Page 22 - Southern Exposure - December '22
P. 22

Page 22, Southern Exposure

      Travel from page 21

        Monte Carlo, the best known quarter of Monaco, is   for navigators returning from the east. In the sixth century     Between 1346 and 1355, Charles Grimaldi constituted
      the pinnacle of the world for gambling. Gambling is the   B.C., the Rock was inhabited by a Ligurian tribe called the   a veritable domain of the principality by acquiring the
      way of life in Monte Carlo, and the opera house (Opéra   Monoïkos (believed to be the origin of the name of Monaco).   seigneuries of Menton and Roquebrune. In 1489, King
      de Monte-Carlo) and Monte Carlo Casino, both built by   Following the Gallic Wars (58 to 50 B.C.), the province   Charles VIII of France recognized the independence of
      Charles Garnier – who also built the Paris Opera house   fell under Roman control and Monaco became part of the   Monaco; however, in 1793 the principality reverted back to
      – is the epitome of this activity. In front of the casino are   Maritime Alps province. Julius Caesar set sail from Monaco   a territory of the French Republic under the name of Port
      magnificent flower beds and gardens forming the Place du   to fight in Greece.                       Hercule, an ordinary township in the Maritime Alps province.
      Casino. Facing the sea on the other side of the casino is     After the fall of the Roman Empire in 500 A.D., the region   The prince and his family were arrested, their riches were
      the convention center (Grimaldi Forum) and auditorium   was ravaged by hordes of barbarians – until 975, when the   dispersed, and the palace was converted to a workhouse.
      (Auditorium Ranier III). The streets between the casino   Saracens were expelled from the area, heralding the beginning     On May 30, 1814, the Treaty of Paris reestablished the
      and Mediterranean are transformed into the raceway that   of a new area. In 1162, Frederick Barbarossa, Holy Roman   Grimaldis and restored their rights. In 1861, the towns of
      becomes the Grand Prix.                           Emperor, granted maritime domination of the region to the   Menton and Roquebrune were transferred to France, and
        From early antiquity, the Rock of Monaco and natural   Republic of Genoa. Until 1419, the Rock was the scene of   Monaco became totally independent. Five years later, the
      harbor served as a refuge for primitive people, and later   fierce fighting between two major adversaries of Genoa: The   former Plateau des Spélugues was given the name Monte
                                                        Ghibellines (supporting the Emperor) and the Guelphs (loyal   Carlo.
                                                        to the Pope). On January 8, 1297, Guelph Francois Grimaldi,     In 1911, Monaco was endowed with a constitution for
                                                        disguised as a monk, entered Monaco clandestinely. This   the first time. This year also saw the creation of the Monte
                                                        event is commemorated on the Grimaldi coat of arms, which
                                                        features two monks brandishing a sword.            Travel on page 23

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