Page 4 - Boca Club News - September '23
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Page 4, Boca Club News

      Record-Breaking Number of  Sea Turtle Nests from page 1  Nature Center exists because of the efforts of a group of      Public programming—including Gumbo Limbo Nature
                                                        concerned residents dedicated to protecting our coastline   Center’s popular Sea Turtle Hatchling Releases and Turtle
                                                        from development.”                                 Walks—allows the public to learn more about the endangered
                                                           Leatherback, Loggerhead and Green Sea turtles lay eggs   animals and see them in their natural surroundings. The Team
                                                        on Boca Raton beaches every year. Each morning during   also advises the public on what to do if they come across a
                                                        nesting season, the Sea Turtle Conservation Team surveys Boca   nest or a sea turtle in need of assistance. Important reminders
                                                        Raton’s five miles of beaches for any new sea turtle activity   include:
                                                        from the night before. New nests are recorded with GPS and   - See a marked nest on the beach? Be mindful around the
                                                        marked off with stakes and signage to keep the area protected   marked areas on the beach which identify a sea turtle nest, and
                                                        and the eggs safe during the incubation period.    never disturb nesting turtles, nests or hatchlings.
                                                           Like the world’s 350 species of turtles—many of which live   - Find a hatchling? If it is daytime, place it in a container with
                                                        on land, some in small ponds—sea turtles instinctively return   damp sand (not water) on the bottom. Bring it to Gumbo Limbo
                                                        to the place where they were born to lay their own eggs, in   Nature Center and place it in the cooler labeled “Hatchling
                                                        this case to our beaches here in Boca. It is fortunate that our   Drop-off” located outside the front door. The drop-off box
                                                        mother turtles are spared from having to cross the roads and   is checked by staff frequently. If it is nighttime, allow the
                                                        highways faced by so many in other urban locations who are   hatchling to crawl to the ocean on its own. If it is injured,
                                                        often struck, often fatally, by cars before they reach the place   follow the same steps, and bring it to the “Hatchling Drop-off”.
      Sea turtle tracks in Boca Raton                   instinct leads them to lay their eggs.             - See a sick or injured turtle? Contact the Florida Fish and
                                                           David Anderson, the City’s Sea Turtle Conservation   Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) Wildlife Hotline
         News of the record-breaking number of nests this season   Coordinator, manages the Team. “I can’t say enough about the   at: 1-(888) 404-FWCC (3922) or dial *FWC or #FWC on your
      reflects the city’s goal of creating a vibrant and sustainable   hard work of our Sea Turtle Conservation Team, who spend   mobile phone.
      community. Boca Raton has long championed conservation   countless hours on the beach each morning documenting the      Founded in 1984, Gumbo Limbo Nature Center serves
      of the natural environment with policies, initiatives and   nests, nesting female crawls, hatched nests, and have also   the community as a destination to promote environmental
      outreach efforts that support plant, wildlife and marine   released over 5,000 hatchlings so far this season. The increase   education, conservation and stewardship of our coastal
      life on the barrier island and mainland. Opportunities for   in nest numbers gives us hope for the future of these amazing   ecosystems. Activities to be enjoyed at the center include
      community involvement are also an integral part of the   animals, and it is important that we continue protecting every   walking along a trail through the mangroves, kayaking local
      city’s mission.                                   nest and every hatchling moving forward.”          waters and visiting gopher tortoises, aquariums, a butterfly
         “The record-breaking nesting numbers seen all over      The Sea Turtle Conservation Team has monitored,   garden and exhibits. The city also organizes beach clean-ups,
      the Palm Beaches this summer are a testament to over 50   recorded and studied sea turtle nesting activity in the city   dune restoration, tree give-aways and other programs that foster
      years of sea turtle conservation efforts in our community,”   since 1977. The team works to ensure the protection of   community participation and awareness around sustainability.
      said Gumbo Limbo Nature Center Manager Leanne Welch.   the coastal environment, providing guidance to the city      For more information on sea turtle nesting and Gumbo
      “Sea turtle conservation in Boca Raton is an ‘all hands’   on issues such as coastal construction, nighttime lighting,   Limbo Nature Center, visit:
      effort encompassing employees and volunteers from   beach renourishment, mechanical beach raking, shorebirds      For more information on the City’s commitment to
      multiple departments around the city. In fact, Gumbo Limbo   and dune vegetation.                    Sustainability, visit:
      Boca Environmental Program Restoring Native Plants At

      Red Reef and South Beach Parks; Volunteers Welcomed

         The City of Boca Raton                                                                               Public education
      is taking steps to revitalize                                                                        and participation are
      the environmental health of                                                                          integral parts of the
      its coastal parks with a native                                                                      City’s restoration efforts.
      plant restoration project at                                                                         Volunteers of all ages
      Red Reef and South Beach                                                                             carry out the work of
      Parks. In collaboration with                                                                         removal, digging holes,
      the Institute for Regional                                                                           replanting,  watering
      Conservation (IRC), the                                                                              and more, allowing for
      city is working to remove                                                                            large areas to be restored
      invasive plant species from                                                                          quickly. Upcoming
      beach dunes and hammocks,                                                                            volunteer opportunities
      replacing them with native                                                                           include Sat urday,
      vegetation. This initiative is                                                                       September 30th, 9 a.m.-
      part of a multi-year strategy                                                                        11 a.m., South Beach Park. For more information and to
      to improve the resiliency and                                                                        volunteer, visit the city’s Beach Sustainability webpage and
      biological diversity of the                                                                          The Institute for Regional Conservation.
      city’s beachfront parks and will be completed with active
      participation from community volunteers.
         Invasive species, due to their rapid growth and spread,
      can  take over  native  plants,  resulting  in  diminished
      biodiversity, habitat loss and food sources for native insects
      and animals. This ecological imbalance also jeopardizes the
      strength of dunes and other coastal ecosystems.
         “The  city’s  partnership  with  IRC  for  managing  the
      ecosystems at Red Reef and South Beach Parks is an
      exciting endeavor,” stated Lindsey Roland Nieratka, the   Do you know a family member,
      city’s Sustainability Manager. “By eliminating invasive
      exotic species and replacing them with native plants, we are   friend or a neighbor in need of
      enhancing the dune systems and providing a better habitat
      for native wildlife and pollinators. We are grateful for the   Home Health Care?
      dedication of our community volunteers, who have invested
      hours of their time in these efforts.”
         The invasive species targeted for removal can often be
      introduced as ornamental plants found in landscaping or
      as house plants, like the beach naupaka, oyster plant and   Home Health Aides / Certified Nursing Assistants / Registered Nurses  to assist you with:
      bowstring-hemp. They will be replaced by an array of native
      coastal strand and beach dune plants, including two endangered   • Personal Care      • Companionship     • Respite Care      • Alzheimers & Dementia Care
      and threatened species in Florida: sea lavender and inkberry.     • Medication Management     • Transportation     • Meal Preparation
                                                                         • Light Housekeeping      • Grocery Shopping      • Post Surgery Care

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