Page 30 - Southern Exposure - December '22
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Page 30, Southern Exposure

                                                                 all abouT Kids

                                                     Is Your Child Smart?

                                                           By Jim Forgan, Ph.D., Licensed School Psychologist

        Most  c h i l d re n  a r e                      time gifted classes starting in kindergarten. You can learn     Children who meet the gifted criteria receive a special
      smart and a child can be                           more at:  educational plan to meet their individual academic and social
      intelligent in multiple ways.                        In the Martin Schools they offer two elementary choices.   needs. The plan is implemented by teachers with a gifted
      The Palm Beach and Martin                          First, the full-time model has gifted students together in   teaching certification endorsement. Gifted classes allow for
      Schools offer gifted classes                       classes for the entire school day in grades three through five.   project based learning and enrichment beyond the typical
      for children who meet the                          Second, the enrichment model works as a “pull-out” program   Florida standards.
      IQ requirement for being                           from the regular classroom for one day per week for students     Call if you need help with your child as we test children
      “gifted.” The  eligibility                         who are excelling in grades kindergarten through five. Martin   ages 5.5 through college for gifted, dyslexia, ADHD,
      requirements are defined                           Schools have a gifted handbook available at Martinschools.  depression, anxiety, and other processing disorders. Visit
      by the state of Florida and                        org/page/gifted.                         or dial (561) 625-4125.
      followed by local schools.
      Your child is eligible for
      special instructional programs for the gifted from kindergarten                     Palm Beach Dramaworks
      through grade 12 if they meet the following criteria.                                          announces
        First, your child demonstrates a need for a special program
      through strong grades. Second, they have a majority of                  Reginald Rose’s classic
      characteristics of gifted students according to a checklist
      completed by the teacher. Third, they demonstrate superior                    Twelve Angry Men
      intellectual development as measured by an Intelligence
      Quotient (IQ) score of 130 or above. Alternatively, your child
      can be a member of an underrepresented group and meet the         Opens at Palm Beach Dramaworks On December 9
      criteria specified in a school district plan for increasing the
      participation of underrepresented groups in programs for     The strengths and flaws of the American jury system are
      students who are gifted.                            laid bare – as are the prejudices and social attitudes of those
        You may seek private IQ testing or request it from your   standing in judgment – in Reginald Rose’s classic Twelve
      child’s school. According to the Palm Beach County School   Angry Men, which opens at Palm Beach Dramaworks
      District gifted web page, they universally screen second-  on December 9 (8 p.m.). Performances continue through
      grade students for gifted with the cognitive abilities test. This   December 24, with specially priced previews on December
      is a group-administered assessment that estimates students’   7 and 8 (7:30 p.m.). J. Barry Lewis directs.
      learned reasoning and problem solving abilities through a     Rose made a name for himself in the 1950s as one of the
      battery of verbal and nonverbal test items. They offer full-  preeminent writers for the Golden Age of Television. He had
                                                          a passion for social justice, and his best work tended to focus
                                                          on controversial issues – the kind that could, and often did,
      Club news from page 28                              make networks uncomfortable, like prejudice and torture.
                                                            12 Angry Men  (the numeral is used in the title of
               Palm Beach                                 both the teleplay and subsequent film) was written for  in the 68 years since the teleplay premiered.
                                                          the prestigious anthology show Studio One in 1954, and    Twelve Angry Men features a cast of PBD veterans:
                                                          follows 12 New York jurors who deliberate the fate of a  Cliff Goulet (Guard), Tim Altmeyer (Juror 1), Michael
                   Gardens                                teenager accused of killing his father. Eleven of the men  McKeever  (Juror  2), William  Hayes  (Juror  3),  Gary
                                                          are instantly ready to convict, but the lone holdout, Juror  Cadwallader (Juror 4), Jim Ballard (Juror 5), Matthew W.
                                                          8, compels them to carefully examine the evidence. The  Korinko (Juror 6), John Leonard Thompson (Juror 7), Tom
       Historical Society                                 teleplay received accolades, and three years later Rose  Wahl (Juror 8), Dennis Creaghan (Juror 9), Rob Donohoe
                                                          adapted and fleshed out the script, and coproduced the film  (Juror 10), David Kwiat (Juror 11), and Bruce Linser (Juror
                 Meet The Board                           with Henry Fonda, who played Juror 8. The film script  12). Scenic design is by Victor A. Becker, costume design
                                                          served as the basis for the play, which premiered in London  is by Brian O’Keefe, lighting design is by Kirk Bookman,
                                                          in 1964. It took an additional 40 years for the play to make  and sound design is by Roger Arnold. David A. Hyland is
        Maria Mamlouk                                     it to Broadway – two years after Rose’s death in 2002.    the fight choreographer.
      (right in picture) has                                PBD’s production is set during the Eisenhower era, in    12 Angry Men launched the film career of director
      been a resident in Palm                             1954, the year the teleplay premiered. Although women  Sidney Lumet, who had directed over 60 TV episodes
      Beach Gardens since                                 and people of color were permitted to serve on juries in  prior to making his big-screen debut. The movie has
      1991, and was one of                                New York at that time, the jury pools were overwhelming  inspired many legal professionals, including Supreme
      the  founders  of  the                              made up of white men – and subsequently, so were juries.  Court  Justice  Sonia  Sotomayor,  who  has  said,  “It
      Historical Society in                               Rose very deliberately made the choice of an all-white,  was  a  very  important  film  in  terms  of  developing
      2008. She was also one                              male jury, and PBD is following his lead. Producing Artistic  me  both  as  a  lawyer  and  subsequently  as  a  judge.”
      of the seven authors                                Director William Hayes and director J. Barry Lewis believe    The Don & Ann Brown Theatre is located in the heart of
      who volunteered many                                that the makeup of the jury serves to illuminate the fervid  downtown West Palm Beach, at 201 Clematis Street. For
      hours and searched                                  battle for gender and racial equality in America in 2022,  ticket information contact the box office at (561) 514-4042,
      widely to bring to life                             and illustrate how far the country has and hasn’t traveled  or visit
      the history of Palm
      Beach Gardens in our
      2012 history book: Images of America, Palm Beach Gardens.
        Born in Cuba, Maria arrived in the United States in 1960
      as a political refugee and made Washington, D.C. her home.
      She holds a master’s degree from Georgetown University
      and worked for the United States Agency for International                                                 You’re Retired
      Development (foreign aid) for over 21 years.
        After traveling throughout the world, Maria, now a widow                                                Your Money Isn’t.
      and retired, spends her time volunteering, in addition to the
      Historical Society, with the Community Foundation of Palm
      Beach and Martin Counties and recently became a member                                                     To learn why consolidating your
      of the Advisory Board of the Salvation Army. She still plays                                               retirement accounts to Edward Jones
      tennis and cards and loves to play a part in the preservation                                              makes sense, contact your Edward
      of our local heritage.
                                                                                                                 Jones  nancial advisor today.

                                                                      Sally S Stahl, AAMS®              

                                                                      Financial Advisor                           M e m b  P I S   r e  C
                                                                      1851 W Indiantown Rd Ste 106
                                                                      Jupiter, FL 33458
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