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Page 18, Southern Exposure
elder eState Planning
Myths And FAQs – Estate Planning For LGBTQ Families
Submitted by Anné Desormier-Cartwright, Esq.
Myths power of attorney will allow your partner to act on your by calling our office at (561) 694-7827, Anné Desormier-
Because same-sex marriage behalf for financial matters and a medical power of attorney Cartwright, Esq., Elder & Estate Planning Attorneys PA,
is recognized in all fifty will allow your partner to make medical decisions for you 480 Maplewood Drive, Suite 3, Jupiter, FL 33458.
states, I do not need to worry if you are alive but not otherwise able. Additionally, if you The content of this article is general and should not be
about estate planning, as have a retirement account or life insurance policy and would relied upon without review of your specific circumstances by
my spouse will receive like those amounts to go to your partner, make sure that you competent legal counsel. Reliance on the information herein
everything when I die. have properly named them on the appropriate beneficiary is at your own risk, as it expresses no opinion by the firm
It is true that, absent designation forms. on your specific circumstances or legal needs. An attorney
proper estate planning, the If you have questions about this or your estate plan and client relationship is not created through the information
law will distribute most (if what documents are necessary schedule a consultation today provided herein.
not all) of your money and
property to your spouse.
However, this may not be the best way to pass on your money The 2022-2023 Season At The Eissey
and property. If everything passes to your spouse outright,
there is no protection for the property or money your spouse
receives. Even if you want your spouse to be free to spend Campus Theatre Presents Doo Wop,
their inheritance from you as they please upon your death,
your money and property would become 100 percent your
spouse’s, and they could do whatever they want with it – Motown, And Rock And Roll
including lose it to creditors or to an anticipated lawsuit. By
creating a trust, the money and property can be available for The Doo Wop Project, January 20, 2023, Love the You, Rock Rhapsody thrills audiences with the electric
your spouse’s use, but you can provide protections to ensure classic sounds of Frankie Valli, The Drifters and The Del harmonies, rock riffs and soaring vocals of one of the world’s
that creditors, or a second spouse, do not have access to what Vikings? Ever wonder what Maroon 5 would sound like if all-time greatest bands, QUEEN. “Somebody to Love”, “We
you have worked so hard to earn. they had lived in the Doo Wop era? The Doo Wop Project Will Rock You”, “We Are the Champions” and many more.
Additionally, without estate planning, including the begins at the beginning, tracing the evolution of Doo Wop More than a tribute, Rock Rhapsody is a celebration of
creation of a trust, your money and property may have to from the classic sound of five guys singing tight harmonies everyone’s favorite musical anthems performed by a stellar,
be distributed through the probate process. Probate is a on a street corner to the biggest hits on the radio today. In international cast.
court-supervised process where an appointed individual their epic shows DWP takes audiences on a journey from Majesty of Rock, March 16, 2023, Majesty of Rock is a
gathers your money and property, pays your outstanding foundational tunes of groups like the Crests, Belmonts and group of five staggeringly talented musicians who take great
bills, and then distributes the remainder to the appropriate Flamingos through their influences on the sounds of Smokey care to re-create the exact sound and feel of the two American
individuals. Depending upon the situation, the level of court Robinson, The Temptations, and The Four Seasons all the super groups: Journey and Styx. The band captures every
involvement can vary, but no matter what, the details of this way to DooWopified versions of modern musicians like nuance of these iconic legends so precisely, they are in
process can be found out by anyone because probate is a Michael Jackson, Jason Mraz and Maroon 5. Featuring constant demand. Judge for yourself. Any way you want
very public process. stars of Broadway’s smash hits Jersey Boys and Motown: it, Journey with us back to the magical time of arena rock.
FAQs The Musical, the Doo Wop Project brings unparalleled Come to this show and get caught up in the Majesty of Rock!
My family and I have not spoken in years. How do I prevent authenticity of sound and vocal excellence to recreate — and Brass Transit, March 27, 2023, Brass Transit was formed
my family from causing problems for my spouse after I die? in some cases entirely reimagine — some of the greatest in 2008 and brought together by eight of the most talented
One solution is to create a trust and title your accounts music in American pop and rock history. and accomplished award winning musicians. Their sole
and property in the name of the trust. This will allow you to The Sounds of Soul, February 7, 2023, Get ready to purpose was to pay tribute to one of the world’s greatest and
have access to and enjoyment of your money and property, relive the hits of Motown and beyond, as this exciting, high most successful pop/rock groups of all time, CHICAGO.
as you can name yourself as both the current trustee and the energy group unleashes superior vocals and slick dance Since then, the group has toured North America dazzling
current beneficiary. However, in the trust, you can designate moves powered by pure soul! The group is composed of audiences with their flawless performances and spectacular
what will happen to all of the accounts and property once six seasoned performers who have excelled as outstanding attention to every detail of the CHICAGO songbook. Hits
you have passed, as well as who will be in charge of carrying singers, dancers, and songwriters. Each member has shared like: “Saturday In The Park”, “25 or 6 to 4”, “If You Leave
out your wishes. Then, upon your death, the terms of the the national recording spotlight driven by the power of Me Now” and “You’re The Inspiration” have left crowds in
trust will be carried out and the accounts and property will Capital Records, Big Apple Records, and R & S Records awe and on their feet more than once during a show. Evoking
be distributed to the named beneficiaries by the person you to name but a few. The show is a combination of Motown comments like “Spine-tingling”, “Brought me back to my
have selected, without court involvement. classics mixed with some of the greatest songs of all youth” and “Perfect in every detail.” Brass Transit goes far
In addition, if you are worried about your family time. Get ready to soak in the hits of The Temptations, beyond just imitating the songs, they embody the music.
contesting your wishes, memorializing them in a proper The Four Tops, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, The Brass Transit will bring you back to the most memorable
legal document such as a trust and will is critical. Be sure Supremes, Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Barry White, and times of your life.
to express your concerns to your estate planning attorney more. The Sounds of Soul are known for their recognizable All shows at 7:30 p.m. Season subscriptions and single
who can discuss whether your state recognizes a “no- choreography, distinct harmonies, and flashy, upscale stage tickets are on sale now! Call the box office at (561) 207-
contest clause.” A no-contest clause can be included in persona. The Sounds of Soul are a must see for audiences 5900 or visit 11051 Campus Drive, Palm Beach Gardens
your will and trust, creating a penalty for any beneficiary of all ages! or online at The box office is
challenging your wishes and helping lessen the chances Rock Rhapsody, February 27, 2023, Featuring stars of open Monday - Friday* 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. & one hour prior
that a family member or beneficiary could legally the Australian Stage, Broadway and London’s West End, to curtain.*All programs and artists are subject to change.
challenge your estate plan. from hits Jersey Boys to Rock of Ages and We Will Rock No refunds after purchase.
My partner and I have been together for 20 years but have
never gotten married. Should we get married? If we don’t
get married, how can I ensure my partner is taken care of?
to the emotions involved in making the decision, there Experience Dentistry with a Woman’s Touch
Whether to get married is a personal decision. In addition
could also be tax implications. Consider sitting down with
an experienced estate planning attorney and an accountant
or CPA to analyze the tax or financial impact this decision Cosmetic & Comprehensive Restorative Dentistry
would have on your planning.
If you choose to remain unmarried, a properly executed State of the Art & Same Day Restorations
estate plan will ensure that your partner is taken care of.
A will or trust will allow you to designate the money and/ Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation Available
or property that you want to go to your partner. A financial
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