Page 26 - Southern Exposure - December '22
P. 26

Page 26, Southern Exposure

                                                                    Club news

                                      Historical Seeds Of The Gardens

                                                                    Did You Know?

        In 1888 t he                                    hunting, fishing, and
      residents of the                                  relaxing around a
      Lake Worth  area                                  campfire with a beer
      were displeased                                   and ribs.
      with the treatment                                  The Bonnette
      they received from                                Hunt Club was
      the Dade County                                   started in 1961 by
      seat at Biscayne Bay                              William A. Bonnette
      and petitioned for a                              Jr., a longtime
      special election to                               resident of Palm
      choose the location                               Beach County. Bill
      of the county seat for                            realized that there
      the next 10 years. On                             was little land left for
      Feb. 19, 1889, the                                hunters, so he started
      winner – though as                                the club as a private hunt club with some of the best quail
      yet it had no name                                hunting, bird dogs, and guides in the country. The members   Club News on page 28
      – was a site near the
      northern terminus for
      the boat line on Lake
      Worth. Commissioner Albert M. Field donated one acre for
      the courthouse, now the site of the Oakbrook Square shopping
      center. Field’s wife, Leahretta C. “Lettie” Field, became
      postmistress that July of the newly established Juno post office.
        Also in July, Juno became the southern terminus for the
      Celestial Railroad from Jupiter. Henry Flagler’s much larger                      $                   $ 489        Reg.  589     $ 250
      Florida East Coast Railway drove the small company out                              39Usually  75                 Up to 5 Ducts
      of business a few years later and residents convinced Dade                      serviCe Call with    duCt Cleaning speCial      uv light with any
      County to convert the former Celestial Railroad bed into a                        any a/C repair        includes free sanitizing  new installation
                                                                                                                                         ( 750 value)
      county road.                                                                   Call for serviCe       Call for serviCe       Call for serviCe
        The courthouse, built at a cost of $1,495 and housing                        561-741-2825           561-741-2825           561-741-2825
      offices, jail cells and a courtroom on the second floor, was the              Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,   Not valid with any other discounts,
      largest assembly structure in Juno, also serving as a church,                 offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount   offers, or coupons. Limit 1 discount
      lodge hall and ballroom.                                                      per transaction. Expires: 1/10/23.  per transaction. Expires: 1/10/23.  per transaction. Expires: 1/10/23.
        When the county seat returned to Miami in 1899, Juno
      lost its purpose. A forest fire in 1907 destroyed the town’s
      remaining buildings, and nature quickly reclaimed the area. A
      brick cistern was preserved at the Twelve Oaks subdivision,
      where the Juno dock stood. Twelve Oaks, as well as Lost
      Tree Village and Captain’s Key, on the former site of Juno,
      are within the Village of North Palm Beach.
        Today, a historical marker located in the Oakbrook
      Shopping center reads “About three hundred feet east of
      this marker, stood the Dade County Court House at Juno,                Changing the way we
      the county seat from 1890 to 1900. Juno – since abandoned          find love, one date at a time.
      – was the southern terminus of the “Celestial Railroad” from
      Jupiter to Juno, and the northern terminus of the boat and
      connecting stage coach line to Miami.”
       Photos and narrative courtesy of the Historical Society of
                                      Palm Beach County
                        Juno, Florida (
        One of the first privately-
      owned country clubs in
      Palm Beach Gardens was
      visited by the rich and
      famous. Business owners,
      celebrities and heads-of-
      state enjoyed hobnobbing                                                         Gift Yourself Love
      for the weekend while
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