optional (cause G_d I hope it is!)” January 8th –
      IN DELRAY BEACH:                                  they begin to live for the love letters that they exchange, but  10th, 2024.
      “Wait Until Dark.” October 27th – November 5th, 2023.  the identity of their admirers remains unknown. Join Amalia     Created and performed by Tovah Feldshuh. For tickets:
         By Frederick Knott. Adapted by Jeffrey Hatcher. Directed  and Georg to discover the identity of their true loves... and all  272-1281, All
      by Keith Garsson. Tickets: $39-$69. For tickets: www.  the twists and turns along the way!          performances at The Delray Beach Playhouse. 272-1281. All performances  “Ann Talman: Elizabeth Taylor and The Shadow of Her     As multiple Tony and Emmy Award nominee and three-time
      at The Delray Beach Playhouse, 950 NW 9th Street, Delray  Smile.” December 11th – 14th, 2023.       Drama Desk Award-winner Tovah Feldshuh puts it, “Some
      Beach.                                               Written and performed by Ann Talman. For tickets: www.  people call them decades, I call them my collected works. It’s
         Forty-seven years after Wait Until Dark premiered on / (561) 272-1281. All performances  an hour of Restylane for the soul, a booster for the heart, and
      Broadway, Jeffery Hatcher adapted Frederick Knott’s 1966  at The Delray Beach Playhouse.            a probiotic of laughter …and exercise!”
      original, giving it a new setting. In 1944 Greenwich Village,     Ann Talman has been a successful actress on stage and  “Boeing Boeing.” January 19th – 28th, 2024.
      Susan Hendrix, a blind but capable woman, is imperiled by a  on screen for over 40 years. In 1981, she was cast to play     By Marc Camoletti. Translated by Beverly Cross and
                                                        Elizabeth Taylor’s daughter in Lillian Hellman’s Broadway hit  Francis Evans. Directed by Keith Garsson. Starring:
                                                        The Little Foxes, and the result was a close friendship between  Angie RadoshTickets: $39-$69. For tickets: www.
                                                        Talman and Taylor that endured until the iconic actress died 272-1281. All performances
                                                        in 2011. With The Shadow of Her Smile, Talman explores her  will take place at The Delray Beach Playhouse.
                                                        relationship with Taylor in a critically acclaimed solo show that     This 1960s French farce features a self-styled Parisian
                                                        combines story and song to tell the stories that only Talman  lothario, Bernard, who has Italian, German and American
                                                        can tell from her experiences.                    fiancées, each a beautiful airline hostess with frequent
                                                        “Tevye In New York!” December 21st – January 7th, 2024.  “layovers.” He keeps “one up, one down, and one pending”
                                                           Written and performed by Tom Dugan. Tickets: $44 ($54  until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris, and
                                                        with lunch). For tickets:  to Bernard’s apartment at the same time.
                                                        (561) 272-1281. All performances at The Delray Beach
                                                        Playhouse.                                        Dramas, Comedies, Musicals on page 9

                                                               Happy Hour: Mon -Thurs, All dAy AT bAr only
                                                                                 Mon - Fri 3 - 6 pM
                                                                                                                                  $  59         99

           Dr. Lebrun Nestor     Dr. Siperstein-Paul
           Cornell University      Yale University
          Dr. Mackay-Wiggan    Dr. Micciantuono-Meran
           Columbia University   On-site Mohs Surgeon
                                                                                                                                    one AppeTizer, soup or
              Dr. Lipman             Dr. Gold
          NYU Medical Center    Albert Einstein Med Ctr                                                                            sAlAd, choose 2 enTrees
             Dr. Mathew            Dr. Waintraub                                                                                  FroM 15 diFFerenT choices
             Dr. Mathew
                                   Dr. Waintraub
            Duke University       Cornell University
           Dr. Anna Kurayev     Dr. Anu Parameswaran                                                                               Also includes 1 desserT
          Tufts Medical Center   NYU Medical Center
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