Page 21 - Southern Exposure - December '22
P. 21

Southern Exposure, Page 21

                                                                                                                                          Section B

                                                          Arts & Entertainment

                                 Palm Beach Dramaworks Announces

                             Palm Beach Dramaworks Names Carlton Moody New Board Chair
                                               And Welcomes Three New Board Members

        Palm Beach Dramaworks                              Carlton Moody (chair) is a lifelong educator who     Susan Ellerin, Ph.D., is the
      (PBD) is pleased to announce                       began his career as a teacher in Evanston, Ill., and   founder and former president
      that Carlton Moody is the                          rose to leadership positions of several large school   of STAT Resources, Inc.,
      new board chair and that                           systems, including deputy superintendent of Stamford   a Boston-based strategic
      Susan Ellerin, Lisa Koza, and                      (Conn.) Public Schools; superintendent of schools,   analytics firm that served
      Cynthia Nalley have joined                         Cleveland Heights/University Heights (Ohio); and   technology and other global
      the Board of Directors,                            executive director in the Shaker Heights City Schools   companies over a span of
      effective this season.                             District (Ohio). His past affiliations include being a   more  than  30  years.  She
        “I am delighted to                               member of the governing board of the Minority Student   personally worked closely
      welcome Susan, Lisa, and                           Achievement Network (organization of school districts   with C-level executives
      Cynthia to the board, and                          across the United States working to solve the issue of   developing data-driven
      thrilled that Carlton is                           minority student achievement), member of the Education   strategies for acquiring and  Susan Ellerin
      our new chair,” said PBD  Carlton Moody            Research and Development Institute (advisory group of   retaining customers and
      Managing Director Sue Ellen                        80 superintendents that assess and review educational   employees at companies in a wide range of industries, and
      Beryl. “Carlton has been a valued member of our board for   products and services), member of the American   served as an expert witness on several high-profile product
      a decade, most recently as secretary, and a staunch advocate   Association of School Administrators (AASA), member of   liability cases. Before founding STAT, she was a professor
      for the company. Susan, Lisa, and Cynthia have had long   the National Association of School Boards (NSBA), and   and associate dean of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
      and accomplished careers, and I look forward to a warm and   member of the Association of Supervision and Curriculum
      dynamic working relationship with them.”           Development (ASCD).                               Arts & Entertainment on page 24


                    Monaco: Playground Of The Rich And Famous

                                        Previously submitted by the late Don Kiselewski, MCC, D.S., of Palm Beach Gardens Travel Leaders

        Located on the
      Mediterranean Sea,
      completely surrounded by
      France, lies the Principality
      of Monaco. This tiny self-
      governing territory on the
      Côte d’Azur lies less than 10
      miles from Nice, France (just
      seven minutes by helicopter
      link), while the Italian border
      is just five miles to the east.
        Most people are surprised
      at the actual size of the principality, because of the world
      recognition that the country enjoys. Monaco’s land area is
      approximately the same size as the site of The Gardens Mall.
      Its area is approximately 500 acres, slightly smaller than
      Juno Beach. To place Monaco in still another perspective,
      the country is the length of 10 football fields long and varies   The residences on the “Rock” portion of Monaco; many of the homes here are those of royalty, like the princess. The Palais
      from one to four fields wide. Reclaiming land from the sea   Princier is the large building in the rear.
      has added very few acres to the principality, where land is
      so precious.                                      structure of this quarter is the soccer stadium, which occupies   a moat from the land side making an island fortress, high
        Monaco lies to the south of the Moyenne Corniche (middle   approximately 10 percent of the land area. This area, which   above the sea.
      roadway), and the main axis of the country, which lies in a   contains most of the reclaimed land, is served by the Port de     La Condamine, or the harbor area, contains the bulk of the
      southwest to northeast direction, is divided by the Basse   Fontvielle and the heliport.             country’s living units. The country is 100 percent urbanized,
      Corniche. Geographically, Monaco is also separated into four     Monaco-Ville contains the Palais Princier (Prince’s   and the land to the west of the Porte de Monaco contains very
      sections or quarters. The quarters consist of Fontvieille, La   Palace), Saint Nicholas Cathedral, the Oceanographic   little vegetation. It is this portion of the country that boasts the
      Condamine, Monaco-Ville (locally known as Le Rocher or   Museum and many of the other buildings that are vitally   natural harbor, which serves as the anchorage for the yachts
      “the Rock”) and probably the best known, Monte Carlo.  important to Monaco’s history. The natural terrace of the   of the rich and famous.
        Plastics, glass and electronics are the major items produced   area was ideal for early fortification, as it is surrounded on
      in the Fontvieille quarter of Monaco. The most dominant   three sides by the sea, and at one time was separated by   Travel on page 22
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