Page 16 - Southern Exposure - December '22
P. 16
Page 16, Southern Exposure
good workS
Habitat For Humanity Of Palm Beach County Raised The
Roof In Lake Worth Beach To Kick Off 2022 Veterans Build
Habitat for Humanity
of Palm Beach County
(HFHPBC) kicked off the 2022
Veterans Build: Raise the Roof
on Nov. 5, during a special
groundbreaking ceremony for
a local veteran in Lake Worth.
Habitat for Humanity of
Palm Beach County Veterans Brian Edwards – United Chuck Millar – Habitat PBC board
Build partners with military Way PBC and Veterans Build cochair Daniel Morgan – Lake Worth CRA Message to the Royal family from Julia Dattolo
service members, their
families, and the families of
the fallen to build affordable
housing. Habitat believes
service members deserve to
be welcomed home with honor,
dignity, and respect. “We are
dedicated to serving those who
serve by providing affordable
home ownership opportunities Jeff Hmara – United Way
in Palm Beach County,” said of Palm Beach County
Peter Gates, CEO of HFHPBC. Mission United Julia Dattolo – Veterans Build Melissa Royal – Habitat PBC
Habitat for Humanity of cochair Veterans Build 2022 homeowner The Royal family – Jaden, Melissa, and Jason
Palm Beach County Veterans
Build officially began in 2021 of the Veterans Build home. HFHPBC will frame photos of Florida V.A. Employee Association, West Palm Beach V.A.
in response to grassroots some of the messages and give as a housewarming gift to the Healthcare System and Wounded Veteran Relief Fund.
Habitat efforts to serve housing Royals during the dedication ceremony. Starbucks, Trader Joe’s and Nothing Bundt Cakes
needs of returning veterans. Sponsors of Veterans Build are the Lake Worth Beach provided the refreshments at the 2022 Veterans Build: Raise
Habitat is now empowering CRA, Palm Beach County, Bank of America Foundation, the Roof ceremony.
military and veteran families to United Way of Palm Beach County Mission United, Pratt For more information contact Kristen Bardin, director of
achieve the strength, stability Whitney, a Raytheon Technologies Company, Broward, development, at or call (561) 293-
and self-reliance they need to Julia Dattolo – Career Palm Beaches & St. Lucie Realtors and First Republic 2542 for more information.
build better lives. Source PBC and Veterans Bank. Special thanks to Career Source of PBC, City of Lake
Veterans Build cochairs are Build cochair Worth Beach, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, South Photos by HFHPBC
Chuck Millar and Julia Dattolo.
Both are thrilled to help Army
veteran, Melissa Royal, build
her forever home.
Melissa Royal works as a
senior detection investigation
analyst and is a mother to
three sons. Having served
seven years in the U.S. Army,
it is important for Melissa to Melissa Royal – Veterans
stay near family, and she says Build homeowner
becoming a homeowner will
allow her to do that.
Royal says the road to
homeownership hasn’t been
easy, she spent an entire year
searching for a home. “I kept
getting out-bid,” says Royal,
“Houses were going because
people would pay cash.”
With the weight that has been Representative Lois Frankel
lifted off her shoulders, Royal
says she feels great about being
a future homeowner. “It’s like
my dream has come true. The
hugest part of this is I can have
my family come over. I can now
have family gatherings. I don’t
have to worry about moving.”
Special guest appearances
at the Veterans Build event Stephanie Glavin – Bank of
included Brian Edwards, America
United Way of PBC, Master of
Ceremonies; Lois Frankel, U.S. Representative for Fla.; Daniel
Morgan, Lake Worth Beach CRA; Sarah Parr Malega, Lake
Worth Beach City Commissioner; Jeff Hmara, United Way of
Palm Beach County Mission United; Stephanie Glavin, senior
vice president, Bank of America; and Carlos A. Melendez,
Broward, Palm Beaches & St. Lucie Realtors.
Veterans Build On-Site Fundraiser
Participants at the Team Builds throughout the Veterans
Build Campaign will have an opportunity to write a message to
the Royals or a loved one on the wood framing of the Veterans
Build home by donating $100. Habitat staff will have red and
blue permanent markers to write on exposed wood used in the
home, depending on what construction stage the house is in.
This fundraiser began on Nov. 5 with messages written on the
roof trusses and will continue until the home is sealed with
drywall. These messages will live on forever within the walls