Page 17 - Southern Exposure - December '22
P. 17

Southern Exposure, Page 17

                                                             tamPa general newS

                      Tampa General Hospital Launches Concierge

                Health Care For Residents Of Palm Beach County

      Dr.  Laurie  P.  Rothman                          day or next-day appointments, after-hours communication   Program, which combines world-class medical care
      joins  TGH  as  the  first                        with the concierge physician  or staff, executive-level   with white-glove service. When local patients need to
      concierge care physician                          physical examinations annually, coordination of specialty   be transferred to TGH, a dedicated health ambassador
      to be part of Florida’s                           or hospital care, more one-on-one time with the doctor,   handles all the details for them, including making general
      leading academic medical                          and telephone consultations or video visits.       appointments, scheduling tests, preparing for surgeries or
      center.                                             “If someone isn’t feeling well, they don’t want to wait   inpatient stays, arranging travel needs, and coordinating
        A s part of its                                 two weeks for the next available appointment,”  Rothman   any follow-up care.
      commitment to connecting                          said. “In addition to more time, my patients will also have     For those interested in learning more and/or becoming a
      the  Palm  Beach  County                          increased access. If there is an emergency or they’re not   TGH Concierge Health patient, please call (561) 559-0955.
      and  Treasure  Coast                              feeling well, and it’s nine o’clock at night, they can call
      communities to world-                             me or text me and we’ll be able to talk it through and make   Pressure Washing & Roof Cleaning
      class care, Tampa General                         a plan.”
      Hospital (TGH) is launching a concierge primary health     Rothman’s clinical focus is on preventative care,   We are ready to exCeed your expeCtationS!
      care practice on Florida’s East Coast. Laurie P. Rothman,   wellness, and metabolic health for adults and adolescents   “We Clean Barrel Tile, Metal,
      M.D., is the first doctor to join TGH Concierge Health.  ages 12 and up. She is proactive, analytical, and   Asphalt Shingle Roofs & Cedar Shake Roofs”
        Dr. Rothman is a concierge primary care physician,   wholeheartedly committed to providing comprehensive,
      board-certified in family medicine and in obesity medicine.   compassionate, and evidence-based patient care.  Rothman
      She has two decades of experience delivering world-class   also prides herself on her strong collaborative and
      care to the selective patients of Palm Beach County and has   leadership skills, facilitating the entire medical team
      been practicing medicine for nearly 25 years. For an annual   to perform at its optimal level for the benefit of her
      membership fee, her patients will receive the highest level   patients. As a former attending physician in the emergency
      of primary care, including personalized plans, along with   department at Overlook Hospital in Summit, N.J.,   • Screen Enclosure Frames
      after-hours and weekend access to the concierge medical   Rothman can also provide her patients with emergency   • Driveways • Paver Sealing
      team.                                             room advocacy. Most recently, she served the brave men   • Eco Friendly • Much More!  $25 OFF
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        “I love what I do. I love taking care of patients and   and women in law enforcement as the dedicated doctor   look 157% better than before, we will   With this coupon. May not
      families, and the time I spend with people, and the   for the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department.  refund you 100% of your money.  be combined with other
      relationships we build, are most important to me. It’s     “I’m very excited to join the Tampa General network   Call James for Specials!
      challenging in a traditional practice to take that time   and help start this concierge practice,” said Rothman. “I’ve
      because you’re trying to see 20 or 30 patients a day, one   known Dr. Abraham Schwarzberg with the TGH Cancer
      after the other, and it can be more difficult to connect,”   Institute for more than a decade, and we have collaborated
      said Rothman. “This practice will allow me to have more   to help care for many patients over the years.”  561-248-1053
      time with my patients, and to be there for them when they     As part of TGH’s expanding physician network on
      need me.”                                         Florida’s East Coast, Rothman can also provide her     We Are Commercial Specialists!
        Other advantages of TGH Concierge Health include same-  patients with access to the TGH Health Ambassador   Workman’s Comp  Licensed & Insured

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