Page 18 - Boca Club News - July '19
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Page 18, Boca Club News
       Pet News

      You and Your Pet: Pool Safety Tips for Your Canine Friend

      By Dr. Nadrea Sookhoo, Hons. BSc, Hons.DVM, Calusa   design. Heavily muscled dogs (Pit Bull Terrier, Boxer) exert   7. Plan for an accident. You have read about pool safety,
      Veterinary Center, 6900 Congress Avenue, Boca Raton, FL   a lot of energy in the water due to their greater body mass.   but will you be able to respond if you had to rescue your pet
      33487 (561) 999-3000.              Sighthounds (Whippets, Greyhounds, etc.) often have the   from the water? It is important to think ahead of what you
         It’s summertime in South Florida! The weather is warm   double disadvantage of heavy muscling plus little body fat   would do if you were faced with this situation. How good a
      and humid. What better way to cool off than to go into the   to help with buoyancy. For these breeds, a well-fitting life   swimmer are you? Having a human life jacket near the pool
      pool and relax, right? Having a pool is a wonderful addition   jacket can be used to provide an additional layer of safety   could help in this situation. Make sure to know where the
      to a home; however, it does come with certain risks. Most   during water play. The use of a pool ramp can also help aid   closest emergency veterinary clinic is and have a First Aid
      people know about pool safety for children, but what about   your pooch getting into and out of the pool.  Pet Kit at home. There are places (ie: American Red Cross)
      our four-legged children? They, too, are at risk of drowning.   6. Avoid floating pool covers – Floating covers are very   that can also offer CPR classes for your pets.
      Drowning ranks fifth among leading causes of unintentional   dangerous. Dogs and children have died after falling into a   8. Watch, monitor, and supervise! The best way to
      injury and death to humans in the United States. Every day,   pool with a floating cover. Falling underneath, or even on top   make sure your four-legged best friends do not end up in an
      according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,   of a floating cover is extremely disorienting and it becomes   emergency situation is to be vigilant and keep a close eye
      about 10 people die from unintentional drowning. There isn’t   almost impossible for the dog to find his way out. Purchase   while they are in the pool.
      an equivalent government agency to compile statistics for   a pool safety cover that is anchored in place and fits over the      Pool time should be a fun time for both you and your pets.
      dogs. One pet insurance agency reports that about 1 of every   entire pool. As always, remember rule #1: a gate around the   Hopefully, these simple tips will help keep them safe!
      34,000 submitted insurance claims are related to drowning   pool is the first line of defense.
      or near-drowning.
         Let’s go over some pool safety advice/tips to help prevent
      our loving pets from a pool disaster.
         1. Get a Pool gate/fence. Limiting access to the pool is an
      easy and effective way to prevent your pet from accidentally                           ASSISTED LIVING  |  MEMORY CARE
      falling in. A good pool gate or fence around the pool is a                                              BOCA RATON
      way to limit a pet’s access. Remember to keep the pool gate
      closed at all times. Older dogs and dogs with poor vision are
      more likely to end up falling into the pool, especially when
      in unfamiliar areas (i.e., a friend’s house, in-laws). If they        Sonata                        Empowers
      do not have a pool gate or fence, it is important to be more
      vigilant. A pool gate is the first barrier to prevent an accident!
                                                                            hope • understanding • support • confidential • safe
         2. No toys in or around the pool area. Avoid temptation            hope • understanding • support • confidential • safe
      for your dog to want to jump into the pool. Do not leave your
      dog’s toys in the pool or around the pool area.
         3.  Teach your dog how to swim. Just as with small
      children, learning how to teach your dog to swim is important
      to prevent drowning. The American Kennel Club (AKC)
      recommends that you take your dog into the pool and guide
      him into the water gently. This may be unfamiliar to your
      dog, who may be unwilling to swim. First, see how your
      pet responds and be patient. Always praise his efforts as he
      learns. Inexperienced and frightened dogs will thrash around
      using their front limbs to swim. They will forget to use their
      hind end. Front-end-only swimming is ineffective and uses a
      tremendous amount of energy. It is best for you to get into the
      pool and help support the back end as your dog swims. This
      will help your pet begin to use his back legs when swimming.
      A life jacket can also help with these anxious swimmers.
         4. Teach your dog how to exit the pool. OK, so now
      your dog is in the pool, but how to exit? As you guide your
      dog into the pool it is important to teach him where the exit
      is. Allow your pet to try to paddle, and help him swim to the
      steps to get out of the pool. It is important for your dog to   Caregiver Support Group
      reach the steps and find the exit from any entry point. Try
      putting your dog in the pool from different points and then
      guide him to the exit. Your pet will know how to exit the pool   Every FIRST  THURSDAY of the month
      in case he should accidentally fall in.
         5. Make sure your dog is comfortable in the pool.
                                                                                                           Please join us
      Some dogs love water and thrive in it. However, not all   Connecting with others who have the same   Please join us
      dogs are going to feel comfortable in the water. If your pet   kinds of struggles as you do is an important
                                                                                                           Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018
      seems unsure of the water at first, be patient and try again   part of coping with Alzheimer’s disease.   Thursday, Aug. 1, 2019
      next time. Some dogs are more comfortable after the second   Groups are facilitated by trained profes-
                                                                                                           300PM - 4:00PM
      or third time in the pool. Not all dogs are able, however, to   sionals or former family caregivers, whose   3:30PM - 4:30PM
      swim properly. The anatomy of your dog effects how well   primary purpose is to provide knowledge
                                                                                                           Every First Thursday of the Month
      your dog will swim. Breeds with broad chests and shorter   about Alzheimer’s disease while allowing   Every First Thursday of the Month
      legs (Pugs, Corgi, Bulldogs) are not effective swimmers by   members to receive emotional support and  Seating is limited
                                                                                                           Seating is limited
                                                           encouragement from others in a similar
             Attention Dog Owners                          situation.                                             Come See What We
                                                                                                                       Have To Offer
           It is your responsibility to pick up after your   Our Support Group Can Help You:
             dog. It’s the law. Some of you have been                                                      • Get practical advice and information
                     negligent in doing so.                 • Feel less lonely, isolated or judged         • Help you keep your loved one at home longer
                                                            • Gain a sense of empowerment and control
                                                                                                           • Improve your quality of life for the person you
                                                            • Improve coping skills
                                                                                                           care for
                                                            • Reduce distress, depression or anxiety
                                                            • Develop a clearer understanding of what to
                                                            expect                                         RSVP to 561.477.8808

                                                              Come see our BRAND NEW LOOK!

                                                                      9591 Yamato Road, Boca Raton, FL 33434

                     Please keep our                                                        Learn more at
               Boca community beautiful!                                                                                        ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY # 9911
                                                                        Accepting Private Pay, Long Term Care Insurance and VA Benefi ts for those who qualify
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