Page 16 - Boca Club News - July '19
P. 16

Page 16, Boca Club News
       The Arts

      Book Review: “The Secret Wisdom of Nature: Trees, Animals

      and the Extraordinary Balance of All Living Things”

      By Nils A. Shapiro                                many others. In this fact-filled,                  who were worried about their livestock; the last wolf there was
         This is the third in a trilogy of              anecdotal and engaging book, the                   killed in the 1930s. The result was that Yellowstone’s rivers
      international  bestsellers  by  Peter             author devotes chapters to these                   began to change course, meander, riverbanks became stripped
      Wohlleben, whose decades of                       various  emotions,  providing                      of vegetation, and seasonal flooding caused soil erosion. You
      experience as the overseer of one                 specific experiences with animals                  will learn the interesting reason for this, a perfect example of the
      of Europe’s oldest natural forests-               that demonstrate such feelings.                    consequences of human interference without thinking through
      --combined with his thirst for                       Peter Wohlleben’s  newest                       the consequences.
      new research and knowledge, his                   book, “The Secret Wisdom of                           • It is a surprising fact that the salmon---which swim
      personal compassion and convincing                Nature: Trees, Animals, and the                    upstream, fighting their way up waterfalls and trying to
      presentations ---have changed the way millions of people view   Extraordinary Balance of All         escape the clutches of bears in order to spawn in the American
      the world around them.                            Living Things,” brings all of his                  northwest---also at the same time help the local trees to grow
         I count myself among such people, and my life is richer for   important thoughts together in      higher and stronger!
      it.                                               what may be his single most critical warning to us all—one      • Trees are rooted in place? The forest trees in Central Europe
         The first of this author’s books that I read, and reviewed   that is expressed in the last paragraph of his book, just before   that like cold weather are trying to migrate further north because
      in this column, was “The Hidden Life of Trees: What They   the Epilogue: “...our problem today isn’t cold but increasingly   of climate warming, but human logging and property laws
      Feel, How They Communicate—Discoveries from a Secret   warm temperatures. The positive message from all this is that   are stifling their natural desire and ability to move in order to
      World.” In what turned out to be one of the most unforgettable   not only can we win back the original forests, but doing that   survive the global warming crisis.
      books I have ever read, a true life changer, this professional   could also steer the climate in the right direction. And to achieve      • Perhaps you had better not look too closely, but chances
      forester describes hundreds of clear and remarkable scientific   this we don’t even need to do anything. Just the opposite, in fact.   are there may be uninvited creatures (such as bacteria and water
      facts about the many species of trees in natural forests, all of   We need to leave things alone—on as large a scale as possible.”  lice) in your morning coffee, thanks to underground water that
      which information leads to an undeniable truth: that trees have      Mind you, the author clearly recognizes the danger of   leaks into pipes.
      not only Intelligence, but other abilities that were heretofore   climate change. By saying “leave things alone,” he is decrying-     • The author is surprisingly objective in his approach to
      unrecognized. Since I read this book, I now marvel at and   --among other things---the annual destruction of millions of   many issues. As partial as he is to the trees that are so much of
      cherish the trees that I pass as I walk and drive past them,   acres of natural forest (the logging of trees that provide the   his life, when he discusses such subjects as the bark beetles,
      aware of what is happening both above and below the ground.   very oxygen we humans rely on to breathe!), as well as the   aphids, fungi, ants, deer, woodpeckers and other creatures that
      It is an awesome feeling, one I wish we would make available   accelerated extraction of oil and gas that adds carbon dioxide   prey upon and can destroy a tree, he also presents the case for
      to everyone by teaching this to students at an earlier age.  into the atmosphere and speeds up the heating of our planet. But   their individual right to life and survival, and the contribution
         Some months later, I read the author’s second book,   Wohlleben, as he forcefully and brilliantly describes throughout   that each makes in the overall network of nature.
      “The Inner Life of Animals: Love, Grief, and Compassion—  this book, points out that nature has a way of healing itself over      • A perfect example of the negative impact of human
      Surprising Observations of a Hidden World.” In this case, as a   time if we humans stop interfering with the process.   interference occurred in Germany in the heavy-snow winter
      result of my own deep love of all animals from the time I was a      He tells that story with hundreds of fascinating examples of   of 2012-13. Hunters set out racks of food for deer in the
      child, I needed no convincing of the fact that both domesticated   the impact of our interference---not only now, but from the time   forest—not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because
      and wild creatures share the wide range of emotions that   of the Neanderthals---as well as ways in which other creatures   they wanted to be sure to have enough good-sized antlers as
      behavioral scientists until recently ascribed only to humans.   also influence the world around them.   hunting trophies. As a result, the deer population increased so
      Studies in recent years have revealed that very many species      Here are just a few examples:      much that there wasn’t enough food for all of them the rest of
      share such feelings as love, gratitude, intelligence, fear, desire,      • In the nineteenth century, a decision was made to rid
      courage, grief, shame, empathy, pain, regret, altruism, and so   Yellowstone National Park of wolves at the request of ranchers   Book Review on page 17
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