Page 17 - Boca Club News - July '19
P. 17

Boca Club News, Page 17
       Health & Wellness

      Medical Matters: Skin Cancers (Part Two--Melanoma)

      By Richard Nagler, M.D., a member                 Huntington, N.Y.                                   especially on the face, arms, legs, soles of the feet, palms of
      of Broken Sound Club and retired                     This is by far the most dangerous skin cancer. Each year   the hands, under the fingernails, eyes, and even the intestines.
      physician. After graduating from the              there are about 100,000 new cases of malignant melanoma   They are benign, but any change in an existing mole should
      University of Pennsylvania and New                in the USA: 55,000 in women and 45,000 in men. There are   immediately alert an individual to seek medical attention.
      York University’s School of Medicine,             9,300 deaths, with 6,200 in females and 3,100 in males. Most      An asymmetrical irregular shape, or the mole developing
      Dr. Nagler served his internship and              are over age 60. In recent years the incidence has been rising.   two different halves that can be notched or scalloped, a change
      residency at Baltimore City Hospital              It is most common in whites, but more dangerous in African   in color becoming multicolored or an uneven distribution
      and Johns Hopkins. He followed that               Americans defying early detection. Melanomas begin in the   of color, an increase in size greater than ¼ inch, and the
      with a Fellowship in Gastroenterology             melanocytes that control the pigment in the skin. Exposure to   development of itching or bleeding, should immediately alert
      at Yale University School of Medicine, and was then Chief   the UV rays of the sun is the major cause for of these cells to   one to the development of a malignancy. It is important to
      of Gastroenterology at Fitzimmons General Army Hospital   become malignant.                          be aware that melanomas may develop in the hidden areas
      in Denver. He returned to the Yale Medical School for one      Most people have between 10 to 45 moles, many   described earlier in this column, as well as anywhere in the
      year as an Assistant Professor of Medicine before opening   developing after age 50. They are of uniform color--usually   digestive tract, urinary tract, vagina and the mucus membranes
      his own successful private practice in Internal Medicine   tan, brown or black, which separate them from the surrounding   in the nose, mouth and esophagus. When it appears in the
      and Gastroenterology. During that time, he also served for   skin. They are most often small, about the size of an eraser on   whites of the eyes, visual disturbances may occur.
      ten years as Chief of Medicine at Huntington Hospital in   a pencil--round or oval. They can appear almost anywhere,      Risk factors include fair skin, which affords less protection
                                                                                                           from UV rays due to excessive sun exposure, especially in
                                                                                                           individuals living near the equator or at high altitudes. A family
           Delray Design Center                                                                            history of melanoma, having more than 50 moles, or unusual
                                                                                                           ones that are larger, irregular with a mixture of colors and a

                                                                                                             The diagnosis requires a biopsy with removal of the entire
                                                                                                             weakened immune system all pose significant risks.
                             design     sales     installation                                             lesion, including a small border of normal skin for microscopic
                                                                                                           analysis, which includes measurement of the thickness of the
                                                                                                           mole where the thicker it is the worse the prognosis. A sentinel
                                                                                                           node biopsy, which involves the lymph node closest to the
                                                                                 Custom Cabinetry          melanoma testing for any malignant cells is essential. If it is
                                                                                                           negative it is good evidence that it hasn’t metastasized. However,
                                                                                          for              there are instances where a sentinel node biopsy is negative, but
                                                                                                           the disease has spread, usually directly into the blood stream.
                                                                                       Kitchens               Staging of the disease is essential for prognosis. Stage
                                                                                                           0 is where the mole is in situ with abnormal cells, but no
                                                                                     Bathrooms             cancer. Stage 1 A is where the lesion is just 1 mm thick with
                                                                                                           no ulcerations and has a prognosis of 97 % five-year survival.
                                                                                       Closets             In 1 B the lesion is 1-2mm thick with some minor ulceration
                                                                                                           and the five-year survival rate is 90%. In stage 2 A the tumor
                                                                                   Entertainment           is greater than 2 mm thick with a five-year survival of 80%,
                                                                                                           and in 2 B with ulceration 70%. In stage 3 it can be any size or
                                                                                       Centers             shape, but has spread to a lymph node and five-year survival
                                                                                                           is 50%. With stage 4, where it has widely spread to the lungs,
                                                                                                           liver and brain, survival is less than 15%.
                                                                                                              Treatment: For very thin melanomas, they can be removed
                                       Stone and Tile for Counters, Flooring and Wall Tile                 entirely with a border of normal tissue and a layer of skin
                                                                                                           beneath the lesion. No further treatment is needed. With larger
                                                                                                           melanomas, removal of all nearby lymph nodes is done. High
          Porcelain, Marble, French Limestone, Granite, Quartz, Terrazzo.                                  doses of chemotherapeutic agents with isolated limb perfusion
            Fabricated to size at our own Delray Manufacturing Facility.                                   in the vein of an arm or leg permits the drug to go directly to
                                                                                                           the lesion with no adverse effect on the rest of the body.
                                                                                                              Radiation therapy can help to relieve symptoms. There are
        In-House Design                                                                                    very encouraging results from ongoing clinical trials involving
            Service for                                                                                    the use of checkpoint inhibitors, which enable the patient’s
                                                                                                           own immune system to fight melanomas that have spread
         remodeling and                                                                                    to the brain. This form of immunotherapy does not work for
        new construction                                                                                   everyone, but when successful the results are remarkable.
                                                                                                           Fifty-six percent of patients in these studies were significantly
                for                                                                                        helped with the brain and other metastatic sites disappearing

            Complete                                                                                       in 28% and shrinking in 30%. However, 50% had significant
                                                                                                           side effects, including severe headaches, fever, chills, brain
            Kitchens,                                                                                      swelling and inflammation of the heart, and 20% quit the
         Baths, Closets,                                                                                   trials because of them. Targeted therapy with agents such as
            Office and                                                                                     Zelboraf, Tafinlar and Mekinist prolong survival, but works
                                                                                                           only in 50% of patients who have a certain genetic mutation.
          Entertainment                                                                                    Vaccines using weakened melanoma cells to jump-start the
            Cabinetry                                                                                      immune system have had mixed results thus far. Survival
                                                                                                           depends entirely on the earliest possible diagnosis. Once it
                                                                                                           has metastasized it is generally fatal.
                                                                                                             Another promising treatment option involves combining
            Custom cabinets for Closets and Specials manufactured at                                         immune therapy with the direct injection of a modified herpes
                        our own manufacturing location in Delray                                           virus or the HPV vaccine into melanoma lesions. In many
                                                                                                           patients this has resulted in improved survival times and a
                                                                                                           better quality of life.
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