Page 12 - Boca Club News - July '19
P. 12

Page 12, Boca Club News
       Food & Entertaining

      Signature Recipe from Broken Sound’s Executive Chef

      Joe Longo: Roasted Cauliflower Tacos with Summer Salsa

         Here is a healthy, vegetarian, light           Serves 6                                           at least 20 minutes before serving.
      version of the most popular of all                Ingredients:                                          Crank your oven to 400°F. Grab a
      Mexican dishes—a perfect choice for               1 head cauliflower (about 1 pound)                 rimmed baking sheet.
      lunch, dinner, or to enjoy poolside on            ¾ cup beer                                            Chop the cauliflower into small
      these hot summer days, right from Chef            ¼ cup vegetable broth                              florets no bigger than a quarter. In a
      Longo’s personal recipe collection. It’s          1 tablespoon lime juice                            saucepan, warm the beer, broth, lime
      further proof that Chef Longo’s culinary          1½ teaspoons soy sauce or tamari                   juice, tamari, hot sauce, and garlic over
      skills extend well beyond his already             1½ tablespoons of your go-to chipotle hot sauce    medium heat. Add the cauliflower and
      deserved reputation for expertise in seafood, Italian cuisine   1 to 2 cloves garlic, sliced         simmer for about 1½ minutes. Drain.   Photo by Jon Ricco
      and American Fusion. Chef Longo’s recipes are presented in   1½ teaspoons chili powder                  Toss the spices, salt, and olive oil
      his series of columns here with the cooperation of Clubhouse   1 teaspoon smoked paprika             together in a large bowl. Add the cauliflower and onion and
      Manager Ed Cichielo; Director of Catering Lorant Botha and,   ¼ teaspoon ground cumin                stir ‘til coated. Place it on the baking sheet and bake until
      in some cases, Pastry Chef Christophe Joly.       ¼ teaspoon garlic powder                           browned, stirring half way, about 20 minutes.
                                                        Pinch of salt                                         To make the tacos, warm the tortillas in the oven or
                                                        1 tablespoon olive oil                             microwave for a hot minute and then pile them high with
                                                        ½ yellow onion, chopped                            the cauliflower filling, slices of avocado, some of the slaw,
                                                        6 corn tortillas                                   and top with plenty of salsa.
                                                        1 avocado, sliced
                                                        Taco Slaw
                                                        Ingredients for the Salsa:
                                                        1 pound tomatoes, chopped
                                                        (about 2 cups)
      Lorant Botha    Ed Cichielo     Christophe Joly   ½ white onion, chopped (about
                                                        ½ cup)
                                                        2 to 3 cloves garlic
                                                        1 jalapeño, diced
                                                        2 tablespoons lime juice
                                                        1 tablespoon orange juice
                                                        ¼ cup chopped cilantro
                                                        ½ teaspoon salt
                                                           Make the Salsa: Mix
                                                        everything together in a bowl
                                                        and leave it chunky, or throw
                                                        everything in a food processor
                                                        and run until you get the
                                                        consistency you prefer. Chill
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